Edmund Strother Phelps

Edmund Strother Phelps, Jr., americký profesor ekonomie na Columbia University, se narodil v létě roku 1933, přesněji pak 26. července 1933, v Chicagu.

Otec byl za velké hospodářské krize nucen se přestěhovat za prací do New Yorku a rodina se usadila v Hastings-on-Hudson, klidném a tichém předměstí velkoměsta poblíž řeky Hudson. Zde Phelps začal chodit do školy, kterou ukončil v roce 1951.

Další studia začal na Amherst College, kde se podrobně seznamoval nejen s díly velkých filosofů, ale především pak ve svém druhém studijním roce s pracemi světových ekonomů. Zde roku 1955 získává B.A. Pro další studia se E. S. Phelps rozhodl na Yale University, kde potkává Jamese Tobina a Thomase Schellinga a kde započal svou akademickou dráhu. Roku 1959 zde získal Ph.D. Jeho disertační práci ocenil a podpořil Arthur Okun, kterého si Phelps velmi považuje. Profesor Phelps přechází na University of Pennsylvania a začíná se podrobněji věnovat problematice inflace. Na podzim roku 1971 se pak dostává na Columbia University, Department of Economics, kde je od roku 1982 profesorem politické ekonomie.

Během působení na Columbia University se mění i osobní Phelpsův život. Potkává zde Vivian Montdor, kterou si v roce 1974 bere za manželku. Rodina se mu tak rozšířila i o nevlastní dceru Monicu, syna Eduarda, rodiče a vnučku.

V současné době je profesor E. S. Phelps také ředitelem na Columbia`s Center on Capitalism and Society, založeném v roce 2001.

Ve věku 48 let byl zvolen v roce 1982 do National Academy of Science (USA). Vedle toho je profesor Phelps například také členem American Economic Association, American Academy of Arts and Science, Econometric Society, Guggenheim Foundation a mnoha dalších společenských i odborných institucí. V roce 1996 získal m.j. ocenění Kenan Enterprise Award.

Mezi jeho velké koníčky patří především rodina a domácí mazlíček – pes Shaggy.

Teorie nositele Ceny Švédské banky za ekonomii na paměť Alfreda Nobela za rok 2006 (Nobelovy ceny za ekonomii) je prověřena časem, protože ji profesor E. S. Phelps získal až desetiletí po svém hlavním objevu, týkajícím se vztahu mezi inflací a nezaměstnaností. Vzhledem k tomu, že je Phelpsova teorie využívána již dlouho centrálními bankami při řízení měnové politiky, je profesor Phelps nazýván v některých pramenech bojovníkem proti inflaci a mužem, který pomohl našim úsporám.


Designing inclusion: Tools to raise low-end pay and employment in private enterprise.
Edited by E. S. Phelps, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

PHELPS, E. S. Enterprise and inclusion in the Italian economy. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002.

PHELPS, E. S. Rewarding work: How to restore participation and self-support to free
. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1997.

PHELPS, E. S. Structural slumps: The modern equilibrium theory of employment, interest
and assets
. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994.

EBRD Economic Review: Annual Economic Outlook. Edited by E. S. Phelps, London:
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, September 1993.

Recent developments in macroeconomics. Edited by E. S. Phelps, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
Pub. Co., 1991.

PHELPS, E. S. Seven schools of macroeconomic thought: The Arne Ryde lectures.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

FITOUSSI, J.-P., PHELPS, E. S. The slump in Europe: Open economy theory reconstructed.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.

PHELPS, E. S. Political economy: An introductory text. New York and London: W. W.
Norton and Co., 1985.

Individual forecasts and aggregate outcomers: „Rational expectations examined“. Edited
by R. Frydman and E. S. Phelps, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

PHELPS, E. S. Studies in macroeconomic theory: Volume 2 – Redistribution and growth.
New York: Academic Press, 1980.

PHELPS, E. S. Studies in macroeconomic theory: Volume 1 – Employment and inflation.
New York: Academic Press, 1980.

Altruism, morality and economic theory. Edited by E. S. Phelps, Russell Sage Foundation, 1975.

Economic justice. Edited by E. S. Phelps, Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1973.

PHELPS, E. S. Inflation policy and unemployment theory. Macmillan, 1972.

ALCHIAN, A. A., HOLT, C. C., PHELPS, E. S., et al. Microeconomic foundations of
employment and inflation theory
. New York: W. W. Norton, 1970.

PHELPS, E. S. Golden rules of economic growth. New York: W. W. Norton, 1967.

