Robert John Aumann

Profesor Robert John Aumann má své kořeny v Německu – narodil se 8. června 1930 ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem. V roce 1938 se krátce před „Křišťálovou nocí“ dostává s rodiči do USA. Matematické vzdělání získal na Massachusetts Institute of Technology, kde v roce 1955 obhájil doktorát. R. J. Aumann má dvojí občanství – americké a izraelské. Jeho hlavním působištěm byla a stále je Hebrew University of Jerusalem, kde v roce 1968 získal profesuru a v současnosti má titul emeritního profesora.

V době udělení Pamětní ceny Alfreda Nobela pětasedmdesátiletý Aumann se ve svých pracích, založených na matematické analýze, zabývá teorií takzvaných „nekonečně opakovaných her“, která se snaží odhadovat výsledky dlouhodobých procesů a vztahů.

Robert Aumann se spolu s Američanem Thomasem Schellingem z University of Maryland, spoludržitelem ocenění, pokusili zodpovědět otázku, proč některé skupiny, organizace a země spolupracují, zatímco jiné ovládají konflikty.

Aumann je držitelem i mnoha dalších významných ocenění za svou vědeckou práci – např. Israel Prize in Economics (1994), EMET Prize in Economics (2002), je členem např. Econometric Society (od 1966), American Economic Association (od 1993), aj. Byl mu udělen čestný doktorát např. na University of Bonn, University Catholique de Louvain, University of Chicago.

Profesor Robert J. Aumann se roku 1955 oženil s Esther Schlesinger, se kterou měl pět dětí, nejstarší syn Shlomo tragicky zahynul roku 1982 při výkonu služby v izraelské armádě. Roku 1988 Aumann ovdověl a v roce 2005 se znovu oženil. Za manželku si vzal ovdovělou sestru své zemřelé ženy, Batya Cohn. V současnosti má R. Aumann 19 vnoučat a dvě pravnoučata.


AUMANN, R. J. Collected papers. Vol. 1 – 2. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2000.

AUMANN, R. J., MASCHLER, M. Repeated games with incomplete information. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1995.

AUMANN, R. J. Lectures on game theory (Underground classics in economics). Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.

AUMANN, R. J., TAUMAN, Y., ZAMIR, S. Game theory. Vols 1, 2. Tel Aviv: Everyman’s University, 1981.

AUMANN, R. J., SHAPLEY, L. S. Values of non-atomic games. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974.


AUMANN, R. J. Musings on information and knowledge. Econ Journal Watch, Apr. 2005, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 88 – 96.

AUMANN, R. J., HART, S. Long cheap talk. Econometrica, Nov. 2003, vol. 71, no. 6, p. 1619 – 1660.

AUMANN, R. J. Presidential address. Games and Economical Behavior, Oct. 2003, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 2 – 14.

AUMANN, R. J. Risk aversion in the Talmud. Economic Theory, 2003, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 233 – 239.

AUMANN, R. J. Harsanyi’s sweater. Games and Economic Behavior, July 2001, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 7 – 8.

WERNER, G., AUMANN, R. J. Species survival and revolutionary stability in sustainable habitats. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2000, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 437 – 447.

AUMANN, R. J. Interactive epistemology I: Knowledge. International Journal of Game Theory, 1999, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 263 – 300.

AUMANN, R. J. Interactive epistemology II: Probability. International Journal of Game Theory, 1999, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 301 – 314.

AUMANN, R. J. On the centipede game. Games and Economic Behavior, Apr. 1998, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 97 – 105.

AUMANN, R. J. Common priors: a reply to Gul. Econometrica, July 1998, vol. 66, no. 4, p. 929 – 938.

AUMANN, R. J., HART, S., PERRY, M. The absent-minded driver. Games and Economic Behavior, July 1997, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 102 – 116.

AUMANN, R. J., HART, S., PERRY, M. The forgetfull passenger. Games and Economic Behavior, July 1997, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 117 – 120.

AUMANN, R. J. Rationality and bounded rationality. Games and Economic Behavior, Oct. 1997, vol. 21, no. 1 – 2, p. 2 – 14.

AUMANN, R. J. Reply to Binmore. Games and Economic Behavior, Nov. 1996, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 138 – 146.

AUMANN, R. J., BRANDENBURGER, A. Epistemic conditions for Nash equilibrium. Econometrica, Sept. 1995, vol. 63, no. 5, p. 1161 – 1180.

AUMANN, R. J., SORIN, S. Cooperation and bounded recall. Games and Economic Behavior, March 1989, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 5 – 39.

AUMANN, R. J. Correlated equilibrium as an expression of bayesian rationality. Econometrica, Jan. 1987, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 1 – 18.

