James Edward Meade

James Edward Meade se narodil 23. června 1907 v anglickém Swanage. V roce 1933 se oženil s Margaret Wilsonovou, se kterou měl čtyři děti. Zemřel v Cambridge 22. prosince 1995 ve věku 88 let.

Počáteční vzdělání J. Meadea se orientovalo na latinu a řečtinu. Na universitě – Oriel College, Oxford (1926 – 30) pokračoval do roku 1928 v klasickém vzdělání a poté přešel na dva roky do nově založené School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics. V roce 1930 dostal stipendium na Hertford College v Oxfordu, kde pokračoval jako postgraduální student. Současně byl aktivním účastníkem Keynesova cambridgeského kroužku. V letech 1931 – 37 pokračoval na Hertford College jako vědecký pracovník a učitel ekonomie. V roce 1938 začal J. Meade pracovat ve Společnosti národů v Ženevě ve funkci editora World Economic Survey. V letech 1940 – 47 pracoval v ekonomickém oddělení Úřadu britské vlády (od r. 1946 jako ředitel), kde spolu s R. Stonem prosazoval keynesiánské pojetí britských národních účtů. Pracoval zde na mnoha podkladech pro vládní dokumenty (např. Bílá kniha k politice nezaměstnanosti z roku 1944, stanovisko ke Všeobecné dohodě o clech a obchodu). V letech 1947 – 57 působil jako profesor obchodu na London School of Economics. V této době napsal několik prací, věnovaných problematice mezinárodního obchodu, platební bilance a mezinárodní hospodářské politiky. V roce 1957 se stal profesorem politické ekonomie na Christ College v Cambridge, kde působil až do roku 1974, kdy odešel důchodu. Pracoval však poté ještě ve funkci předsedy pracovní skupiny, vytvořené Ústavem pro fiskální studia ke zkoumání struktury přímého zdanění ve Spojeném království.

Podíl na rozvoji mezinárodního obchodu je obsažen zejména v díle „Teorie mezinárodní hospodářské politiky“. První díl „Platební bilance“ (1951) se zabývá problematikou vnitřní a vnější rovnováhy, který zahrnoval jak cenové efekty neoklasické teorie, tak důchodové efekty keynesiánské teorie. Druhý díl „Obchod a blahobyt“ (1955) je věnován přehodnocení argumentů pro regulaci mezinárodního obchodu. K teorii blahobytu zde přispěl formulováním své koncepce „teorie druhého nejlepšího“.

J. Meade pojímá problematiku vnitřní a vnější rovnováhy jako úzce propojenou, vnitřní rovnováha utváří příhodné podmínky pro dosažení rovnováhy vnější. Podporuje svobodný obchod s pružnými měnovými kurzy, avšak za určitých podmínek nevylučuje použití dalších regulačních opatření, která by však měla být pod dozorem mezinárodních institucí. Zabývá se zde dále analýzou důsledků různých kombinací nástrojů hospodářské politiky z hlediska dosahování vnější i vnitřní rovnováhy. Vnitřní rovnováhou rozuměl plnou zaměstnanost, zajištěnou udržováním efektivní poptávky v potřebné výši, což má za následek i stabilitu cen.

Významné je rovněž jeho nové pojetí tradičních nástrojů keynesiánské hospodářské politiky, zaměřené na stabilizaci peněžního národního důchodu a reformu trhu práce. Toto pojetí bylo označováno jako „nové keynesiánství“. Klíčové jsou zde práce ze 70. a 80. let, zejména dvousvazkové dílo „Stagflace“ (1982, 1983), napsané spolu s D. Vinesem a J. Maciejowskim. Na rozdíl od ortodoxního keyenesiánství je nové keynesiánství slučitelné s decentralizovanou regulací na trhu práce a díky tomu se nedostává do konfliktu s působením tržních sil a naopak zvyšuje jejich alokační efektivnost.

Nobelova cena byla J. Meadeovi udělena za jeho přínos pro rozvoj teorie mezinárodního obchodu, stejně tak mu však mohla být udělena za jeho práci v oblasti statistiky národních účtů nebo za rozpracování teoretických základů keynesiánské hospodářské politiky.


MEADE, J. E. Public Works in Their International Aspect. London: Kraus, 1933.

MEADE, J. E. The Rate of Interest in a Progressive State. London: Macmillan Company, 1933.

MEADE, J. E. Consumer´s Credits and Unemployment. London: Oxford University Press, 1938.

MEADE, J. E. An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy. London: The Clarendon Press, 1936. American Edition edited by C.J. Hitch, with an Introduction by A.H. Hansen, New York: Oxford University Press, 1938.