PHELPS, E. S. Fiscal neutrality toward economic growth. New York: McGraw Hill, 1965.

The goal of economic growth. Edited by E. S. Phelps, New York: W. W. Norton, 1962.

Private wants and public needs. Edited by E. S. Phelps, New York: W. W. Norton, 1962.


PETRUCCI, A., PHELPS, E. S. Capital subsidies versus labor subsidies: a trade-off
between capital and employment. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2005, vol. 37,
no. 5, p. 907 – 922.

BHIDÉ, A., PHELPS, E. S. Classical theory vs. the real world. Wall Street Journal, July 25

PHELPS, E. S. La contre performance de l’Europe continentale: Le lien entre institutions,
dynamisme et prospérité. Revue de l’OFCE, April 2005, vol. 93.

PHELPS, E. S. Remedies for New Orleans. Wall Street Journal, October 10 2005.

PHELPS, E. S. Crash, bang, wallop. Wall Street Journal, January 5 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. Effects of China’s recent development in the rest of the world. Journal of
Policy Modelling, 2004, vol. 26, no. 8-9, p. 903 – 910.

PHELPS, E. S. The way we live now. Wall Street Journal, December 28 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. False hopes for economy – and false fears. Wall Street Journal, June 3 2003.

PHELPS, E. S. Capitalism, top to bottom. Letter. Wall Street Journal, February 1 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. Income tax cuts without spending cuts: hazards to efficiency, equity,
employment and growth. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2002, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 391 – 399.

PHELPS. E. S. Lack of enterpreneurship in Argentina. Letter. Financial Times, January 11

PHELPS, E. S. Portents of a darkening outlook: falling equities and a weakening dollar herald
economic slowdown. Financial Times, July 31 2002.

PHELPS, E. S. Structural booms: Productivity expectations and asset valuations. Economic
Policy, CEPR, April 2001, vol. 32, p. 85 – 126.

PHELPS, E. S. Tanti privati ma poco capitalismo. Il sole/24 ore, Rome, June 28 2001.

PHELPS, E. S. The unproven case for tax cuts. Financial Times, February 2 2001.

ORSZAG, J. M., PHELPS, E. S., ZOEGA, G. Education and the natural rate of
unemployment. Oxford Economic Papers, January 2000, vol. 52, p. 204 – 223.

PHELPS, E. S. Europe’s stony ground for the seeds of growth. Financial Times, August 9

PHELPS, E. S. Der Filz dämpft den Aufschwung. CASH, August 25 2000, no. 34.

PHELPS, E. S. IMF seems to have lost sight of rationale for capitalism. Letter. Financial
Times, August 25 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. Lessons in natural-rate dynamics. Oxford Economic Papers, January 2000,
vol. 52, p. 51 – 71.

PHELPS, E. S. Low inflation, low unemployment. What gives? Wall Street Journal,
April 7 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. Nairu is still a valid model. Australian Financial Review, July 26 2000.

FITOUSSI, J.-P., JESTAZ, D., PHELPS, E. S., et al. Roots of the recent recoveries: labor
reforms or private sector forces. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2000, no. 1,
p. 237 – 311.

PHELPS, E. E. Subsidize wages: a commentary on universal basic income. Boston Review,
October-November 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. Behind the structural boom: the role of asset valuations. American Economic
Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1999, vol. 89, p. 63 – 68.

PHELPS, E. S. Le génie du capitalisme. Le Soir, July 16 1999.

PHELPS, E. S. The global crisis of corporatism. Wall Street Journal, March 25 1999.

PHELPS, E. S. Designing capitalism for fast growth and high employment. Rivista
Internazionale di Science Sociali, 1998, vol. 106, p. 501 – 513.

PHELPS, E. S. Designing a capitalist economy for fast growth and high employment in
today’s globalized world economy. Journal of Applied Economics, 1998, vol. 1, p. 87 – 103.

PHELPS, E. S., ZOEGA, G. Natural-rate theory and OECD unemployment. Economic
Journal, 1998, vol. 108, p. 782 – 801.

PHELPS, E. S. Direct low-wage tax credits to employers. Letter. Financial Times, February
23 1998.

HOON, H.-T., PHELPS, E. S. Growth, wealth and the natural rate: Is Europe’s jobs crisis
a growth crisis? European Economic Review, April 1997, vol. 41, p. 549 – 557.

PHELPS, E. S. Quick in if you work. Financial Times, October 31 1997.

