Herbert Alexander Simon

Herbert Alexander Simon se narodil 15. června 1916 v Milwaukee (stát Wisconsin). Otec byl elektroinženýr, vynálezce a později patentový právník, matka byla vynikající klavíristkou. V roce 1937 se oženil s Dorotheou Pyeovou, se kterou měl tři děti. Zemřel 9. února roku 2001.

Již od střední školy se H. Simon zajímal o společenské vědy. Na Chicagskou universitu vstupoval s představou, že se stane matematickým společenským vědcem. Měl štěstí na výborné učitele, mezi které patřil i matematický ekonom H. Schulz. Po ukončení školy v r. 1936 se věnoval empirickému výzkumu městské správy ve Wisconsinu a podobné problematice i poté na Kalifornské universitě.

V r. 1942 se H. Simon vrací do Chicaga. Zde začíná docházet na seminář tzv. Cowlesovy komise pro výzkum v ekonomii, který představoval největší koncentraci významných poválečných ekonomů. Pod vedením J. Marschaka se zapojil do práce této komise a studoval zde ekonomické důsledky atomové energie. Jeho zájem o matematickou ekonomii ústí do formulace a důkazu Hawkinsovy-Simonovy věty o podmínkách existence kladného vektorového řešení pro matice typu input-output.

V r. 1949 odjíždí do Pittsburghu a zakládá zde postgraduální školu průmyslové správy. V té době se objevují první počítače a H. Simon začíná pracovat na postupech dynamického programování, vyvíjí „lineární rozhodovací pravidla“ pro řízení zásob. Odvozuje dále pravidla pro optimální rozhodování v podmínkách jistoty a pracuje na rozšíření těchto pravidel i pro podmínky nejistoty. Postupně se však zaměřuje zejména na výzkum rozhodovacích procesů v organizacích, za což získal v roce 1978 Nobelovu cenu.

Základním předpokladem mikroekonomické teorie je, že rozhodovací subjekt maximalizuje nějakou účelovou funkci. H. Simon poukázal na to, že takový postup je v rozporu s fakty, která jsou známa o lidském chování. Simon dokazoval, že nikdo nemůže tvrdit, že provedl maximalizaci, jestliže své rozhodnutí neporovnal s dostupnými alternativami. Nedošlo-li k takovému porovnání, nelze tvrdit, že by rozhodovací subjekt maximalizoval cokoliv. Své úvahy ilustroval příklady. Mezi nejznámější z nich patří hledání jehly v kupce sena. Předpokládejme, říká H. Simon , že ve stohu sena je mnoho jehel. Potom lze rozlišit dva vyhledávací procesy. První z nich je hledání nejostřejší jehly v kupce, což je právě maximalizační proces. Druhý je hledání takové jehly, která je dost ostrá na to, aby ten, kdo ji hledá, mohl dokončit nějaké šití. Tento typ procesu hledá „uspokojivé“ řešení a postuluje tzv. princip satisfakce. Podobně se chová např. vedení firmy, které chce dosáhnout 25% výnosu z investic a i když ví, že existují ještě optimálnější řešení, nehledá je. Používá přitom takové postupy, které neporovnávají všechny výsledky možných rozhodnutí. První rozhodnutí, které je uspokojivé, je přijato. To je jádro principu satisfakce.

Na rozpracování principu satisfakce se podílelo mnoho dalších odborníků. Nejznámějšími jsou mezi nimi Cyert a March, tvůrci behaviorální teorie firmy, na které se podílel i H. Simon. Herbert Simon napsal i celou řadu dalších publikací, které souvisely s racionalitou a publikoval mnoho empirických studií z této oblasti.

Celý vědecký přínos H. Simona je nesmírně rozsáhlý a zasahuje do mnoha oborů – od filozofie přes ekonomii, až po studium procesu řešení problémů. Žádnou z oblastí jeho působení nelze opomíjet. Jeho ekonomické práce jsou neustále používané a ekonomická teorie je dnes bez Simonova příspěvku těžko představitelná. H. Simon se nepokoušel nahradit existující ekonomickou teorii něčím jiným, ale spíše se snažil o pozměnění a zobecnění tak, aby lépe odrážela skutečné chování člověka.


SIMON, H. A., SMITHBURG, D. W., THOMPSON, V. A. Public Administration. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950.

SIMON, H. A., et al. Fundamental Research in Administration. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Press, 1953.