MEADE, J. E. The Economic Basis of a Durable Peace. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1940.

MEADE, J. E., STONE, J. R. N. National Income and Expenditure. London: Oxford University Press, 1944.

MEADE, J. E. Planning and the Price Mechanism: the Liberall Socialist Solution. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948; New York: Macmillan Company, 1949.

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of International Economic Policy: I. The Balance of Payments, London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. Two volumes with Mathematical Supplement.

MEADE, J. E. A Geometry of International Trade. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1952; New York: A. Kelley, 1952.

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of International Economic Policy: II. Trade and Welfare, London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1955. Two volumes with Mathematical Supplement.

MEADE, J. E. The Atlantic Community and the Dollar Gap. London: Friends of the Atlantic Union, 1953.

MEADE, J. E. Problems of Economic Union. The Charles R. Walgreen Foundation Lectures, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of Customs Unions. The De Vries Lectures, vol. I, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1955.

MEADE, J. E. The Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union. 1921-39: Lessons from an Early Experiment, Essays in International Finance, no. 25, Princeton: International Finance Section, 1956.

MEADE, J. E. Developments in Monetary Policy. Economic Papers no. 11, Issued by The Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand (South Wales Branch), Sydney, 1956.

MEADE, J. E. Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. the Joseph Fischer Lectures in Commerce, Adelaide University, Adelaide: Adelaide University Press, 1956.

MEADE, J. E. Negotiations for Benelux: an Annotated Chronicle. 1943-56, Essays in International Finance, No. 6, Princeton: International Finance Section, 1957.

MEADE, J. E. The Control of Inflation. Inaugural Lecture, Cambridge University, London: Cambridge University Press, 1958.

MEADE, J. E., et al. The Economic and Social Structure of Mauritius. Report to the Governor of Mauritius,  Cass, 1961.

MEADE, J. E. A Neo Classical Theory of Economic Growth. London: George Allen & Unwin (1961); revised new 2nd edition, 1964.

Case Studies in European Economic Union: the Mechanics of Integration. Edited by J. E. Meade, H. H. Liesner, S. J. Wells, and Introduction by Meade, London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1962.

MEADE, J. E. The United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the Common Market. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1962.

MEADE, J. E. Efficiency, Equality and the Ownership of Property. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964.

MEADE, J. E. Principles of Political Economy: I. The Stationary Economy, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965; Aldine Press, 1965.

MEADE, J. E. Principles of Political Economy: II. The Growing Economy, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1968; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of Indicative Planning. Lectures given at the University of Manchester, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1970.

MEADE, J. E. The Controlled Economy. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1971.

MEADE, J. E. Wages and Prices in a Mixed Economy. the Wincott Memorial Lectures, London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1971, IEA Occasional Paper no. 35.

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of Economic Externalities. Geneva: Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales, 1973.

MEADE, J. E. Economic Policy and the Threat of Doom. From Reresources and Population, ed. by B. Benjamin, P. Cox and J. Peel, Academic Press, 1973.

MEADE, J. E. Preference Orderings and Economic Policy. from Economic Theory and Planning: Essays in Honour of A.K. Dasgupta, ed. by Ashok Mitra, 1974.

MEADE, J. E. The Intelligent Radicaľ s Guide to Economic Policy. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1975.

MEADE, J. E. Principles of Political Economy. vol. IV, The Just Economy, SUNY Press, 1976.


MEADE, J. E. Technical Improvement in Agriculture as a Cause of General Depression. Journal of Proceeding of the Agricultural Economics Society, vol. II, no. 3, June 1933.

MEADE, J. E. International Economic Co-operation. Journal of Proceedings of the Agricultural Economics Society, vol. II, no. 4, November 1933.

MEADE, J. E. The Amount of Money and the Banking System. Economic Journal, vol. 44, March 1934, p. 77-83

MEADE, J. E. The Elasticity of Substitution and the Elasticity of Demand for One Factor of Production. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 1, February 1934, p. 152-153.

MEADE, J. E. The Elasticity of Substitution and the Incidence of an Imperial Inhabited House Duty. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 1, February 1934, p. 149-152.

MEADE, J. E. A Simplified Model of Mr. Keynes´ System. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 4, February 1937, p. 98-107.

MEADE, J. E., ANDREWS, P. W. S. Summary of Replies to Questions on Effects of Interest Rates. Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 1, October 1938, p. 14-31. Reprinted in T. Wilson and P.W.S. Andrews (eds.), Oxford Studies in the Price Mechanism, London, Oxford University Press, 1951, p. 27-30.

MEADE, J. E., STONE, R. The Construction of Tables of National Income, Expenditure, Savings and Investment. Economic Journal, vol. 51, June-September 1941, p. 216-233.