PHELPS, E. S., ZOEGA, G. The rise and downward trend of the natural rate. American
Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1997, vol. 87, p. 283 – 289.

PHELPS, E. S. A strategy for employment and growth. Rivista Italiana degli Economisti,
1997, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 121 – 128.

L’aide l’emploi des salaries non qualifies dois etre massive et permamente. Interview and
biography. Le Monde, March 12 1996.

HOON, H.-T., PHELPS, E. S. Payroll taxes and VAT in labor-turnover model of the
„natural rate“. International Tax and Public Finance, 1996, vol. 3, p. 185 – 201.

PHELPS, E. S. Quids in if you work. Financial Times, October 31 1997.

PHELPS, E. S. Scapegoating the natural rate. Wall Street Journal, August 6 1996.

PHELPS, E. S. Statement on payroll taxes and wage subsidies. National Commission on
Economic Growth and Tax Reform (Kemp Commission), September 20 1995.

PHELPS, E. S. The structuralist theory of unemployment. American Economics Review:
Papers and Proceedings, May 1995, vol. 85, p. 226 – 231.

PHELPS, E. E. Subsidize employment. Policy Options/Options Politique, 17, July/August
1996, p. 5 – 9.

KANAGINIS, G., PHELPS, E. S. Fiscal policy and economic activity in the neoclassical
theory with and without bequests. Finanz Archiv, 1994, vol. 51 (New Series), no. 2.

PHELPS, E. S. Le chômage structurel: causes et remédes. Le Figaro, May 27 1994.

PHELPS, E. S. Low-wage employment subsidies v. the welfare state. American Economic
Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 1994, vol. 84, p. 54 – 58.

PHELPS, E. S. Consumer demand and equilibrium unemployment in a customer-market
incentive-wage economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1992, vol. 107,
p. 1003 – 1032.

HOON, H.-T., PHELPS, E. S. Macroeconomic shocks in a dynamized model of the natural
rate of unemployment. American Economic Review, September 1992, vol. 82, p. 889 – 900.

PHELPS, E. S. The effects of productivity, total GDP demand and „incentive wages“ on
unemployment in a non-monetary customer-market model of the small open economy.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1990, vol. 92, no. 2.

PHELPS, E. S. Fiscal stimulus and employment at home and abroad in a real two-country
customer-market model. Rivista di Politica Economica, December 1989, vol. 79,
p. 157 – 181.

FITOUSSI, J.-P., PHELPS, E. S. Been down so long seems like up to me. Financial
Times, April 13 1988.

FITOUSSI, J.-P., PHELPS, E. S. Le Marasme. Le Monde, May 10 1988.

FITOUSSI, J.-P., PHELPS, E. S. Pour soient pris des risques calcules. Le Monde, October 11

FITOUSSI, J.-P., PHELPS, E. S. Causes of the 1980 slump in Europe. Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity, December 1986, vol. 16, no. 2, p. 487 – 520.

PHELPS, E. S. Profits, theory and profits taxation, International Monetary Fund, Staff Papers,
December 1986, vol. 33.

PHELPS, E. S. Cracks on the demand side: A year of crisis in theoretical macroeconomics.
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1982, vol. 72, p. 378 – 381.

ORDOVER, J. A., PHELPS, E. S. On the concept of optimal taxation in the overlapping-
generations model of economic growth. Journal of Public Economics, August 1979, vol. 12,
p. 79 – 109.

PHELPS, E. S. Justice in the theory of public finance. Journal of Philosophy, Papers and
Proceedings, November 1979, p. 677 – 692.

PHELPS, E. S. Commodity supply shock and full-employment monetary policy. Journal of
Money, Credit and Banking, May 1978, vol. 10, p. 206 – 221.

PHELPS, E. S. Disinflation without recession: adaptive guideposts and monetary policy.
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, December 1978, vol. 114, p. 783 – 809.

PHELPS, E. S. Inflation planning reconsidered. Economica, May 1978, vol. 45, p. 109 – 123.

PHELPS, E. S., RILEY, J. G. Rawlsian growth: Dynamic programming of capital wealth for
intergeneration „maximin“ justice. Review of Economic Studies, February 1978, vol. 45,
p. 103 – 120.

PHELPS, E. S., TAYLOR, J. B. Stabilizing powers of monetary policy under rational
expectations. Journal of Political Economy, February 1977, vol. 85, p. 163 – 190.

