Lawrence Robert Klein

Lawrence Robert Klein se narodil 14. září 1920 ve městě Omaha, stát Nebraska. Byl ženat se Sonjou Adelsenovou (jeho druhá žena), se kterou měl čtyři děti. L. R. Klein zemřel ve věku 93 let 20. října 2013 v Gladwyne, Pennsylvanie.

Základní i středoškolské vzdělání získal na školách v Omaze. Celá jeho další kariéra se utvářela pod vlivem exaktního, zejména matematického vzdělání a dále pod vlivem probíhající hospodářské deprese 30. let. Další matematické vzdělání získal Klein na Fakultě matematiky na Los Angeles City College, později na University of California v Berkeley. Kleinovo nadšení pro matematiku přerostlo v Berkeley v přesvědčení, že právě matematika může poskytnou základ pro analýzu ekonomických skutečností.  V této době se setkává s novým oborem – matematickou ekonomií a ekonometrií, která má vlastní vědeckou společnost i časopis (Econometrica).

L. Klein dále studoval a působil na MIT v Bostonu, kde psal pod vedením P. Samuelsona svou disertační práci, publikovanou pod názvem „Keynesiánská revoluce“. Keynesovo učení i nadále formovalo Kleinova teoretická východiska. Po dokončení disertační práce se L. Klein připojil k ekonometrickému týmu při Cowlessově komisi na University of Chicago, kde pracoval na konstrukci ekonometrických modelů Spojených států. Setkal se zde též s řadou v oboru významných osobností jako byl např. T. Haavelmo, T. Koopmans, T. Anderson, H. Rubin, K. Arrow, D. Patinkin, H. Chernoff, H. Simon a další. Sestrojil první řadu svých ekonometrických modelů a zahájil teoretickou práci v oblasti agregační analýzy, výzkumu poptávkových systémů a v oblasti ekonomické predikce.

Po roce 1948 se L. Klein krátce zabýval produkčními funkcemi z pohledu teoretické specifikace i ekonometrické kvantifikace. Dále začal spolupracovat s výzkumným týmem na University of Michigan, kde se zabýval problémem makroekonomických úspor a makroekonomickou spotřební funkcí. V roce 1950 zde se svým studentem A. Goldbergerem zahájil práci na ekonometrickém modelu, později známém jako Klein-Goldbergerův model, který představoval základ dalších generací tzv. Michiganského modelu.

V letech 1954-58 působil Klein v Oxfordu, kde se zabýval výzkumem úspor a současně položil základ pro vybudování jednoho z prvních britských modelů. Rozhodující mezník v životě L. Kleina nastal v roce 1958, kdy nastoupil na ekonometrickou fakultu University of Pennsylvania, kde zahájil práci na sérii modelů, známých později jako Whartonské modely. V tomto období sestavuje L. Klein i modely pro další země (Japonsko, Mexiko, Indie a další). Počátkem 60. let zahajuje prodej ekonomických předpovědí dle zakázek pro veřejný i soukromý sektor, s cílem získat prostředky pro podporu studentů a zabezpečení dalšího výzkumu.

L. Klein se od r. 1959 účastnil i na pracích Rady pro výzkum sociálních věd, kde se započalo s konstrukcí krátkodobého ekonometrického modelu americké ekonomiky. Spolu s B. Hickmanem, R. Rhombergem a A. Gordonem se v r. 1968 L. Klein stává odpovědným za projekt LINK. Modely LINK prostřednictvím ekonometrické kvantifikace mezinárodních obchodních toků propojují modely jednotlivých účastnických zemí. LINK představuje dnes ohromný projekt, umožňující krátkodobé i střednědobé předpovědi ekonomického vývoje jednotlivých zemí i celých hospodářských regionů podle zadaných scénářů. L. Klein se snažil, aby do tohoto programu bylo zapojeno co nejvíce zemí.

L. Klein byl autorem dvou základních učebnic ekonometrie, a to Učebnice ekonometrie (1953) a Úvodu do ekonometrie (1962). Kromě toho byl i autorem řady dalších prací, studií a odborných článků věnovaných této oblasti.


KLEIN, L. R. The Keynesian Revolution. New York: Macmillan, 1947, 2nd ed. 1966.

KLEIN, L. R. Economic Fluctuations in the United States, 1921-1941. New York: Wiley, 1950.

KLEIN, L. R. A Textbook of Econometrics. Maruzen, 1953, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974.

KLEIN, L. R., KATONA, G., LANSING, J., MORGAN, J. Contributions of Survey Methods to Economics.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1954.

KLEIN, L. R., GOLDBERGER, A. S. An Econometric Model of the United States, 1929-1952. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1955.

KLEIN, L. R., BALL, R. J., HAZLEWOOD, A., VANDOME, P. An Econometric Model of the United Kingdom. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1961.

KLEIN, L. R. An Introduction to Econometrics. Greenwood Press, 1962.