MEADE, J. E., STONE, R., CHAMPERNOWNE, D. G. The Precision of National Income Estimates. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, 1942, p. 111-125.

MEADE, J. E. Price and Output Policy of State Enterprise. Economic Journal, vol. 54, December 1944, p. 321-328.

MEADE, J. E. Mr. Lerner on The Economics of Control /Review/. Economic Journal, vol. 55, April 1945, p. 47-69.

MEADE, J. E. Bretton Woods, Havana and the United Kingdom Balance of Payments. Lloyds Bank Review, vol. 7, January 1948, p. 1-18.

MEADE, J. E. Financial Policy and the Balance of Payments. Economica, vol. 15, May 1948, p. 101-115.

MEADE, J. E. National Income, National Expenditure, and the Balance of Payments. Part I, Economic Journal, vol. 58, December 1948, p. 483-505; Part II, Economic Journal, vol. 59, March 1949, p. 17-39.

MEADE, J. E. Planning without Prices. Economica, vol. 15, February 1948, p. 28-35.

MEADE, J. E. A Geometrical Representation of Balance of Payments Policy. Economica, vol. 16, November 1949, p. 305-320.

MEADE, J. E. Degrees of Competitive Speculation. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, 1950, p. 159-167.

MEADE, J. E. A Union of Free Peoples. I. Defence; II. An Agenda for Economic Welfare; III. International Institutions; IV. Regional versus Universal Approach, The Listener, August 3, 10, 17 and 24, 1950.

MEADE, J. E. The Equalization of Factor Prices: The Two-Country Two-Factor Three-Product Case. Metroeconomica, vol. 2, December 1950, p. 129-133.

MEADE, J. E. The Removal of Trade Barriers: The Regional vs. the Universal Approach. /Review/, Economica, vol. 18, May 1951, p. 184-198.

MEADE, J. E. Some Economic Problems of Atlantic Union Rearmament. Lloyds Bank Review, vol. 22, October 1951, p. 35-51.

MEADE, J. E. Bretton Woods, GATT and the Balance of Payments: A Second Round?. Three Banks Review, vol. 16, December 1952, p. 3-22.

MEADE, J. E. External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation. Economic Journal, vol. 62, March 1952, p. 54-67.

MEADE, J. E. The Convertibility of Sterling, Three Banks Review. vol. 19, September 1953, p. 3-26.

MEADE, J. E. The Case for Variable Exchange Rates. Three Banks Review, vol. 27, September 1955, p. 3-27. Reprinted in Smith and Teigen (eds.), Readings in Money, National Income and Stabilization Policy, Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, Ltd., 1965.

MEADE, J. E. Outside Europe´s Market, I. The British Dilemma; II. A Free Trade Area. Manchester Guardian, March 14 and 15 1956.

MEADE, J. E. Benelux: The Formation of the Common Customs. Economica, vol. 23, August 1956, p. 201-213.

MEADE, J. E. The Price Mechanism and the Australian Balance of Payments. Economic Record, vol. 32, November 1956, p. 239-256. Reprinted in Arndt and Corden (eds.), The Australian Economy, Melbourne, F.W. Cheshire, 1963.

MEADE, J. E. The Balance-of-Payments Problem of a European Free-Trade Area. Economic Journal, vol. 67, September 1957, p. 379-396.

MEADE, J. E. Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Three Banks Review, vol. 33, June 1957, p. 3-32.

MEADE, J. E., RUSSELL, E. A. Wage Rates, the Cost of Living, and the Balance of Payments. Economic Record, vol. 33, April 1957, p. 23-28.

MEADE, J. E. Is the National Debt a Burden?. Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 10, June 1958, p. 163-183.

MEADE, J. E. A Correction, Oxford Economic Papers. vol. 11, February 1959, p. 109-110. Reprinted in Ferguson (ed.), Public Debt and Future Generations, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1964.

MEADE, J. E. The Public Debt Reconsidered: A Reply. Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 42, August 1960, p. 325-326.

MEADE, J. E. Mauritius: A Case Study in Malthusian Economics. Economic Journal, vol. b71, September 1961, p. 521-534.

MEADE, J. E. The Future of International Trade and Payments. Three Banks Review, vol. 50, June 1961, p. 15-38. Reprinted in Factors Affecting US Balance of Payments, Washington, Joint Economic Committee, 1962, p. 239-252.

The Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, 1921-39. In J.E. Meade (ed.), Case Studies in European Economic Union: The Mechanics of Integration, London, New York and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1962, p. 15-57.

MEADE, J. E. The Effect of Savings on Consumption in a State of Steady Growth. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 29, June 1962, p. 227-234.