SIMON, H. A., et al. Centralization vs. Decentralization in Organizing the Controller´s Department. New York: Controllership Foundation, 1954.

SIMON, H. A. Administrative Behavior. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1957; 3rd ed., expanded, with new Introduction, 1976.

SIMON, H. A. Models of Man. New York: Wiley, 1957.

MARCH, J. G., SIMON, H. A. Organizations. New York: Wiley, 1958.

SIMON, H. A., et al. Planning Production, Inventories and Work Force. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1960.

SIMON, H. A. The Shape of Automation for Men and Management. 1st ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1965.

SIMON, H. A. The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1969.

NEWELL, A., SIMON, H. A. Human Problem Solving. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.

SIKLÓSSY, L., SIMON, H. A. Representation and Meaning. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.

SIMON, H. A. The New Science of Management Decision. Rev. ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977.

IJIRI, Y., SIMON, H. A. Skew Distributions and the Sizes of Business Firms. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co., 1977.


SIMON, H. A. Comparative Statistics and the Measurement of Efficiency. National Municipal Review, 26, November 1937, 524-527. Reprinted in Municipal Review of Canada, 34, February 1938, p. 11-12.

SIMON, H. A. Can Municipal Activities be Measured?. The Municipality, 32, December 1937, p. 281-282. Reprinted in Municipal News, Canada, 14, 17 August 1938.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. Measuring Municipal Activities. International City Managers´ Association, Second edition, revised 1943.

SIMON, H. A. Municipal Reporting. Municipal Year Book, 1938, p. 47-51.

SIMON, H. A. Inter-City Contests. Municipal Year Book, 1938, p. 210-216.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. Trends in Municipal Reporting. Public Opinion Quarterly, 2, July 1938, p. 465-468.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. The Criteria of Efficiency. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 199, September 1938, p. 20-25.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. Bibliography of Measurement Standards. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 199, September 1938, p. 220-228.

SIMON, H. A. Cities Go To the Polls. Public Management, 20, December 1938, p. 362-365.

SIMON, H. A. Municipal Reporting. Municipal Year Book, 1939, p. 38-42.

SIMON, H. A. The Administrator in Search of Statistics. Public Management, 21, April 1939, p. 106-109.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. Specifications for the Annual Municipal Report. Chicago, International City Managers´ Association, 1940.

SIMON, H. A., RIDLEY, C. E. The Citizen Looks at His Local Government. Social Education, February 1940.

SIMON, H. A., COOPER, CHRNIN, DIVINE, W. R. Determining Work Loads for Professional Staff in a Public Welfare Agency. Berkeley: Bureau of Public Administration, University of California, 1941.

SIMON, H. A. The Planning Approach in Public Economy: Further Comment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 55, February 1941, p. 325-330.

SIMON, H. A. Measurement Techniques in Administrative Research. Civic Affairs, 8, no. 9, May 1941, p. 1-2.

SIMON, H. A., COOPER, CHRNIN, DIVINE, W. R. Determining Work Loads in Relief Administration. Public Management, 23, June 1941, p. 172-174.

SIMON, H. A., DIVINE, W. R. Human Factors in an Administrative Experiment. Public Administration Review, 1, Autumn 1941, p. 485-492.

SIMON, H. A. Review of George P. Bush and Lowell H. Hattery, Scientific Research: Its Administration and Organization. Journal of Business.

SIMON, H. A., SHARP, F. Whaťs Burning in Your City?. Public Management, 24, June 1942, p. 173-178.

SIMON, H. A. New Sources of Municipal Revenues. Municipal Year Book, 1943, p. 254-259. Reprinted in Public Management, 25, March 1943, p. 67-69. Reprinted in American City, 58, July 1943, p. 47-49. Reprinted in Municipal Journal and Local Government Administrator (England), 51, May 7 1943, p. 578.

SIMON, H. A. The Incidence of a Tax on Urban Real Property. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 57, May 1943, p. 398-420. Reprinted in Richard A. Musgrave and Carl S. Shoup, eds., Readings in the Economics of Taxation, Volume IX of American Economic Association Series of Republished Articles, no. 26, Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1959, p. 416-435.

SIMON. H. A. Symmetric Tests of the Hypothesis that the Mean of One Normal Population Exceeds that of Another. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 14, June 1943, p. 149-154.

SIMON, H. A. Recent Progress in Measuring City Activities. Public Management, 25, September 1943, p. 261-266.