Readings in Business Cycles. Edited by L. R. Klein, R.A. Gordon, for the American Economic Association, Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, 1965.

The Brookings Quarterly Econometric Model of the United States. Edited by L. R. Klein, J. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, and E. Kuh, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1965.

KLEIN, L. R., SUMMERS, R. The Wharton Index of Capacity Utilization. Philadelphia: Wharton School of Finance andd Commerce, 1967.

KLEIN, L. R., EVANS, M. K. The Wharton Econometric Forecasting Model. Philadelphia: Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, 1967, 2nd enlarged ed. 1968.

Economic Growth: The Japanese Experience Since the Meiji Era. Edited by L. R. Klein, Ohkawa, Homewood: Irwin, 1968.

The Brookings Model: Some Further Results. Edited by L. R. Klein, J. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, and E. Kuh, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1969.

KLEIN, L. R. An Essay on the Theory of Economic Prediction. Helsinki, Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation, 1968, 2nd enlarged ed., Chicago: Markham, 1970.

KLEIN, L. R., EVANS, M. K., HARTLEY, M. Econometric Gaming: A Kit for Computer Analysis of Macroeconomic Models. New York: Macmillan Co., 1969.

KLEIN, L. R. Essays in Industrial Econometrics. ed. in 3 vols., Economic Research Unit, University of Pennsylvania, 1969.

The Brookings Model: Perspective and Recent Developments. Edited by L. R. Klein, G. Fromm, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1975.

Econometric Model Performance. Edited by L. R. Klein, E. Burmeister, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1976.

KLEIN, L. R., YOUNG, R. M. An Introduction to Econometric Forecasting and Forecasting Models.  Lexington, D.C. Heath: Lexington Books, 1980.

Quantitative Economics and Development: Essays in Memory of Ta-chung Liu. Edited by L. R- Klein, M. Nerlove and S.C. Tsiang, New York: Academic Press, 1980.


KLEIN, L. R. Pitfalls in the Statistical Determination of the Investment Schedule. Econometrica, vol. 11, July-October 1943, p. 246-258.

KLEIN, L. R. The Statistical Determination of the Investment Schedule: A Reply. Econometrica, vol. 12, January 1944, p. 91-92.

KLEIN, L. R. The Cost of a ´Beveridge Plan´ in the United States. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. LVIII, May 1944, p. 423-437.

KLEIN, L. R. Macroeconomics and the Theory of Rational Behavior. Econometrica, vol. 14, April 1946, p. 93-108.

KLEIN, L. R., MARSCHAK, J., TELLER. E. Dispersal of Cities and Industries. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, vol. 1, p. 13-15, 20.

KLEIN, L. R. A Post-Mortem on Transition Predictions of National Product. The Journal of Political Economy, vol. LIV, August 1946, p. 289-308.

KLEIN, L. R. Remarks on the Theory of Aggregation. Econometrica, vol. 14, October 1946, p. 303-312.

KLEIN, L. R. The Use of Econometric Models as a Guide to Economic Policy. Econometrica, vol. 15, April 1947, p. 111-151.

KLEIN, L. R. Theories of Effective Demand and Employment. The Journal of Political Economy, vol. LV, April 1947, p. 108-131.

KLEIN, L. R. Notes on the Theory of Investment. Kyklos, vol. 2, 1948, p. 97-117.

KLEIN, L. R. Planned Economy in Norway. American Economic Review, vol. XXXVIII, December 1948, p. 795-814.

KLEIN, L. R. Economic Planning – Western European Style. Statsokonomisk Tidsskrift, vol. 3-4, 1948, p. 97-124.

KLEIN, L. R., RUBIN, H. A Constant-Utility Index of the Cost of Living. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. XV, no. 2, 1947-48, p. 84-87.

KLEIN, L. R. A Scheme of International Compensation. Econometrica, vol. 17, April 1949, p. 145-159.

KLEIN, L. R. Stock and Flow Analysis in Economics. Econometrica, vol. 18, July 1950, p. 236-241, 246.

KLEIN, L. R. The Dynamics of Price Flexibility: A Comment. The American Economic Review, vol. XL, September 1950, p. 605-609.

KLEIN, L. R. The Life of John Maynard Keynes. The Journal of Political Economy, vol. LIX, October 1951, p. 443-451.

KLEIN, L. R. Estimating Patterns of Savings Behavior from Sample Survey Data. Econometrica, vol. 19, October 1951, p. 438-454.

KLEIN, L. R. Studies in Investment Behavior, Conference on Business Cycles. National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1951, p. 233-303.

KLEIN, L. R., MORGAN, J. N. Results of Alternative Statistical Treatments of Sample Survey Data. The Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 46, December 1951, p. 442-460.

KLEIN, L. R. Assets, Debts, and Economic Behavior. Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 14, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1951, p. 197-227.

KLEIN, L. R., KATONA, G. Psychological Data in Business Cycle Research. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 12, October 1962, p. 11-22.

