Výběr titulů – Kuba Libri říjen 2021
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ISBN | název | cena | po slevě | obor | URL | |
1 | 9780367460624 | Advanced Trends in ICT for Innovative Business Management | 3160 Kč | 2528 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
2 | 9783030668938 | Data Science for Economics and Finance | 1140 Kč | 912 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
3 | 9783030751104 | Human Resources Information Systems | 1970 Kč | 1576 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
4 | 9781839098130 | Information Technology in Organisations and Societies | 2480 Kč | 1984 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
5 | 9781292403281 | Management Information Systems | 2140 Kč | 1712 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
6 | 9781473774605 | Principles of Business Information Systems | 1880 Kč | 1504 Kč | Aplikovaná informatika | detail |
7 | 9781839108952 | Advanced Introduction to Creative Industries | 590 Kč | 472 Kč | Arts management | detail |
8 | 9781501348877 | Art Markets, Agents and Collectors | 3200 Kč | 2560 Kč | Arts management | detail |
9 | 9780367351151 | Digital Transformation in Cultural and Creative Industries | 3900 Kč | 3120 Kč | Arts management | detail |
10 | 9781108704977 | Economics of Visual Art | 760 Kč | 608 Kč | Arts management | detail |
11 | 9781138314214 | New Arts Entrepreneur | 1080 Kč | 864 Kč | Arts management | detail |
12 | 9783030572877 | Academic Tourism | 3680 Kč | 2944 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
13 | 9780367897352 | Economics of Tourism and Hospitality | 1220 Kč | 976 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
14 | 9780367343521 | Hospitality Management and Digital Transformation | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
15 | 9781845416867 | Inclusive Tourism Futures | 990 Kč | 792 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
16 | 9781538135174 | Introduction to Geography of Tourism | 2000 Kč | 1600 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
17 | 9781789245073 | Issues and Cases of Degrowth in Tourism | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
18 | 9780520215955 | Lure of Beach | 830 Kč | 664 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
19 | 9783030641108 | Marketing Tourism and Hospitality: Concepts and Cases | 1420 Kč | 1136 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
20 | 9781789241754 | New Directions in Garden Tourism | 1250 Kč | 1000 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
21 | 9781839097072 | Overtourism as Destination Risk | 2550 Kč | 2040 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
22 | 9781789241211 | Social Tourism: Global Challenges and Approaches | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
23 | 9780367236588 | SPSS Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Researchers | 1090 Kč | 872 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
24 | 9781845418113 | Tourism Paradoxes: Contradictions, Controversies and Challenges | 990 Kč | 792 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
25 | 9781786394774 | Tourism Routes and Trails: Theory and Practice | 830 Kč | 664 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
26 | 9781911635369 | Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
27 | 9781789245837 | Tourist Destinations: Structure and Synthesis | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
28 | 9783030633509 | Travel Industry Economics | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Cestovní ruch | detail |
29 | 9783030382179 | Applied Multiregional Demography Through Problems | 1420 Kč | 1136 Kč | Demografie | detail |
30 | 9783030228767 | Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification | 4200 Kč | 3360 Kč | Demografie | detail |
31 | 9781538140772 | Population Geography: Tools and Issue | 2140 Kč | 1712 Kč | Demografie | detail |
32 | 9783030570682 | Population Change and Public Policy | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Demografie | detail |
33 | 9783030673475 | Social Background and Demographic Life Course | 1140 Kč | 912 Kč | Demografie | detail |
34 | 9781108745888 | Advances in Experimental Political Science | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
35 | 9781838604615 | Contemporary Diplomacy in Action | 760 Kč | 608 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
36 | 9781788212915 | Corbynism in Perspective | 2100 Kč | 1680 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
37 | 9780691177465 | Decline and Rise of Democracy | 980 Kč | 784 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
38 | 9789463727167 | Experts‘ Guide to International Protocol | 1880 Kč | 1504 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
39 | 9781119538509 | Global Issues: Introduction | 1090 Kč | 872 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
40 | 9781788213332 | China’s Hong Kong | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
41 | 9789811611551 | Chinese Diplomacy in New Era | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
42 | 9781316633021 | International Relations in Middle East | 720 Kč | 576 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
43 | 9780198814443 | International Relations Theories | 1120 Kč | 896 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