SIMON, H. A. Decision-Making and Administrative Organization. Public Administration Review, 4, Winter 1944, p. 16-31. Incorporated in Administrative Behavior, Chapter I. Reprinted in part in Robert K. Merton, et al., eds., Reader in Bureaucracy, Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1952, p. 185-194. Reprinted in A.C. Bachmeyer and G. Hartman, eds., Hospital Trends and Developments, 1940-1946. New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1948.

SIMON. H. A. Statistical Tests as a Basis for „Yes-No“ Choices. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 40, March 1945, p. 80-84.

SIMON, H. A. Review of L. Urwick, „The Elements of Administration“. Public Personnel Review, 6, April 1945, p. 121-122.

SIMON, H. A. State-Local Relations in City Planning. State Government, 18, April 1945, p. 68-71.

SIMON, H. A. Planning for Organization and Management. Public Management, 27, April 1945, p. 108-111. Reprinted as Chapter I in Planning for Postwar Municipal Services, International City Managers´ Association, Chicago, 1945.

SIMON, H. A. Review of J. von Neumann and O. Morgenstern, „Theory of Games and Economic Behavior“. American Journal of Sociology, 50, May 1945, p. 558-560.

SIMON, H. A. The Fine Art of Issuing Orders. Public Management, 27, July 1945, p. 206-208.

SIMON, H. A. Enforcement of Regulatory Ordinances. Public Management, 27, August 1945, p. 226-230.

SIMON, H. A., SIMON, D. P. Cities in the Postwar World. Municipal Year Book, 1946, 1-8. Reprinted in Public Management, 28, February 1946, p. 34-36; and The American Year Book, 1946.

SIMON, H. A. The Proverbs of Administration. Public Administration Review, 6, Winter 1946, p. 53-67. Incorporated in Administrative Behavior, Chapter 2. Reprinted in Rowat, Basic Issues in Public Administration, New York: Macmillan, 1961, p. 57-64, 69-74.

SIMON, H. A. How to Program Municipal Services. Public Management, 28, December 1946, p. 354-358.

SIMON, H. A. What is Urban Redevelopment?. Illinois Tech. Engineer, December 1946.

SIMON, H. A., et al. Technique of Municipal Administration. International City Managers´ Association, Third edition, Chicago, 1947.

SIMON, H. A., SIMON, D. P. Trends in Municipal Administration. Municipal Year Book, 1947, Public Management, 29, February 1947, p. 34-35.

SIMON, H. A. Effects of Increased Productivity Upon the Ratio of Urban to Rural Population. Econometrica, 15, January 1947, p. 31-42.

SIMON, H. A. A Comment on „The Science of Public Administration“. Public Administration Review, 7, Summer 1947, p. 200-203.

SIMON, H. A. Review of J.H. Boeke, „The Evolution of the Netherlands Indies Economy“. American Journal of Sociology, 53, July 1947, p. 69-70.

SIMON, H. A. Atomic Power: What Does It Mean to Our Peacetime Economy?. Illinois Tech. Engineer, 13, October 1947, p. 13.

SIMON, H. A. The Axioms of Newtonian Mechanics. The Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, 38, December 1947, p. 888-905.

SIMON, H. A. Some Economic Effects of Technological Change (abstract). Econometrica, 16, April 1948, p. 199-200.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Dwight Waldo, „The Administrative State“. Journal of Politics, 10, November 1948, p. 843-845.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Ronald B. Shuman, „The Management of Men“. Public Personnel Review, 10, January 1949, p. 55-56.

SIMON, H. A. Review of E.F.L. Brech, „Management: Its Nature and Significance“. The Management Review, 38, January 1949, p. 54.

SIMON, H. A., HAWKINS, D. Note: Some Conditions of Macroeconomic Stability. Econometrica, 17, July-October 1949, p. 245-248.

SIMON, H. A. The Effects of Atomic Power on National or Regional Economies. In Schurr and Marschak, eds., Economic Aspects of Atomic Power, Chapter 13, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950, p. 219-247.

SIMON, H. A. Atomic Power and the Industrialization of Backward Areas. In Schurr and Marschak, eds., Economic Aspects of Atomic Power, Chapter 14, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950, p. 248-273.

SIMON, H. A. Methodology and Research in the Social Sciences – A Bibliography. Appears quarterly in The American Political Science Review, beginning with volume 44, no. 4, December 1950, and continuing through Volumes 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50.