ORDOVER, J. A., PHELPS, E. S. Linear taxation of wealth and wages for intergenerational
lifetime justice: Some steady-state cases. American Economic Review, September 1975,
vol. 65, p. 660 – 673.

PHELPS, E. S. Economic policy and unemployment in the 1960’s. The Public Interest,
winter 1974, no. 34, p. 30 – 46.

PHELPS, E. S. Taxation of wage income for economic justice. Quarterly Journal of
Economics, August 1973, vol. 87, p. 331 – 354.

PHELPS, E. S. Money, public expenditure and the labor supply. Journal of Economic Theory,
August 1972, vol. 5, p. 69 – 78.

PHELPS, E. S. The statistical theory of racism and sexism. American Economic Review,
December 1972, vol. 62, p. 659 – 661.

BURMEISTER, E., PHELPS, E. S. Money, public debt, taxation and real interest. Journal of
Money, Credit and Banking, May 1971, vol. 1, p. 153 – 182.

PHELPS, E. S. The new microeconomics in inflation and employment theory. American
Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 1969, vol. 59. p. 147 – 160.

PHELPS, E. S. A note on short run employment and real wage rate under market-clearing
commodity price. International Economic Review, June 1969, vol. 10, p. 220 – 232.

PHELPS, E. S. Population increase. Reply (to J. Isbiter). Canadian Journal of Economics,
August 1969, vol. 2, p. 459 – 461.

PHELPS, E. S., SHELL, K. Public debt, taxation and capital intensiveness. Journal of
Economic Theory, October 1969, vol. 1, p. 330 – 346.

PHELPS, E. S. Money-wage dynamics and labor-market equilibrium. Journal of Political
Economy, August 1968, Part 2, vol. 76, p. 678 – 711.

PHELPS, E. S. Population increase. Canadian Journal of Economics, August 1968, vol. 35.

PHELPS, E. S., POLLAK, R. A. On second-best national saving and game-equilibrium
growth. Review of Economic Studies, April 1968, vol. 35, p. 185 – 199.

PHELPS, E. S. Phillips curves, expectation of inflation and optimal unemployment over time.
Economica, August 1967, vol. 34, p. 254 – 281.

DRANDAKIS, E. M., PHELPS, E. S. A model of induced invention growth and distribution.
Economic Journal, December 1966, vol. 76, p. 823 – 840.

PHELPS, E. S. Models of technical progress and the golden rule of research. Review of
Economic Studies, April 1966, vol. 33, p. 133 – 146.

PHELPS, E. S. The structuralist theory of unemployment. American Economics Review:
Papers and Proceedings, May 1995, vol. 85, p. 226 – 231.

PHELPS, E. S. Low-wage employment subsidies v. the welfare state. American Economic
Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 1994, vol. 84, p. 54 – 58.

Working papers, proceedings, přednášky, aj.

PHELPS, E. S. The economic performance of nations: prosperity depends on dynamism,
dynamism on institutions. Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth
Mechanism of the Free-Market Economies. In The Growth Mechanism of Free Enterprise
Economics. Edited by E. Sheshinski, Princeton: Princeton University Press, Summer 2006.

HOON, H.-T., PHELPS, E. S. Effects of technological improvements in the ICT-producing
sector on business activity. Singapore Management University, February 2006.
Acceptance Speech, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, June 1 2005.

After-Dinner Speech, Home of President Olaf Grimsson, Reykjavik, June 17 2005.

Distinguished Plenary Lecture, International Economic Association 14th World Congress,
September 2 2005.

BHIDE, A., PHELPS, E. S. A dynamic theory of of the China-U.S. trade: making sense of the
imbalances. Working Paper no. 4, Centre on Capitalism and Society, July 2005.

PHELPS, E. S. Lecture. Nobel Laureates Beijing Forum 2005, The Great Hall of People,
Beijing, May 31 2005.

HOON, H.T., PHELPS, E. S. Channels and mechanism linking future budgetary shocks to
present asset prices and economic activity. 2nd Annual Conference, Centre on
Capitalism and Society, Reykjavik, June 16 – 17 2005.

Luncheon Speaker, Eastern Economic Association, New York City, March 4 2005.

JUPPE, A., LAMY, P., PHELPS, E. S., et al. Remarks on the international imbalances and the
conundrum of low interest rates. Panel discussion, Le Cercle des economistes,
Aix-en-Province, July 8 2005.

PHELPS, E. S. Some notes on monetary and unemployment. In Policy and Unemployment.
Edited by W. Semmler, London: Routledge, 2005, p. 16 – 19.