44 | 9781838604561 | New Theory and Practice of Diplomacy | 760 Kč | 608 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
45 | 9780367472573 | Party Politics in America | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
46 | 9780367636791 | Political Communication and COVID-19 | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
47 | 9780367543198 | Political Thinking, Political Theory and Civil Society | 2260 Kč | 1808 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
48 | 9780367487164 | Psychology of Political Polarization | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
49 | 9781529208191 | Rethinking Peace Mediation | 2700 Kč | 2160 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
50 | 9783030604134 | Science and Diplomacy | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
51 | 9780241491652 | Ten Lessons for Post-Pandemic World | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Diplomacie & Politika | detail |
52 | 9781788974851 | Anti-Money Laundering Regulation and Compliance | 2140 Kč | 1712 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
53 | 9789001899783 | Basic Guide to International Business Law | 1640 Kč | 1312 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
54 | 9781265406394 | Business Law: Ethical, Global and Digital Environment | 1450 Kč | 1160 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
55 | 9781264966745 | Essentials of Business Law | 1450 Kč | 1160 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
56 | 9780367472344 | International Business Law and Legal Environment | 1980 Kč | 1584 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
57 | 9780367646622 | International Trade Law Statutes and Conventions 2019-2021 | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
58 | 9781108790840 | Money and Rule of Law | 750 Kč | 600 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
59 | 9780190919665 | Oxford Handbook of New Private Law | 3800 Kč | 3040 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
60 | 9781527568679 | Sharing Economy: Legal Problems of Permutations and Combinations Society | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
61 | 9781509937028 | Smart Contracts | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
62 | 9781108485241 | Taxing Digital Economy | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Ekonomické právo | detail |
63 | 9780367514068 | Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions | 3900 Kč | 3120 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
64 | 9780198832348 | Behavioural Theory of Economic Development | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
65 | 9780674980822 | Capital and Ideology | 1000 Kč | 800 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
66 | 9780367422516 | Circular Economy for Management of Operations | 3280 Kč | 2624 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
67 | 9789811222184 | Conceptual Economics | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
68 | 9783030625689 | Cosmos Economy | 650 Kč | 520 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
69 | 9780691217079 | Deaths of Despair and Future of Capitalism | 490 Kč | 392 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
70 | 9781032003320 | Democratic Economic Planning | 1220 Kč | 976 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
71 | 9780367456474 | Development Economics | 2260 Kč | 1808 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
72 | 9781788212519 | Economic Anthropology | 520 Kč | 416 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
73 | 9781009002028 | Economic Principles of Commodity Taxation | 490 Kč | 392 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
74 | 9781788213448 | Economics of Fishing | 620 Kč | 496 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
75 | 9780367565657 | Economics of Intellectual Property and Openness | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
76 | 9780357133996 | Economics: Private & Public Choice | 4980 Kč | 3984 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
77 | 9783030706678 | Foundations and Applications of Complexity Economics | 2540 Kč | 2032 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
78 | 9781800713154 | Global Tariff War | 2540 Kč | 2032 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
79 | 9781788972710 | Handbook of Circular Economy | 7000 Kč | 5600 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
80 | 9780128158746 | Handbook of Historical Economics | 3150 Kč | 2520 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
81 | 9781800886094 | Handbook of Sharing Economy | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
82 | 9781788210812 | Chinese Economy | 560 Kč | 448 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
83 | 9780367646721 | London’s Global Office Economy | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
84 | 9780198853091 | Macroeconomic Policy in Fragile States | 3600 Kč | 2880 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
85 | 9780367134754 | Nordic Economic, Social and Political Model | 3900 Kč | 3120 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
86 | 9781800379961 | Pandemic Economics | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