SIMON, H. A.Discussion: The Semantics of Political Science, American Political Science Review, 44, June 1950, p. 407-411.

SIMON, H. A. Modern Organization Theories. Advanced Management, 15, October 1950, p. 2, 4.

SIMON, H. A. Effects of Technological Change in a Linear Model. In T. Koopmans, ed., Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation, Chapter 15, New York: New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1951.

SIMON, H. A. The Analysis of Promotional Opportunities. Personnel, 27, January 1951, p. 282-285.

SIMON, H. A. Discussion: The General Theory of Automata (abstract). Econometrica, 19, January 1951, p. 72.

SIMON, H. A. A Formal Theory of the Employment Relationship. Econometrica, 19, July 1951, p. 293-305. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 47).

SIMON, H. A. Review of N. Rashevsky, „Mathematical Biology of Social Behavior“. Econometrica, 19, July 1951, p. 357-358.

SIMON, H. A. Review of E. Wight Bakke, „Bonds of Organization“. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1952.

SIMON, H. A. On the Application of Servomechanism Theory in the Study of Production Control. Econometrica, 20, April 1952, p. 247-268. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 59).

SIMON, H. A. A Formal Theory of Interaction in Social Groups. American Sociological Review, 17, April 1952, p. 202-211. Reprinted in Hare, Borgatta and Bales, eds., Small Groups. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955.

SIMON, H. A. Development of Theory of Democratic Administration: Reply. American Political Science Review, 46, June 1952, p. 494-496.

SIMON, H. A. On the Definition of the Causal Relation. The Journal of Philosophy, 49, July 31 1952, p. 517-528. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 70).

SIMON, H. A. Review of Duncan Black and R.A. Newing: Committee Decisions with Complementary Valuation. American Sociological Review, October 1952.

SIMON, H. A. Comments on the Theory of Organizations. American Political Science Review, 46, December 1952, p. 1130-1139. Reprinted in Rubenstein and Haberstroh, eds., Some Theories of Organization, Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1960, 157-167. Reprinted in Lemke and Edwards, eds., Administrative Control and Executive Action, Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1961, p. 124-132. Reprinted in Richards and Nielander, Readings in Management, 2nd edition. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1963.

SIMON, H. A. A Comparison of Organization Theories. The Review of Economic Studies, 20, no. 1, 1952-1953, p. 40-48. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 47).

SIMON, H. A. Causal Ordering and Identifiability. In Hood and Koopmans, eds., Studies in Econometric Method, Chapter 3. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1953.

SIMON, H. A. Discussion: Decision-Making and the Theory of Organization. Econometrica, 21, April 1953, p. 348.

SIMON, H. A. Birth of an Organization: The Economic Cooperation Administration. Public Administration Review, 13, Autumn 1953, p. 227-236.

SIMON, H. A. Research in Comparative Politics: Comment. Ammerican Political Science Review, 47,September 1953, p. 664-666.

SIMON, H. A. Notes on the Observation and Measurement of Political Power. Journal of Politics, 15, November 1953, p. 500-516. Reprinted in Ulmer, Introductory Readings in Political Behavior, Chicago: Rand-McNally 1961, p. 363-376.

SIMON, H. A. Some Strategic Considerations in the Construction of Social Science Models. In Paul Lazarsfeld, ed., Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences, Chapter 8, Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1954. Chapter II reprinted in G.A. Miller, Mathematics and Psychology, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964, p. 137-146.

SIMON, H. A., HOLT, C. C. Optimal Decision Rules for Production and Inventory Control. Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research in Production and Inventory Control,Cleveland: Case Institute of Technology, 1954.

SIMON, H. A. Staff and Management Controls. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 292, March 1954, p. 95-103.

SIMON, H. A., HOLT, C. C. The Control of Inventory and Production Rates – A Survey. Journal of the Operations Research Society of America, 2, August 1954, p. 289-301.

SIMON, H. A. Spurious Correlation: A Causal Interpretation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 49, September 1954, p. 467-479. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 89).

SIMON, H. A., HOLT, C. C. A Decision Rule for Production and Inventory Control (abstract).  Econometrica, 22, October 1954, p. 514-515.

SIMON, H. A. The Axiometrization of Classical Mechanics. Philosophy of Science, 21, October 1954, p. 340-343.