KLEIN, L. R. On the Interpretation of Professor Leontief´s System. Review of Economic Studies, vol. XX, p. 1952-1953, 131-136.

KLEIN, L. R. National Income and Product, 1929-50. American Economic Review, vol. XLIII, March 1953, p. 117-132.

KLEIN, L. R. Savings Concepts and Data: The Needs of Economic Analysis and Policy. Savings in the Modern Economy, ed. by W.W. Heller, F.M. Boddy, and C.L. Nelson, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1953, p. 104-107.

KLEIN, L. R., MOONEY, H. W. Negro-White Savings Differentials and the Consumption Function Problem.  Econometrica, vol. XXI, 1953, p. 425-456.

KLEIN, L. R., FRANE, L. The Estimation of Disposable Income by Distributive Shares. The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. XXXV, November 1953, p. 333-337.

KLEIN, L. R., GOLDBERGER, A. S. A ´Mild Down Turn´ in American Trade. The Manchester Guardian Weekly, January 7 1954, p. 3.

KLEIN, L. R., MARGOLIS, J. Statistical Studies of Unincorporated Business. The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. XXXVI, February 1954, p. 33-46.

KLEIN, L. R. Savings and the Propensity to Consume. Determining the Business Outlook, ed. by H. Prochnow, New York: Harper and Bros., 1954, p. 109-125.

KLEIN, L. R., BARGER, H. A Quarterly Model of the United States Economy. Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 49, September 1954, p. 413-437.

KLEIN, L. R. Empirical Foundations of Keynesian Economics. Post Keynesian Economics, ed. by K.K. Kurihara, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1954.

KLEIN, L. R. The Contribution of Mathematics in Economics. The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. XXXVI, November 1954, p. 359-361.

KLEIN, L. R. The U.S. Economy in 1955. The Manchester Guardian, January 3 1955.

KLEIN, L. R. British and American Consumers – A Comparison ot Their Situations and Finances. The Bankers Magazine, March 1955, p. 241-246.

KLEIN, L. R., HILL, T. P., STRAW, K. H. The Savings Survey 1953 – Response Rates and Reliability of Data. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 17, 1955, p. 91-126.

KLEIN, L. R. Major Consumer Expenditures and Ownership of Durable Goods. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 17, 1955, p. 387-414.

KLEIN, L. R., LANSING, J. B. Decisions to Purchase Consumer Durable Goods. The Journal of Marketing, vol. XX, 1955, p. 109-132.

KLEIN, L. R. Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theory: The Econometric Method. In The Business Cycle in the Post-War World, ed. by E. Lundberg, London: Macmillan, 1955.

KLEIN, L. R. On the Interpretation of Theiľ s Method of Estimating Economic Relationships. Metroeconomica, vol. VII, December 1955, p. 147-153.

KLEIN, L. R. Insulation of the Modern Economy. The Banker´s Magazine, January 1956, p. 1-5.

KLEIN, L. R. The Practicability of an Expenditure Tax in the Light of the Oxford Savings Survey. The Banker´s Magazine, March 1956, p. 235-239.

KLEIN, L. R. Personal Savings and the Budget. The Banker´s Magazine, June 1956, p. 485-489.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometric Models and the Evidence of Time Series Analysis. The Manchester School, vol. XXIV, May 1956, p. 197-201.

KLEIN, L. R. Patterns of Savings – The Surveys of 1953 and 1954. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 17, 1955, p. 173-214.

KLEIN, L. R., STRAW, K. H., VANDOME, P. Savings and Finances of the Upper Income Classes. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 18, 1956, p. 293-319.

KLEIN, L. R. Quelques Aspects Empiriques du Modele de Cycle Economique de Kaldor. Les Modeles Dynamiques en Econometrie, Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1956.

KLEIN, L. R. The Scope and Limitations of Econometrics. Applied Statistics, vol. VI, 1957, p. 1-18.

KLEIN, L. R. A Note on ´Middle-Range´ Formulation. Common Frontiers of the Social Sciences, ed. by M. Komarovsky, Glencoe: The Free Press, 1957, p. 383-391.

KLEIN, L. R. The Interpretation of Leontief´s System – A Reply. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. XXXV, 1, 1956-1957, p. 69-70.

KLEIN, L. R., VANDOME, P. Sampling Errors in the Savings Surveys. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 19, 1957, p. 85-105.

KLEIN, L. R., LEVIATAN, N. The Significance of Income Variability on Saving Behavior. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 19, 1957, p. 151-160.

KLEIN, L. R., BALL, R. J., HAZLEWOOD, A. Trade of the United Kingdom and the Steling-Area in Two American Recessions. The Banker´s Magazine, vol. CLXXXV, 1957, p. 426-431.

KLEIN, L. R. The British Propensity to Save. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (general), vol. 121, 1958, p. 60-96.