MEADE, J. E., et al. Welfare Criteria: An Exchange of Notes. Economic Journal, vol. 72, March 1962, p. 226-244.

MEADE, J. E. Review of: Conflict and Defence by K.E. Boulding. The Strategy of Conflict by T.C. Shelling, and Fights, Games and Debates by A. Rapoport, Economic Journal, vol. LXXIII, no. 290, June 1963.

MEADE, J. E. The Adjustment of Savings to Investment in a Growing Economy. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 30, October 1963, p. 151-166.

MEADE, J. E. The Future of International Trade and Payments: A Comment, Outlook. Washington, D.C.: US Balance of Payments Joint Economic Committee, 1963, p. 241-243.

MEADE, J. E. The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy. Economic Journal, vol. 73, December 1963, p. 665-674.

MEADE, J. E. International Commodity Agreements, Lloyds Bank Review. vol. 73, July 1964, p. 28-42.

MEADE, J. E. The International Monetary Mechanism, Three Banks Review. vol. 63, September 1964, p.  3-25.

MEADE, J. E., HAHN, F. H. The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy, Economic Journal. vol. 75, June 1965, p. 45-48.

MEADE, J. E. UK, the Commonwealth and the Common Market: A Reappraisal. In W.L. Lees et al. (eds.), Freedom or Free-For-All?, Essays in Welfare, Trade and Choice, Hobart Papers, vol. 3, London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1965, p. 95-156.

MEADE, J. E. Exchange-Rate Flexibility. Three Banks Review, vol. 70, June 1966, p. 3-27. Reprinted in International Payments Problems, Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1966, p. 67-82.

MEADE, J. E. The Future of International Payments /Review/. Three Banks Review, vol. 50, June 1961, p. 15-38. Reprinted in F.B. Jensen and I. Walter (eds.), Readings in International Economic Relations, New York, Ronald Press Company, 1966, p. 254-268.

MEADE, J. E. The International Monetary Mechanism. Three Banks Review, vol. 56, September 1964, p. 3-25. Reprinted in M.G. Mueeller (ed.), Readings in Macroeconomics, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966, p. 386-397.

MEADE, J. E. Life-cycle Savings, Inheritance and Economic Growth. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 33, January 1966, p. 61-78.

MEADE, J. E. The Outcome of the Pasinetti Process: A Note. Economic Journal, vol. 76, March 1966, p. 161-165.

MEADE, J. E. Determinants of Inequality in a Property-Owning Democracy (from Meade, Efficiency, Equality and the Ownership of Property, 1964), reprinted in E.C. Budd (ed.), Inequality and Poverty, New York, Norton, 1967, p. 105-113.

MEADE, J. E. Gold and Reform: Other Views. In Hinshaw, R. (ed.), Monetary Reform and the Price of Gold, Baltimore, Jonhs Hopkins Press, 1967, p. 123-125.

MEADE, J. E., HITCH, C. J. How Should Income be Distributed? (from their „An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy, 1938, reprinted in E.C. Budd (ed.), Inequality and Poverty, New York: Norton, 1967, p. 1-5.

MEADE, J. E. Population Explosion, the Standard of Living and Social Conflict. Economic Journal, vol. 77, June 1967, p. 233-255.

MEADE, J. E. Towards a Property-Owning Democracy (from Meade, Efficiency, Equality and the Ownership of Property, 1964), reprinted in E.C. Budd (ed.), Inequality and Poverty, New York, Norton, 1967, p. 114-122.

MEADE, J. E. Is ´The New Industrial State´ Inevitable? (Review). Economic Journal, vol. 78, June 1968, p. 372-392.

MEADE, J. E. The Use of a Social Welfare Function for Planning Purposes in a Free Enterprise Economy. Economic Studies Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 3, December 1970, p. 19-41

MEADE, J. E. The Theory of Labour-Managed Firms and of Profit Sharing. Economic Journal, vol. 82, March 1972, p. 402-428.

MEADE, J. E. Poverty in the Welfare State. Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 24, no. 3, November 1972, p. 289-326.

MEADE, J. E. The Inheritance of Inequalities. Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. LIX, 1973.

MEADE, J. E. A Note on Border-Tax Adjustments. Journal of Political Economy, Sept./Oct. 1974.

MEADE, J. E. The Optimal Balance between Economies of Scale and Variety of Products. Economica, November 1974.

MEADE, J. E. Labour-Managed Firms in Conditions of Imperfect Competition. Economic Journal, December 1974.

MEADE, J. E. The Keynesian Revolution in Essays on John Maynard Keynes, Milo Keynes (ed.), 1975.

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James Edward Meade