SIMON, H. A. Bandwagon and Underdog Effects and the Possibility of Election Predictions. Public Opinion Quarterly, 18, Fall 1954, p. 245-253.

SIMON, H. A. Productivity Among American Psychologists: An Explanation. The American Psychologist, 9, December 1954, p. 804-805.

SIMON, H. A. Some Properties of Optimal Linear Filters. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 12, January 1955, p. 438-440.

SIMON, H. A., KOZMETSKY, GUETZKOW, H., TYNDALL Organizing for Controllership: Centralization and Decentralization. The Controller, 33, January 1955, p. 11-13.

SIMON, H. A. Further Remarks on the Causal Relation. The Journal of Philosophy, 52, January 6, 1955, p. 20-21.

SIMON, H. A., GUETZKOW, H. A Model of Short- and Long-Run Mechanisms Involved in Pressures Toward Uniformity in Groups. Psychological Review, 62, January 1955, p. 56-68.

SIMON, H. A., COOPER, W. W. Comment: Economic Expectations and Plans of Firms in Relation to Short-Term Forecasting. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth Short-Term Economic Forecasting, Studies in Income and Wealth, volume 17, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955, p. 352-359.

SIMON, H. A. A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 69, February 1955, p. 99-118. (Cowles Commission New Series Reprint no. 98). Reprinted in Polsby, Dentler and Smith, Politics and Social Life, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1963, p. 348-359.

SIMON, H. A. Causality and Econometries: Comment. Econometrica, 23, April 1955, p. 193-195.

SIMON, H. A. Framework of a Theory of the Firm: Comments. In Howard W. Bowen, The Business Enterprise as a Subject for Research, Social Science Research Council Pamphlet, no. 11, 1955, p. 43-46.

SIMON, H. A., STERN, F. The Effect of Television Upon Voting Behavior in Iowa in the 1952 Presidential Election. American Political Science Review, 49, June 1955, p. 470-477. Reprinted in Eulau, Eldersveld and Janowitz, eds., Political Behavior, Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1956, p. 205-209.

SIMON, H. A., GUETZKOW, H. The Impact of Certain Nets Upon Organization and Performance in Task-Oriented Groups. Management Science, 1, April-July, 1955, p. 233-250. Reprinted in Rubenstein and Haberstroh, Some Theories of Organization, Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1960, p. 259-277.

SIMON, H. A. Mathematics and the Social Sciences: Research Centres – The Carnegie Institute of Technology. Pittsburgh, International Social Science Bulletin, 6, no. 4, 1954, p. 682-683.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Arnold Tustin, The Mechanisms of Economic Systems. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 13, July 1950, p. 138.

SIMON, H. A. Prediction and Hindsight as Confirmatory Evidence. Philosophy of Science, 22, July 1955, p. 227-230.

SIMON, H. A. Recent Advances in Organization Theory. In Research Frontiers in Politics and Government, Chapter 2 in Brookings Lectures, 1955. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1955.

SIMON, H. A. Organization Structure – End or Means?. Seminars on Administration for Public Health Service Executives, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, 1955, p. 1-6.

SIMON, H. A. Comportement Organisationel et Comportement Rationnel. Connaissance de ĽHomme, 13, no. 12, August-September 1955, p. 87-98.

SIMON, H. A. Rational Behavior and Organization Theory in Trends in Economics. Paper presented at the Conference of Pennsylvania Economists, Pennsylvania State University, June 16-17 1955, p. 92-100.

SIMON, H. A. On a Class of Skew Distribution Functions. Biometrika, 42, December 1955, p. 425-440.

SIMON, H. A., GUETZKOW, H. Mechanisms Involved in Group Pressures on Deviate Members. British Journal of Statistical Psychology, 8, November 1955, p. 93-102.

SIMON, H. A., HOLT, C. C., MODIGLIANI, F. A Linear Decision Rule for Production and Employment Scheduling. Management Science, 2, October 1955, p. 1-30.

SIMON, H. A. Reply: Surrogates for Uncertain Decision Problems. Unpublished ONR Research Memorandum no. 38, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Institute of Technology, January 1956. /Pages 11-13 of this Memorandum are the basis for pages 507-510 of H. Theil, Economic Forecasts and Policy. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1958.

SIMON, H. A. Dynamic Programming Under Uncertainty with a Quadratic Criterion Function. Econometrica, 24, January 1956, p. 74-81.