KLEIN, L. R. The Friedman-Becker Illusion. The Journal of Political Economy, vol. LXVI, 1958, p. 539-545.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometric and Sample Survey Methods of Forecasting. Business Forecasting, Pub. no. 3 of the Market Research Society, London, 1958, p. 9-18.

KLEIN, L. R., BALL, R. J., HAZLEWOOD, A. Econometric Forecasts for 1959. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistic, vol. 21, 1959, p. 3-16.

KLEIN, L. R. The Estimation of Distributed Lags. Econometrica, vol. 26, October 1958, p. 553-565.

KLEIN, L. R., BALL, R. J. Some Econometrics of the Determination of Absolute Prices and Wages. Economic Journal, vol. LXIX, September 1959, p. 465-482.

KLEIN, L. R. Economic Forecasting. Kyklos, vol. XII, 1959, Fasc. 4, 65057.

KLEIN, L. R. The American Balance-of-Payments Problem. The Bankers Magazine, April 1960, p. 299-305.

KLEIN, L. R. Some Theoretical Issues in the Measurement of Capacity. Econometrica, vol. 28, April 1960, p. 272-286.

KLEIN, L. R. The Efficiency of Estimation in Econometric Models. Essays in Economics and Econometrics, ed. by R.W. Pfouts, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1960, p. 216-232.

KLEIN, L. R. Single Equation vs. Equation System Methods of Estimation in Econometrics. Econometrica, vol. 28, October 1960, p. 866-871.

KLEIN, L. R. Entrepreneurial Saving. Proceedings of the Conference on Income and Saving, vol. II, ed. by I. Friend and R. Jones, Philadelphia: University of Penna. Press, 1960, p. 297-335.

KLEIN, L. R., HAZLEWOOD, A., VANDOME, P. Re-Estimation of the Econometric Model of the U.K. and Forecasts for 1961. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 23, 1961, p. 23-40.

KLEIN, L. R., KOSOBUD, R. F. Some Econometrics of Growth: Great Ratios of Economics. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. LXXV, 1961, p. 173-198.

KLEIN, L. R. A Model of Japanese Economic Growth, 1878-1937. Econometrica, vol. 29, July 1961, p. 277-292.

KLEIN, L. R. Measuring Soviet Industrial Growth. Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, vol. 20, 1958, p. 373-377.

KLEIN, L. R., POPKIN, J. An Econometric Analysis of the Postwar Relationship Between Inventory Fluctuations and Changes in Aggregate Economic Activity. Inventory Fluctuations and Economic Stabilization, Part III, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Washington, USGPO, 1961, p. 69-89.

KLEIN, L. R. The Measurement of Industrial Capacity. Hearings Before the Sub-Committee on Economic Statistics, J. E.C. 87th Congress, 2nd Session, May 1962, p. 53-59.

KLEIN, L. R., NAKAMURA, M. Singularity in the Equation Systems of Econometrics: Some Aspects of the Problem of Multicollinearity. International Economic Review, III., September 1962, p. 274-299.

KLEIN, L. R., SHINKAI, Y. An Econometric Model of Japan, 1930-59. International Economic Review, IV,  January 1963, p. 1-29.

KLEIN, L. R. A Postwar Quarterly Model: Description and Applications. Models of Income Determination, Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 28, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964, p. 11-36.

KLEIN, L. R., BODKIN, R. G. Empirical Aspects of the Trade-Offs Among Three Goals: High Level Employment, Price Stability and Economic Growth. Inflation, Growth and Employment, Commission on Money and Credit, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1964, p. 367-428.

KLEIN, L. R., ICHIMURA, W., KOIZUMI, S., SATO, K., SHINKAI, Y. A Quarterly Econometric Model of Japan, 1952-1959. Osaka Economic Papers, vol. XXII, March 1964, p. 19-44.

KLEIN, L. R. Economics as a Behavioral Science. The Behavioral Sciences: Problems and Prospects, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, August 1964, p. 21-26.

KLEIN, L. R. The Social Science Research Council Econometric Model of the United States. Colston Papers, vol. XVI, University of Bristol, 1964, p. 129-168.

KLEIN, L. R. The Keynesian Revolution Revisited. The Economic Studies Quarterly, XV, November 1964, p. 1-24.

KLEIN, L. R. The Role of Econometrics in Socialist Economics. Problems of Economic Dynamics and Planning, Warsaw: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1964, p. 181-191.

KLEIN, L. R. Stocks and Flows in the Theory of Interest. The Theory of Interest Rates, ed. by F.H. Hahn and F.P.R. Brechling, London: Macmilllan, 1965, p. 136-151.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. The Brookings-SSRC Quarterly Econometric Model of the US: Model Properties. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, LV, May 1965, p. 348-361.

KLEIN, L. R. What Kind of Macro-Econometric Model for Developing Economies?. The Indian Economic Journal, XIII, 1965, p. 313-324.