PHELPS, E. S. Understanding the great changes in the world: Gaining ground and losing
ground since world war II. Lecture, 14th World Congress, International Economic Assn.,
Marrakech, Sept. 2 2005.

Acceptance Speech, University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, July 2 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. Effects of China’s recent development in the rest of the world. 6th Annual
International Conference, ANEC, Havana, February 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. What distinguishes a prosperous and developing economy? And what
institutions does it require? China Forum, Renmin University, Beijing, May 29 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. What structuralism is – and what errors and omissions of supply-side and
RBC models it avoids. In The Fitoussi Festschrift. Edited by K. Velupillai, London:
Routledge, 2004.

PHELPS, E. S. Globalization and Development. Public Lecture given in Bangkok, Beijing,
Tianjin, Shanghai, Singapore and Havana, January-February 2004.

Introduction. In Designing Inclusion: Tools to Raise Low-end Pay and Employment in
Private Enterprise. Edited by E. S. Phelps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Keynote Speech, 5th International Conference, ANEC, Havana, February 2003.

Lecture, China-WTO Affairs, Shanghai, January 2003.

Lecture, Royal Institute of Economic Affairs, Chatham House, London, March 2003.

Shaw Foundation Distinguished Lecture, Singapore Management University, Singapore,
January 2003.

PHELPS, E. S. Asset prices, the real exchange rate and unemployment in a small open
economy: a medium-run structuralist perspective. In The Open Economy Macromodel:
Past, Present and Future. Edited by A. Arnon, W. Young, Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002.

Acceptance Speech, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, July 2001.

Acceptance Speech, University of Rome: „Tor Vergata“, Rome, July 2001.

PHELPS, E. S. Balanced-budget restraint in taxing income from wealth in the Ramsey
model. In Inequality and Tax Policy, Washington, D. C., American Enterprise Institute,

PHELPS, E. S. The importance of inclusion and the power of job subsidies to increase it.
OECD conference Making Work Pay, OECD Economic Studies, 31, 2000/II.

Luncheon Speaker, Conference on Unemployment and Inclusion, Toronto, 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. 6th semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome,
May 2000.

PHELPS, E. S. Taxing income from wealth in the Ramsey model: the difference balanced-
budget restraint makes. AEI Conference on Tax Policy and Inequality, January 21-22 1999.

PHELPS, E. S. 5th semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche, Rome,
Nov. 1999.

PHELPS, E. S. 4th semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche, Rome,
May 1999.

PHELPS, E. S. 3rd semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome,
November 1998.

PHELPS, E. S. 2nd semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome,
May 1998.

PHELPS, E. S. Moral hazard and independent income in a modern intertemporal-equilibrium
model of involuntary unemployment and mandatory retirement. In Markets, Information and
Uncertainty. Edited by G. Chichilnisky, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

PHELPS, E. S. 1st semi-annual report to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome,
November, 1997.

PHELPS, E. S. The effectiveness of macropolicies in a small open-economy dynamic
aggregative model. Discussion Paper no. 63, Banca d’Italia, May 1986.

PHELPS, E. S., ZOEGA, G. The incidence of increased unemployment in the Group of
Seven, 1970 – 1994. Confindustria, Rome, CSC Ricerche no. 115, September 1996.

HOON, H.-T., PHELPS, E. S. Low wage employment subsidies in a labor-turnover model of
the „natural rate“. Columbia University, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper
9697-05, November 1996.

PHELPS, E. S. A life in economics. In The Makers of Modern Economics. Edited by A.
Heertje. Aldershot: Elgar, 1995.

PHELPS, E. S. The argument for private ownership and control. Appendix to EBRD
Economic Outlook, London, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
September 1993.

PHELPS, E. S. Pro-Keynesian and counter-Keynesian implications of the „structuralist“
theory of unemployment and interest under the classic two-sector view of capital and
production. In Taxation in the United States and Europe. Edited by A. Knoester, London:
Macmillan 1993.

PHELPS, E. S. Testing „Keynesian“ unemployment theory against „structuralist“ theory:
Global evidence from the past two decades. In Issues of Contemporary Economics:
Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the International Economic Association. Edited by
M. Nerlove, London: Macmillan, 1991.

PHELPS, E. S. Agenda for economic justice to the working poor. Conference on Aspects
of the Distribution of Wealth and Income, Jerome Levy Institute at Bard College,
October 19 – 20 1990.