SIMON, H. A. Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment. Psychological Review, 63, March 1956, p. 129-138.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Models: Their Uses and Limitations. In L.D. White, ed., The State of the Social Sciences, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956, p. 66-83. Reprinted in Hollander and Hunt, eds., Current Perspectives in Social Psychology, New York: Oxford University Press, 1963, p. 29-90. Reprinted in Melvin H. Marx, ed., Theories in Contemporary Psychology, New York: Macmillan, 1963, p. 89-104.

SIMON, H. A., HOLT, C. C.,  MODIGLIANI, F. Controlling Inventory and Production in the Face of Uncertain Sales. National Convention Transactions, Montreal, Canada, June 6-8 1956.

SIMON, H. A. A Comparison of Game Theory and Learning Theory. Psychometrika, 21, September 1956, p. 267-272.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. The Logic Theory Machine, IRE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume IT-2, no. 3, September 1956, p. 62-79.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Weisskopf, W. A., The Psychology of Economics. American Sociological Review, 21, October 1956, p. 640-641.

SIMON, H. A., CYERT, R. M., TROW, D. B. Observation of a Business Decision. Journal of Business, 29, October 1956, p. 237-248. Reprinted in Warner and Martin, eds., Industrial Man, Part 4, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959, p. 200-218. Reprinted in Rubenstein and Haberstroh, Some Theories of Organization, Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1960, p. 458-472. Reprinted in Lemke and Edwards, Administrative Control and Executive Action, Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1961, p. 100-107. Reprinted in Costello and Zalkind, Psychology in Administration, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963, p. 400-407.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Henry Quastler, ed., Information Theory in Psychology: Problems and Methods. American Journal of Sociology, 62, January 1957, p. 441-442.

SIMON, H. A. Authority. In Conrad M. Arensberg, et al., eds., Research in Industrial Human Relations, Chapter 7, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957, p. 103-115. (Publication no. 17 of the Industrial Relations Research Association). Reprinted in G.P. Shultz and J.R. Coleman, Labor Problems: Cases and Readings, Chapter 14, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959, p. 120-130.

SIMON, H. A. The Compensation of Executives. Sociometry, 20, March 1957, p. 32-35.

SIMON, H. A. The Span of Control: A Reply. Advanced Management, 22, no. 4, 14, 29 April 1957.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Problem Solving in Humans and Computers. Carnegie Technical, 21, no. 4, March 1957, p. 34-38.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Empirical Explorations of the Logic Theory Machine: A Case Study in Heuristic. Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference, February 26-28 1957, p. 218-230. (Published by the IRE for the Joint Computer Committee). Reprinted in E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, Computers and Thought, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 109-133.

SIMON, H. A. Amounts of Fixation and Discovery in Maze Learning Behavior. Psychometrika, 22, September 1957, p. 261-268.

SIMON, H. A. Background of Decision Making. Naval War College Review, 10, November 1957, p. 1-23.

SIMON, H. A., ANDO, A. Aggregation of Variables in Dynamic Systems (abstract). Econometrica, 25, October 1957, p. 602.

SIMON, H. A. The Executive´s Responsibility for Innovation in Summer Program in Executive Development for Federal Administrators, University of Chicago, 1957, p. 4.

SIMON, H. A., ANSHEN, M., HOLT, C. C., MODIGLIANI, F., MUTH, J. Mathematics for Production Scheduling. Harvard Business Review, 36, March-April 1958, p. 51-58. Reprinted in Bursk and Chapman, eds., New Decision-Making Tools for Managers, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963.

SIMON, H. A. The Decision-Making Schema: A Reply. Public Administration Review, 18, Winter 1958, p. 60-63. Reprinted in Rowat, Basic Issues in Public Administration, New York: Macmillan, 1961, p. 85-91.

SIMON, H. A. Training for Research on Organizations: A Report of the Summer Institute, 1957. Items 12, March 1958, p. 1-3.

SIMON, H. A. Definable Terms and Primitives in Deductive Systems in The Axiomatic Method: With Special Reference to Geometry and Physics. Summaries of papers in an International Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, December 26 1957 – January 4 1958. Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, 1958, p. 159-164.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Heuristic Problem Solving: The Next Advance in Operations Research.  Operations Research, 6, January-February 1958, p. 1-10.

SIMON, H. A., DeWITT, C. D.Selective Perception: A Note on the Departmental Identification of Executives. Dearborn, Sociometry, 21, June 1958, p. 140-144. Reprinted in Fleishman, Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology, Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1961, p. 414-418. Reprinted in Costello and Zalkind, Psychology in Administration, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963, p. 49-52.