KLEIN, L. R. On Econometric Models and Economic Policy. The Oriental Economist, XXXIV, June 1966, p. p. 375-378.

KLEIN, L. R. Problems in the Estimation of Interdependent Systems. Model Building in the Human Sciences, ed. H.O.A. Wold, Monaco: Union Europeenne ďEditions, 1967, p. 51-58.

KLEIN, L. R. Racial Patterns of Income and Employment in the U.S.A.. Social and Economic Administration, I, January 1967, p. 32-42.

KLEIN, L. R., PRESTON, R. S. Some New Results in the Measurement of Capacity Utilization. American Economic Review, LVII, March 1967, p. 34-58.

KLEIN, L. R., BODKIN, R. G. Nonlinear Estimation of Aggregate Production Functions. The Review of Economics and Statistics, XLIX, February 1967, p. 28-44.

KLEIN, L. R. On the Possibility of Another ´29, The Economic Outlook for 1967. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Dept. of Economics, 1967, p. 45-87.

KLEIN, L. R. Comment on Solving the Wharton Mode. Review of Economics and Statistics, XLIX, November 1967, p. 647-651.

KLEIN, L. R. Simultaneous Equation Estimation. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, NY: Macmillan and Free Press, 1968, p. 281-294, Vol. 14.

KLEIN, L. R. Wage and Price Determination in Macroeconometrics. Prices: Issues in Theory, Practice, and Public Policy, ed. by A. Phillips and O.E. Williamson, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1967, p. 82-100.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. The Brookings Model Volume: A Review Article, A Comment. Review of Economics and Statistics, L, May 1968, p. 235-240.

KLEIN, L. R. The Role of Mathematics in Economics. The Mathematical Sciences, COSRIMS, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969, p. 161-175.

KLEIN, L. R., PRESTON, R. S. Stochastic Nonlinear Models. Econometrica, 37, January 1969, p. 95-106.

KLEIN, L. R. Estimation of Interdependent Systems in Macroeconometrics. Econometrica, 37, April 1969, p. 171-192.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometric Model Building for Growth Projections. Business Economics, IV, September 1969, p. 45-50.

KLEIN, L. R., KATZNER, D. W. On the Possibility of the General Linear Economic Model. Economic Models, Estimation, and Risk Programming, ed. by K.A. Fox, J.K. Sengupta, and G.V.L. Narasimham, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1969.

KLEIN, L. R., EVANS, M. K. Experience with Econometric Analysis of the U.S.. Konjunktur Position, Is the Business Cycle Obsolete?, ed. by M. Bronfenbrenner, New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1969.

KLEIN, L. R. Specification of Regional Econometric Models. Papers of the Regional Science Association, XXIII, 1969, p. 105-115.

KLEIN, L. R. Nobel Laureates in Economics. Science, 166, November 7 1969, p. 715-717.

KLEIN, L. R., DHRYMES, P. J., STIEGLITZ, K. Estimation of Distributed Lags. International Economic Review II, June 1960, p. 235-250.

KLEIN, L. R., BEHRMAN, J. Econometric Growth Models for the Developing Economy. Induction, Growth, and Trade, Edited by W.A. Eltis, M.F.G. Scott, J.N. Wolfe, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.

KLEIN, L. R. Forecasting and Policy Evaluation Using Large Scale Econometric Models: The State of the Art. Frontiers of Quantitative Economics, ed. by M.D. Intriligator, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1971.

KLEIN, L. R., TAUBMAN, P. Estimating Effects within a Complete Econometric Model. Tax Incentives and Capital Spending, ed. by G. Fromm, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1971.

KLEIN, L. R. Wither Econometrics?. Journall of the American Statistical Association, 66, June 1971, p. 415-421.

KLEIN, L. R. Empirical Evidence on Fiscal and Monetary Models. Issues in Fiscal and Monetary Policy, ed. by J.J. Diamond, Chicago: DePaul University, 1971.

KLEIN, L. R. The Role of War in the Maintenance of American Economic Prosperity. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 115, December 30 1971, p. 507-516.

KLEIN, L. R., DUGGAL, V. Guidelines in Economic Stabilization: A New Consideration. Wharton Quarterly, VI, Summer 1971, p. 20-24.

KLEIN, L. R. The Treatment of Expectations in Econometrics. Uncertainty and Expectations in Economics, ed. by C.F. Carter and J.L. Ford, Oxford: Blackwell, 1972.

KLEIN, L. R. The Survey: Lifeblood of the Quantitative Economist. Survey of Current Business, Anniversary Issue, 51, July 1971, Part II, p. 108-110.

KLEIN, L. R., EVANS, M. K., SAITO, M. Short-Run Prediction and Long-Run Simulation of the Wharton Model. Econometric Models of Cyclical Behavior, ed. by B.G. Hickman, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. SCHINK, G. R. Short- and Long-Term Simulations with the Brookings Model. Econometric Models of Cyclical Behavior, ed. by B.G. Hickman, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

KLEIN, L. R., HABIBAGAHI, H. Analog Solution of Econometric Models. The Engineering Economist, vol. 17, no. 2, 1972, p. 115-133.