87 | 9781138616066 | Politics of Ponzi Schemes | 1420 Kč | 1136 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
88 | 9781788213264 | Price of Football | 430 Kč | 344 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
89 | 9781108843379 | Seven Deadly Economic Sins | 620 Kč | 496 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
90 | 9783030682132 | Taxation History, Theory, Law and Administration | 2820 Kč | 2256 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
91 | 9780198808077 | Taxing Profit in Global Economy | 820 Kč | 656 Kč | Ekonomie | detail |
92 | 9780367903879 | Beyond Recycling | 720 Kč | 576 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
93 | 9781108484671 | Companies and Climate Change | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
94 | 9780367567354 | Diversity and Inclusion in Environmentalism | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
95 | 9781527567184 | Ecological Footprint of Tourism | 1940 Kč | 1552 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
96 | 9781793644473 | Economics and Politics of Energy in Middle East and Eastern Europe | 2400 Kč | 1920 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
97 | 9781316615072 | Economics of Water Resources | 890 Kč | 712 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
98 | 9781108708302 | Environment and Externality | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
99 | 9781793633873 | Environmental Sustainability | 2400 Kč | 1920 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
100 | 9781509932481 | Global Energy Transition | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
101 | 9780128190395 | Guide to Econometric Methods for Energy-Growth Nexus | 2520 Kč | 2016 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
102 | 9780128147122 | Handbook of Energy Economics and Policy | 5000 Kč | 4000 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
103 | 9783030687397 | Introduction to Project Finance in Renewable Energy Infrastructure | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
104 | 9783030599829 | Monetizing Natural Gas in New “New Deal” Economy | 3380 Kč | 2704 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
105 | 9780367077617 | Natural Resources and Environment | 1090 Kč | 872 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
106 | 9781119707707 | Power Economics | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
107 | 9780231197489 | Russian Energy Chains | 890 Kč | 712 Kč | Environmentální ekonomie, energetika | detail |
108 | 9780367426446 | Behavioral Economics | 1580 Kč | 1264 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
109 | 9781786616128 | Ethics of Conflicts of Interest in Business | 890 Kč | 712 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
110 | 9781839107726 | Fundamentals of Happiness: Economic Perspective | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
111 | 9783030594824 | Institutionalist Theories of Money: Anthology of French School | 3370 Kč | 2696 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
112 | 9781788974455 | Modern Guide to Philosophy of Economics | 4240 Kč | 3392 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
113 | 9781138492363 | Philosophy and Management Studies | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
114 | 9781350226081 | Practical and Professional Ethics: Key Concepts | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
115 | 9780198864929 | Sustainability Beyond Technology | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
116 | 9780367202354 | Understanding Money: Philosophical Frameworks of Monetary Value | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Filozofie | detail |
117 | 9781119728047 | Bank Investing: Practitioner’s Field Guide | 1020 Kč | 816 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
118 | 9781788211963 | Banking on State | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
119 | 9781771888974 | Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things | 4520 Kč | 3616 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
120 | 9781788213011 | British Business Banking | 1980 Kč | 1584 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
121 | 9781119639688 | Business of Venture Capital | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
122 | 9781119349105 | Commodity Derivatives: Markets and Applications | 2140 Kč | 1712 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
123 | 9781138324329 | Contemporary Issues in Development Finance | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
124 | 9781108732024 | Corporate Finance | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
125 | 9781119705369 | Crypto Asset Investing in Age of Autonomy | 1020 Kč | 816 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
126 | 9781119621164 | Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology Applications | 4800 Kč | 3840 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
127 | 9781788212953 | European Central Bank | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
128 | 9780197573136 | FED Power | 560 Kč | 448 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
129 | 9780198856955 | Financial Deregulation | 2120 Kč | 1696 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