SIMON, H. A. The Role of Expectations in an Adaptive or Behavioristic Model. In Mary Jean Bowman, ed., Expectations, Uncertainty, and Business Behavior, New York: Social Science Research Council, 1958.

SIMON, H. A. Review of R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa, Games and Decisions. American Sociological Review, 23, June 1958, p. 342-343.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Elements of a Theory of Human Problem Solving. Psychological Review, 65, May 1958, p. 151-166. Reprinted in Harper, et al., eds., The Cognitive Processes: Readings, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964, p. 339-356. Reprinted in Anderson and Ausubel, eds., Readings in the Psychology of Cognition, New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1965, p. 133-157.

SIMON, H. A. The Administrator as Decision Maker. Hospital Administration, 3, Spring 1958, p. 26-41. (Presented at the 25th anniversary of the First Congress on Administration, American College of Hospital Administrators, Congress Hotel, Chicago, February 1958).

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Reply: Heuristic Problem Solving. Operations Research, 6, May-June 1958, p. 449-450.

SIMON, H. A. Reply: Nelson´s Review of Models of Man. American Political Science Review, 52, June 1958, p. 502.

SIMON, H. A., BONINI, C. P. The Size Distribution of Business Firms. American Economic Review, 48, September 1958, p. 607-617.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Chess-Playing Programs and the Problem of Complexity. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2, October 1958, p. 320-335. Reprinted in E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, Computers and Thought, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 39-70.

SIMON, H. A. Reply: Logical Positivism and Ethical Judgments. Ethics, 69, October 1958, p. 62.

SIMON, H. A. Models of Science (comment on Bush´s review of Models of Man). Contemporary Psychology, 3, October 1958, p. 317-318.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Simulation of Cognitive Processes: A Report on the Summer Research Training Institute. Items 12, December 1958, p. 37-40.

SIMON, H. A., BONINI, C. P. A Dynamic Model for the Size Distribution of Business Firms. Econometrica, 26, October 1958, p. 611.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Theoretical and Experimental Developments in Automata(abstract). Management Science, 5, April 1959, p. 347-348.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C., ELLIS, O. A Command Structure for Complex Information Processing. Proceedings of the 1958 Western Joint Computer Conference, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, March 1959, p. 119-128.

SIMON, H. A. Theories of Decision-Making in Economics and Behavioral Science. American Economic Review, 49, June 1959, p. 253-283.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Report on a General Problem Solving Program. In Proceeddings of the International Conference on Information Processing, Paris, June 15-20 1959. London: Butterworth´s, 1960, p. 510. Reprinted in Computers and Automation, 8, July 1959, 10-17 as „A General Problem-Solving Program for a Computer“. Reprinted in R.D. Luce, R.R. Bush and E. Galanter, Readings in Mathematical Psychology, Volume II, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965, p. 41-57.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. Report on a General Problem-Solving Program (abstract).  Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 2, July 1959, p. 19.

SIMON, H. A. Definable Terms and Primitives in Axiom Systems In L. Henkin, P. Suppes and A. Tarski, eds., The Axiomatic Method, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1959, p. 443-453.

SIMON, H. A. Review of Lotka, Elements of Mathematical Biology. Econometrica, 27, July 1959, p. 493-495.

SIMON, H. A. Some Further Notes on a Class of Skew Distribution Functions. Information and Control, 3, March 1960, p. 80-88.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. What Have Computers to do With Management?. In George P. Schultz and Thomas L. Whisler, eds., Management Organization and the Computer, Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1960, p. 39-60. Also „Supplementary Comments“, same volume, p. 61-66 and 92-95.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C. A Variety of Intelligent Learning in a General Problem Solver. In Marshall C. Yovits and Scott Cameron, eds., Self-Organizing Systems: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference, May 5 and 6 1959, p. 153-189. New York: Pergamon Press, 1960.

SIMON, H. A. Management by Machines: How Much and How Soon?. The Management Review, 49, November 1960, p. 12-19 and 68-80.

SIMON, H. A. Comment: Developing Newer Techniques. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Scientific Management, Sydney, Australia, February 20 – March 5 1960, p. 10-11.