KLEIN, L. R. Computerized Econometric Methods in Business Applications. Journal of Contemporary Business, vol. 1, Spring 1972, p. 63-71.

KLEIN, L. R., HOWREY, E. P. Dynamic Properties of Nonlinear Econometric Models. International Economic Review, 13, Oct. 1972, p. 599-618.

KLEIN, L. R. Price Determination in the Wharton Model. The Econometrics of Price Determination, ed. Otto Eckstein, Washington: Federal Reserve Board, 1972, p. 221-236.

KLEIN, L. R., ADAMS, F. G. Anticipations Variables in Macro-Econometric Models. Human Behavior in Economic Affairs, ed. B. Strumpel, et al., Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1972.

KLEIN, L. R. The Precision of Economic Prediction: Standards, Achievement, Potential. The Economic Outlook for 1973, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Dept. of Economics, 1973, p. 91-111.

KLEIN, L. R., GREEN, G. R. The Wharton Forecast Record: A Self-Examination. The Wharton Quarterly,  Winter 1972-73, p. 22-28.

KLEIN, L. R. The Treatment of Undersized Samples in Econometrics. Econometric Studies of Macro and Monetary Relations, eds. A.A. Powell and R.A. Williams, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1973.

KLEIN, L. R., HICKMAN, B., RHOMBERG, R. R. Background, Organization, and Preliminary Results of Project LINK. International Business Systems Perspectives, ed. C.G. Alexandrides, Atlanta: Georgia State University, School of Business Administration, 1973.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. A Comparison of Eleven Econometric Models of the United States. The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, with Gary Fromm, LXIII, May 1973, p. 385-393.

KLEIN, L. R., MORI, K. The Impact of Disarmament on Aggregate Economic Activity: An Econometric Analysis. The Economic Consequences of Reduced Military Spending, ed. B. Udis, Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath, 1973.

KLEIN, L. R., HICKMAN, B. G., RHOMBERG, R. R. Introduction. The International Linkage of National Economic Models, ed. R.J. Ball, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1973.

KLEIN, L. R., PEETERSSEN, A. Van Forecasting World Trade Within Project LINK. The International Linkage of National Economic Models, ed. R.J. Ball, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1973.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. The Brookings Econometric Model: A Rational Perspective. Problems and Issues in Current Econometric Practice, ed. Karl Brunner, Columbus: Ohio State University, 1972.

KLEIN, L. R. Dynamic Analysis of Economic Systems. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 4, July-Sept. 1973, p. 341-359.

KLEIN, L. R. Commentary on ´The State of the Monetarist Debate´. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 55, September 1973, p. 9-12.

KLEIN, L. R., LONG, V. Capacity Utilization: Concept, Measurement, and Recent Estimates. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3, 1973, p. 743-756.

KLEIN, L. R. Issues in Econometric Studies of Investment Behavior. Journal of Economic Literature, XII, March 1974, p. 43-49.

KLEIN, L. R., HOWREY, E. P., McCARTHY, M. D. Notes on Testing the Predictive Performance of Econometric Models. International Economic Review, 15, June 1974, p. 366-383.

KLEIN, L. R., JOHNSON, K. LINK Model Simulations of International Trade: An Evaluation of the Effects of Currency Realignment. Journal of Finance, Papers and Proceedings, 29, May 1974, p. 617-630.

KLEIN, L. R. Macroeconometric Model Building in Latin America: The Mexican Case. The Role of the Computer in Economic and Social Research in Latin America, with Abel Beltran del Rio, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York: Columbia University Press, 1974.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometrics. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th Edition, 1974.

KLEIN, L. R. Supply Constraints in Demand Oriented Systems: An Interpretation of the Oil Crisis. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 34, 1974, p. 45-56.

KLEIN, L. R. An Econometric Analysis of the Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968-69. Public Finance and Stabilization Policy, ed. by W.L. Smith and J.M. Culbertson, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1974.

KLEIN, L. R. Intractability of Inflation. Methodology and Science, 7, 3, 1974, p. 156-173.

KLEIN, L. R., McCARTHY, M. C., DUGGAL, V. The Wharton Mark III Model-A Modern IS-LM Construct. International Economic Review 15, October 1974.

KLEIN, L. R., JOHNSTON, H. N., SHINJO, K. Estimation and Prediction in Dynamic Econometric Models. Econometrics and Economic Theory, ed. by W. Sellekaerts, London: Macmillan, 1974.

KLEIN, L. R., JOHNSON, K. N. Stability in the International Economy: The LINK Experience. International Aspects of Stabilization Policies, ed. by A. Ando, R. Herring, R. Marston, Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1975.