PHELPS, E. S. New channels in the transmission of foreign shocks. In Debt, Stabilization
and Development: Essays in Memory of Carlos Diaz-Alejandro. Edited by G. Calvo,
R. Findlay, et al., Oxford: Blackwell, 1989.

PHELPS, E. S. Precommitment to rules in monetary policy. 14th Annual Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis Conference, Monetary Policy on the Fed’s 75th Anniversary, October

PHELPS, E. S., VELUPILLAI, K. Optimum fiscal policy when monetary policy is bound by
a rule. In The Economics of Public Debt. Edited by K. J. Arrow, M. J. Boskin, Macmillan,
1988, for the International Economics Association: London.

PHELPS, E. S. A working model of slump and recovery from disturbances to capital-goods
demand in a closed non-monetary economy. International Monetary Fund, Research
Department, Working Paper 88/92, August 23 1988.

PHELPS, E. S. A working model of slump and recovery from disturbances to capital-goods
demand in an open non-monetary economy. American Economic Review: Papers and
Proceedings, May 1988, vol. 78, no. 2.

PHELPS, E. S. Economic equilibrium and other economic concepts: A „New Palgrave“
Quartet. European University Institute Working Paper 86/722/, June 1986.

PHELPS, E. S. The effectiveness of macropolicies in a small open-economy dynamic
aggregative model. Discussion Paper no. 63, Banca d’Italia, May 1986.

PHELPS, E. S. Profits theory and profits taxation. International Monetary Fund Staff Papers,
December 1986, vol. 33.

PHELPS, E. S. Recent studies of speculative markets in the controversy over rational
expectations. 3rd PROTER Conference on the Post Industrial Society, Spoleto, July 1986.

PHELPS, E. S. The significance of customer markets for the effects of budgetary policy in
open economies. I.I.E.S. Seminar Paper no. 315, University of Stockholm, 1986.

PHELPS, E. S. Appraising the American fiscal stance. Address to the University of Sassari
Conference, Alghero, September 1985.

PHELPS, E. S. The real interest rate quiz. Presidential address to the Atlantic Economic
Society, Montreal, October 1984.

PHELPS, E. S. Toward reducing the losses from disinflation in some developing countries.
IMF DM 84/18, March 1984.

PHELPS, E. S. Implicit contracts and the social contract. In Inflation, Debt and Indexation.
Edited by R. Dornbusch, M. E. Simonson, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1983.

PHELPS, E. S. Cracks on the demand side: A year of crisis in theoretical macroeconomics.
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1982.

CALVO, G. A., PHELPS, E. S. A model of non-Walrasian general equilibrium: its Pareto
Inoptimality and Pareto improvement. Columbia-Yale-Brookings Conference in Memory of
Arthur M. Okun, September 1981.

CALVO, G. A., PHELPS, E. S. Welfare economics of post-classical economies.
Memorandum to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, April 1980.

ORDOVER, J. A., PHELPS, E. S. Choosing a new international economic order.
Memorandum to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, April 1979.

PHELPS, E. S. Obstacles to curtailing inflation. Essays in post-Keynesian inflation. Edited
by J. H. Gapinski, C. E. Rockwood, Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Pub. Co., 1979.

PHELPS, E. S. Optimal public finance under international capital mobility. Working Paper
no. 38, Columbia University, Department of Economics, November 1979.

PHELPS, E. S. Testimony. Subcommittee on Monetary Policy, House Banking Commitee,
March 1979.

PHELPS, E. S. International economic justice. Memorandum to Guggenheim Foundation.
Sept. 1977.

PHELPS, E. S. Linear „maximin“ taxation of wage and property income on a „maximin“
growth path. In Economic Progress, Private Values and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of
William Fellner. Edited by B. A. Balassa, R. R. Nelson, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976.

PHELPS, E. S. Social policy and uncertain careers: Beyond Rawls’s paradigm case. In
Urban and Public Economics: Essays in Honor of William Vickrey. Edited by R. E. Grieson,
et al., Boston, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1976.

PHELPS, E. S. Testimony, hearings on monetary policy oversight. Committee on banking,
housing and urban affairs, U.S. Senate, February 1975.

PHELPS, E. S. Some macroeconomics of population leveling. Proceedings of the U.S.
Commision on Population Growth and the American Future, 1972.

PHELPS, E. S. Inflation expectations and economic theory. In Inflation and the Canadian
experience. Edited by N. Swan, D. Wilton, Kingston, Ontario: Industrial Relation Centre,
Queen’s University, 1971, p. 31 – 47.

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Edmund Strother Phelps