130 | 9781788211185 | Financial Inclusion | 520 Kč | 416 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
131 | 9781786305671 | Financial Information and Brand Value | 4100 Kč | 3280 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
132 | 9781789665437 | Financial Technology | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
133 | 9780367360726 | Freight Derivatives and Risk Management in Shipping | 1800 Kč | 1440 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
134 | 9781789664546 | Green and Sustainable Finance | 1650 Kč | 1320 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
135 | 9781786300669 | Innovation and Financial Markets | 4120 Kč | 3296 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
136 | 9780192895912 | Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis | 2900 Kč | 2320 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
137 | 9781138594708 | Preparing for Next Financial Crisis | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
138 | 9781292349749 | Principles of Risk Management and Insurance | 2100 Kč | 1680 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
139 | 9781119642466 | Project Finance | 1640 Kč | 1312 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
140 | 9781264892884 | Real Estate Finance & Investments | 1450 Kč | 1160 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
141 | 9780198861089 | Regional Development Banks in World Economy | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
142 | 9780367740269 | Risk Measures and Insurance Solvency Benchmarks | 2980 Kč | 2384 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
143 | 9781800434455 | Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation | 2400 Kč | 1920 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
144 | 9781119371106 | Structured Finance | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Finance, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví | detail |
145 | 9781498595971 | Big Business in America: Corporate Century, 1900–2000 | 3020 Kč | 2416 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
146 | 9780190877279 | Designing One Nation | 1180 Kč | 944 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
147 | 9781138921986 | Economic History of Central, East and South-East Europe | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
148 | 9780691217024 | European Guilds: Economic Analysis | 820 Kč | 656 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
149 | 9780812252897 | Illustrated Business History of United States | 1050 Kč | 840 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
150 | 9783030589257 | Introduction to History of Economic Thought in Central Europe | 2550 Kč | 2040 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
151 | 9780674986497 | Market Maoists | 1050 Kč | 840 Kč | Hospodářské dějiny | detail |
152 | 9781523088201 | 5 Disciplines of Inclusive Leaders | 830 Kč | 664 Kč | Management | detail |
153 | 9781292329994 | Build Your Community | 560 Kč | 448 Kč | Management | detail |
154 | 9780198864776 | Business Ethics | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Management | detail |
155 | 9781071800027 | Cross-Cultural Management | 2520 Kč | 2016 Kč | Management | detail |
156 | 9781838672461 | Enterprise Risk Management in Europe | 2550 Kč | 2040 Kč | Management | detail |
157 | 9780198870999 | Failure Management | 2140 Kč | 1712 Kč | Management | detail |
158 | 9781107182912 | Flow of Management Ideas | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Management | detail |
159 | 9781119563112 | Global Marketing Management | 3120 Kč | 2496 Kč | Management | detail |
160 | 9781108486866 | Innovation from Emerging Markets | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Management | detail |
161 | 9780358567059 | Lights Out | 460 Kč | 368 Kč | Management | detail |
162 | 9781529734515 | Management and Business Research | 1380 Kč | 1104 Kč | Management | detail |
163 | 9781266071010 | Managerial Economics & Business Strategy | 1450 Kč | 1160 Kč | Management | detail |
164 | 9781119711001 | Managing Business Ethics | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Management | detail |
165 | 9789811239595 | Managing Infrastructure Projects | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Management | detail |
166 | 9780198868378 | Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy | 3600 Kč | 2880 Kč | Management | detail |
167 | 9781119377238 | Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods and Applications | 4000 Kč | 3200 Kč | Management | detail |
168 | 9781119773290 | Self-Service Data Analytics and Governance for Managers | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Management | detail |
169 | 9780198835615 | Strategic Advertising Management | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Management | detail |
170 | 9781529758245 | Strategic Management | 1720 Kč | 1376 Kč | Management | detail |
171 | 9780753553893 | Think Again | 490 Kč | 392 Kč | Management | detail |
172 | 9781119707943 | Total Facility Management | 1640 Kč | 1312 Kč | Management | detail |
173 | 9780198859833 | Understanding Strategic Management | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Management | detail |
174 | 9781529718508 | Advertising and Promotion | 1490 Kč | 1192 Kč | Marketing | detail |