KLEIN, L. R. Research Contributions of the SSRC-Brookings Econometric Model Project – A Decade in Review. The Brookings Model: Perspective and Recent Developments, ed. Gary Fromm and Lawrence R. Klein, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1975.

KLEIN, L. R.. MORIGUCHI, C., PEETERSSEN, A. Van The LINK Model of World Trade, with Application to 1972-73. International Trade and Finance, ed. P. Kenen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

KLEIN, L. R. Long Term Policies and Outlook for World Inflation, The Role of Japan in the Future World. Proceedings of the 2nd Tsukuba International Symposium, The University of Tsukuba, Japan, 1976, p. 99-110.

KLEIN, L. R., FROMM, G. The NBER/NSF Model Comparison Seminar: An Analysis of Results. Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Winter 1976.

KLEIN, L. R. Pacific Basin Econometric Research. Central Bank Macroeconomic Modeling in Pacific Basin Countries, San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1976.

KLEIN, L. R. Five-Year Experience of Linking National Econometric Models and of Forecasting International Trade. Quantitative Studies of International Economic Relations, ed. by H. Glejser, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976.

KLEIN, L. R., JOHNSON, K. N., GANA, J., KUROSE, M., WEINBERG, C. Applications of the LINK System. The Models of Project LINK, ed. J. Waelbroeck, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976.

KLEIN, L. R. The Next Generation of Macro Models-The Present and Steps in Progress. Proceedings of the Inaugural Convention of the Eastern Economic Association, Albany, N.Y., Oct. 25-27 1974, p. 25-33.

KLEIN, L. R., KLEIN, S. A. Early Warning Signals of Inflation. Economic Progress, Private Values, and Public Policy, ed. by B. Balassa and R. Nelson, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977.

KLEIN, L. R. Statistical Needs for Economic Analysis: A User´s Viewpoint. Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Assn., 1976, p. 110-113.

KLEIN, L. R., SU, W. Intermediate Term Outlook for the Housing Market. The Construction Industry: New Adaptations to a Changing Environment, ed. by W. Gomberg and L.M. Robbins, Philadelphia: Wharton Entrepreneurial Center, University of Penna, 1977.

KLEIN, L. R. Project LINK. The Columbia Journal of World Business, XI, Winter 1976, p. 7-19, Economics and Mathematical Methods, XIII, May-June 1977, p. 471-488, Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. (Russian), Lecture Series, 30, Center of Planning and Economic Research, Athens, 1977.

KLEIN, L. R., GLICKMAN, N. J. Econometric Model Building at the Regional Level. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 7, 1977, p. 3-23.

KLEIN, L. R. Waiting for the Revival of Capital Formation. The World Economy, 1, Oct. 1977, p. 35-46.

KLEIN, L. R. Comments on Sargent and Sims´ ´Business Cycle Modeling Without Pretending to Have Too Much A Priori Economic Theory´. New Methods in Business Cycle Research: Proceedings From a Conference, ed. by C.A. Sims, Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1977, p. 203-208.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometrics of Inflation, 1965-1974: A Review of the Decade, Analysis of Inflation: 1965-1974. Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 42, ed. by J. Popkin, Cambridge: Ballinger for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1977, p. 35-64.

KLEIN, L. R. The Longevity of Economic Theory. Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung, ed. by Horst Albach, et al., Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1977, p. 411-419. Reprinted in French, Cahiers du Séminaire ď Économetrie no. 20 CNRS, Paris, 1979.

KLEIN, L. R. Economic Policy Formation Through the Medium of Econometric Models. Frontiers of Quantitative Economics, III B, ed. by M. Intriligator, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977, p. 765-782.

KLEIN, L. R. Comment on a Multiregional Input-Output Model of the World Economy. The International Allocation of Economic Activity, ed. by B. Ohlin et al., London: MacMillan, 1977, p. 531-537.

KLEIN, L. R., FORST, B., FILATOV, V. The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: An Assessment of the Estimates. Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Crime Rates, ed. by A. Blumenstein, et al., Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Science, 1978, p. 336-360.

KLEIN, L. R. Understanding Inflation. Alternative Directions in Economic Policy, ed. F.J. Bonello and T.R. Swartz, Notre Dame-London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1978, p. 62-77.

KLEIN, L. R. Potentials of Econometrics for Commodity Stabilization Policy Analysis. Stabilizing World Commodity Markets, eds. F.G. Adams, S.A. Klein, Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1978, p. 105-116.

KLEIN, L. R. The Supply Side. American Economic Review, 68, March 1978, p. 1-7.

KLEIN, L. R. Computer Modeling of Macroeconomic Systems: The State of the Art. Őkonometrische Modelle und Systeme, ed. by F. Schober and H.D. Plötzeneder, München: Oldenburg, 1978, p. 25-38, (videotape recording of lecture of Dec. 10 1975, Ottignies, Belgium).

KLEIN, L. R. Oil and the World Economy. Middle East Review, X, Summer 1978, 21-28, and Economic Impact, no. 23, 1978/3, p. 49-55.