AUMANN, R. J., KURZ, M., NEYMAN, A. Power and public goods. Journal of Economic Theory, June 1987, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 108 – 127.

AUMANN, R. J. Value, symmetry, and equal treatment: a comment. /Non-symmetric cardinal value allocations/. Econometrica, Nov. 1987, vol. 55, no. 6, p. 1461 – 1464.

AUMANN, R. J. Rejoinder /Values for games without sidepayments: some difficulties with current concepts/. Econometrica, July 1986, vol. 54, no. 4, p. 985 – 989.

AUMANN, R. J., DREZE, J. Values of markets with satisfaction or fixed prices. Econometrica, Nov. 1986, vol. 54, no. 6, p. 1271 – 1318.

AUMANN, R. J. An axiomatization of the non-transferable utility value. Econometrica, May 1985, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 599 – 612.

AUMANN, R. J., MASCHLER, M. Game theoretic analysis of a bankrupcy problem from the Talmud. Journal of Economic Theory, Aug. 1985, vol. 36, no. 2, p. 195 – 213.

AUMANN, R. J., KURZ. M., NEYMAN, A. Voting for public goods. Review of Economic Studies, Oct. 1983, vol. 50, no. 4, p. 677 – 693.

AUMANN, R. J. On the rate of convergence of the core. International Economic Review, June 1979, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 349 – 357.

AUMANN, R. J., KURZ, M. Power and taxes in a multi-commodity economy. Journal of Public Economics, Apr. 1978, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 139 – 161.

AUMANN, R. J. The St. Petersburg paradox: A discussion of some recent comments. Journal of Economic Theory, Apr. 1977, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 443 – 445.

AUMANN, R. J., GARDNER, R. J., ROSENTHAL, R. W. Core and value for a public-goods economy: an example. Journal of Economic Theory, Aug. 1977, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 363 – 365.

AUMANN, R. J., KURZ, M. Power and taxes. Econometrica, July 1977, vol. 45, no. 5, p. 1137 – 1161.

AUMANN, R. J. An elementary proof that integration preserves uppersemicontinuity. Journal of Mathematical Economics, March 1976, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 15 – 18.

AUMANN, R. J. Values of markets with a continuum of traders. Econometrica, July 1975, vol. 43, no. 4, p. 611 – 646.

AUMANN, R. J., PELEG, B. A note on Gale’s example. Journal of Mathematical Economics, Aug. 1974, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 209 – 211.

AUMANN, R. J. Subjectivity and correlation in randomized strategies. Journal of Mathematical Economics, March 1974, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 67 – 96.

AUMANN, R. J. Disadvantagenous monopolies. Journal of Economic Theory, Febr. 1973, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 1 – 11.

Working papers, proceedings, přednášky, aj.

AUMANN, R. J. , SERRANO, R. An economic index of riskiness. Levine’s Bibliography 3213070000000000585, UCLA Department of Economics, 2006.

AUMANN, R. J., HART, S., PERRY, M. Conditioning and the sure-thing principle. Discussion Paper Series dp393, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2005.

AUMANN, R. J. Consciousness. Discussion Paper Series dp391, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2005.

AUMANN, R. J. Musings on information and knowledge. Discussion Paper Series dp389, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2005.

AUMANN, R. J. War and peace. Discussion Paper Series dp428, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2005.

AUMANN, R. J., DREZE, J. H. When all is said and done, how should you play and what should you expect?. Discussion Paper Series dp387, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2005.

AUMANN, R. J., FURSTENBERG, H., LAPIDES, I., et al. Analyses of the „Gans“. Committee Report. Discussion Paper Series dp365, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2004.

AUMANN, R. J., DREZE, J. H. Assessing strategic risk. Discussion Paper Series dp361, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2004.

AUMANN, R. J., FURSTENBERG, H. Findings of the committee to investigate the Gans-Inbal results on equidistant letter sequences in Genesis. Discussion Paper Series dp 364, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2004.

AUMANN, R. J., FURSTENBERG, H. Risk aversion in the Talmud. Discussion Paper Series dp287, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2002.

AUMANN, R. J. Game theory, Bilbao 2000. Discussion Paper Series dp293, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decission Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2002.

AUMANN, R. J., HART, S. Long cheap talk. Discussion Paper Series dp284, Center for the Study of Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2002.

AUMANN, R. J., HEIFETZ, A. Incomplete information. Working Papers 1124, California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2001.

AUMANN, R. J., SHAPLEY, L. S. Long term competition – a game theoretic analysis. UCLA Economics Working Papers 676, UCLA Department of Economics, 1992.

AUMANN, R. J. Random measure preserving transformations. Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 193, Cowles Foundation, Yale University, 1965.

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Robert John Aumann