175 | 9781119691495 | Advertising by Design | 1900 Kč | 1520 Kč | Marketing | detail |
176 | 9781529720129 | Brand Management | 1480 Kč | 1184 Kč | Marketing | detail |
177 | 9780367201470 | Business-to-Business Marketing | 1780 Kč | 1424 Kč | Marketing | detail |
178 | 9781944659745 | Customer Relationship Marketing | 1650 Kč | 1320 Kč | Marketing | detail |
179 | 9780367900922 | Experiential Marketing | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Marketing | detail |
180 | 9780198829256 | Fundamentals of Marketing | 1380 Kč | 1104 Kč | Marketing | detail |
181 | 9781292304021 | Global Marketing | 2150 Kč | 1720 Kč | Marketing | detail |
182 | 9781472979568 | Influence | 360 Kč | 288 Kč | Marketing | detail |
183 | 9781292411217 | Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications | 1990 Kč | 1592 Kč | Marketing | detail |
184 | 9789353887094 | Intelligent Marketing: Employing New-Age Technologies | 530 Kč | 424 Kč | Marketing | detail |
185 | 9780367441999 | Introduction to Advertising | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Marketing | detail |
186 | 9781119668510 | Marketing 5.0: Technology for Humanity | 720 Kč | 576 Kč | Marketing | detail |
187 | 9780190090807 | Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations | 850 Kč | 680 Kč | Marketing | detail |
188 | 9781119716310 | Marketing Research | 3100 Kč | 2480 Kč | Marketing | detail |
189 | 9781108792691 | Marketing Research Methods | 1640 Kč | 1312 Kč | Marketing | detail |
190 | 9781292373805 | New Marketing Playbook | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Marketing | detail |
191 | 9781526490100 | New Marketing: How to Win in Digital Age | 990 Kč | 792 Kč | Marketing | detail |
192 | 9781119771036 | Nonprofit Marketing Guide | 1020 Kč | 816 Kč | Marketing | detail |
193 | 9781260460421 | ROI in Marketing | 1030 Kč | 824 Kč | Marketing | detail |
194 | 9780730390329 | Social Media for Small Business | 560 Kč | 448 Kč | Marketing | detail |
195 | 9781529731989 | Social Media Marketing | 1740 Kč | 1392 Kč | Marketing | detail |
196 | 9781529720822 | Social Media Marketing: Theories and Applications | 1320 Kč | 1056 Kč | Marketing | detail |
197 | 9781492594628 | Sport Marketing | 3700 Kč | 2960 Kč | Marketing | detail |
198 | 9781526494634 | Sustainable Marketing: Holistic Approach | 1490 Kč | 1192 Kč | Marketing | detail |
199 | 9780367758585 | EU Regional Trade Agreements | 1080 Kč | 864 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
200 | 9783662629420 | Growth and International Trade | 2400 Kč | 1920 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
201 | 9780691206592 | China and WTO: Why Multilateralism Still Matters | 720 Kč | 576 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
202 | 9780367462642 | International Trade in Services | 1280 Kč | 1024 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
203 | 9781800882355 | Navigating Free Trade–Fair Trade Fault-Lines | 2300 Kč | 1840 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
204 | 9780367513979 | Value and Unequal Exchange in International Trade | 3900 Kč | 3120 Kč | Mezinárodní obchod | detail |
205 | 9781032047997 | Border Ireland: From Partition to Brexit | 660 Kč | 528 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
206 | 9780198871279 | Brexit and Future of European Union | 990 Kč | 792 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
207 | 9780199589753 | Business Lobbying in European Union | 2460 Kč | 1968 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
208 | 9783030798949 | Economic and Political Dangers of Globalization | 3090 Kč | 2472 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
209 | 9780674244139 | Economic Integration of Europe | 1050 Kč | 840 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
210 | 9780367558314 | Economics and Politics of European Integration | 1280 Kč | 1024 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
211 | 9783030559472 | Economics of Brexit Revisited | 850 Kč | 680 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
212 | 9781108492836 | Economisation of Climate Change | 2470 Kč | 1976 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
213 | 9781487507763 | Euro-Austerity and Welfare States | 1550 Kč | 1240 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
214 | 9780367444433 | European Futures: Challenges and Crossroads for European Union of 2050 | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
215 | 9781527559820 | European Integration Crisis: Economic Analysis | 1450 Kč | 1160 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
216 | 9781352011883 | European Union and Global Politics | 1140 Kč | 912 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
217 | 9783030636715 | European Union and Technology Shift | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
218 | 9781032009711 | Europeanization and Statebuilding as Everyday Practices | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
219 | 9780198831303 | Foundations of European Politics | 1150 Kč | 920 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
220 | 9783030682255 | Germany’s Role in European Russia Policy | 2800 Kč | 2240 Kč | Mezinárodní spolupráce | detail |
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