KLEIN, L. R., SU, V. Protectionism: An Analysis from Project LINK. Journal of Policy Modeling, January 1979, p. 5-35.

KLEIN, L. R. Some Observations on the World Business Cycle. International Cooperation and Stabilization Policies: A New Dimension of Keynesian Policy, ed. by L.R. Klein and C. Moriguchi, Tokyo: The Forum for Policy Innovation, 1977, p. 4-16.

KLEIN, L. R. Money in a General Equilibrium System: Empirical Aspects of the Quantity Theory. Economie Appliquee, XXXI, 1-2, 1978, p. 5-14.

KLEIN, L. R. Trade Impact Studies Using the Wharton Annual and Industry Forecasting Mode. The Impact of International Trade and Investment on Employment, ed. by Wm. G. Dewald, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, 1978, p. 293-306.

KLEIN, L. R. Perspectivas de la economia mundial, 1977-79. Revista de Economia Latino-americana, XIII, no. 52, 1978, p. 15-22, Publicada bajo los auspicios del Banco Central de Venezuela.

KLEIN, L. R. Disturbances to the International Economy. After the Philips Curve: Persistence of High Inflation and High Unemployment, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1979, p. 84-103.

KLEIN, L. R. Econometrics. Across the Board, XVI, Feb. 1979, p. 49-58.

KLEIN, L. R. The Next Generation of Macro Models: The Present and Steps in Progress. Communication and Control in Society, ed. by Klaus Krippendorff, New York: Gordon and Bresch, 1979, p. 293-303.

KLEIN, L. R., LOXLEY, C. J. Transportation Demand – Aggregate and Major Freight Category Demand Estimation. Forecasts of Freight System Demand and Related Research Needs, National Research Council, Assembly of Engineering, Committee on Transportation, Washington, D.C., 1979, p. 10-25.

KLEIN, L. R. Comment on: An Overview of the Objectives of the Objectives and Framework of Seasonal Adjustment, by Shirley Kallek. Seasonal Analysis of Economic Time Series, Washington, D.C., Bureau of the Census, ER-1, 1978, p. 30-32.

KLEIN, L. R. Political Aspects of Economic Control. Theory for Economic Efficiency: Essays in Honor of Abba P. Lerner, ed. by Harry I. Greenfield, et al., Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979, p. 76-91.

KLEIN, L. R. Managing the Modern Economy: Econometric Specification. Optimal Control for Econometric Models: An Approach to Economic Policy Formulation ed. by Sean Holly, et al., London: Macmillan, 1979, p. 265-285.

KLEIN, L. R., JOHNSON, K. N. Error Analysis of the LINK Model, p. 45-71.

KLEIN, L. R., TISCHLER, A. Long-Run Projections of the LINK World Trade Model, p. 73-94.

KLEIN, L. R., SU, V., BEAUMONT, P. Coordination of International Fiscal Policies and Exchange Rate Revaluations. p. 143-159, Modelling the International Transmission Mechanism, ed. by J. Sawyer, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1979.

KLEIN, L. R. Demand Forecasting and Capcaity Creation in the Privare Sector I. Long-Term Economic Planning, ed. by P.K. Mitra, Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA, 1978, p. 41-59.

KLEIN, L. R. Őkonometrische Modelle: Empirische Anwendung. Handwörterbuch der mathematischen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Őkonometrie und Statistik, ed. by Günter Menges, Weisbaden: Gabler, 1978, p. 105-118.

KLEIN, L. R., SU, V. Direct Estimates of Unemployment Rate and Capcaity Utilization in Macroeconometric Models. International Economic Reivew, 20, October 1979, p. 725-740.

KLEIN, L. R., GEORGIADIS, H., SU, V. International Coordination of Economic Policies. Greek Economic Review I, Aug. 1979, p. 27-47.

KLEIN, L. R. Regional Sublinkages of Economic Systems. Proceedings of the Fourth Pacific Basin Central Bank Conference on Econometric Modelling, Tokyo: Bank of Japan, 1980, p. 3-18.

KLEIN, L. R. International Research Cooperation. Man, Environment, Space, and Time, I, Fall 1979, p. 47-51.

KLEIN, L. R., SU, V. Recent Economic Fluctuations and Stabilization Policies: An Optimal Control Approach. Quantitative Economics and Development, ed. by L.R. Klein, M. Nerlove, and S.C. Tsaing, New York: Academic Press, 1980, p. 225-254.

KLEIN, L. R. Use of Econometric Models in the Policy Process. Economic Modelling, ed. by Paul Ormerod, London: Heinemann, 1980, p. 309-329.

KLEIN, L. R. Money Supply Hard to Control. Controlling Money: A Discussion, intro. by W.R. Allen, Los Angeles: International Institute for Economic Research, 1980, p. 9-14, 39-42.

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Lawrence Robert Klein