SIMON, H. A. The Corporation: Will It Be Managed by Machine?. In Melvin Anshen and G.L. Bach, eds., Management and Corporations, 1985, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960, p. 17-55 and discussion on p. 201-209. Reprinted in M. Phillipson, ed., Automation: Implications for the Future, New York: Random House, (Vintage), 1962, p. 230-266. Reprinted in H.J. Leavitt and L. Pondy, eds., Readings in Managerial Psychology, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964, p. 592-618.

SIMON, H. A., CLARKSON, G. P. E. Simulation of Individual and Group Behavior. American Economic Review, 50, December 1960, p. 920-932.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. The Simulation of Human Thought. In Current Trends in Psychological Theory, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961, p. 152-179.

SIMON, H. A. Decision Making and Planning. In Harvey S. Perloff, ed., Planning and the Urban Community, Chapter II, Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute of Technology and the University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961, p. 187-192.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Computer Simulation of Human Thinking and Problem Solving. In Martin Greenberger, ed., Management and the Computer of the Future (with discussion), New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1962, p. 94-133. Reprinted in Computers and Automation, 10, 18-19, April 1961; reprinted Datamation 7: no. 6, 18-20, June 1961 and 7, no. 7, 35-37, July 1961; reprinted in William Kessen and Clementina Kuhlman, eds., Thought in the Young Child. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 27, no. 2, p. 137-150, 1962.

SIMON, H. A. Modeling Human Mental Processes. Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference, May 9-11 1961, p. 111-120. National Joint Computer Committee, 1961.

SIMON, H. A. Do Machines Operate the Way People Do?. Technology Review, 63, May 1961, p. 20.

SIMON, H. A., FEIGENBAUM, E. A. Comment: The Distinetiveness of Stimuli. Psychological Review, 68, July 1961, p. 285-288.

SIMON, H. A., FEIGENBAUM, E. A. Forgetting in an Association Memory. Proceedings of the 1961 National Conference of the Association for Computing Machinery, 16, p. 202-205.

SIMON, H. A., ANDO, A. Aggregation of Variables in Dynamic Systems. Econometrica, 29, April 1961, p. 111-138.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. GPS, A Program that Simulates Human Thought. In H. Billing, ed., Lernende Automaten, Munchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1961, p. 109-124. Reprinted in E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, eds., Computers and Thought, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963, p. 279-296.

SIMON, H. A. Reply to „Final Note“ by Benoit Mandelbrot. Information and Control, 4, September 1961, p. 217-223.

SIMON, H. A. Reply to Dr. Mandelbroťs Post Scriptum. Information and Control, 4, September 1961, p. 305-308.

SIMON, H. A. New Approaches to Decision Processes. Part VII. In Selected Papers from the Workshop in Research Methods, for Directors of University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. Urbana: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois, September 1961, p. 319-456.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Computer Simulation of Human Thinking. Science, 134, December 22 1961, p. 2011-2017 (whole number 3495). Reprinted in Costello and Zalkind, Psychology in Administration, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963, p. 395-371.

SIMON, H. A. The Control of the Mind by Reality: Human Cognition and Problem Solving. In Seymour M. Farber and Roger H.L. Wilson, eds., Control of the Mind, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, p. 219-232, and discussion, 269, 272, 275, 276. Reprinted , condensed, in Voice of America Forum Lectures, Control of the Mind Series.

SIMON, H. A. Comment: The Meaning and Uses of Models. Synthese, 13, June 1961, p. 173-174.

SIMON, H. A. The Decision Maker as Innovator. In Sidney Mailick and E.H. van Ness, eds., Concepts and Issues in Administrative Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962, p. 66-69.

SIMON, H. A. Foreword. to Harold Borko, ed., Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962.

SIMON, H. A., NEWELL, A. Letter to the editor of Science, in reply to M. Taube´s letter criticizing „Simulation of Cognitive Processes“. Science, 136, April 1962, p. 196, 198.

SIMON, H. A. Strengthening the Behavioral Sciences (Behavioral Sciences Subpanel of the Presidenťs Science Advisory Committee). Science, 136, April 20 1962, p. 233-241. /Also in Behavioral Science, July 1962, p. 275-288/. /Neal E. Miller, Chairman, Kenneth E. Clark, James S. Coleman, Leon Festinger, Ward H. Goodenough, Alexander H. Leighton, Goerge A. Miller, Herbert A. Simon, John W. Tukey/. (Also published separately by PSAC, Life Science Panel, The White House, April 20 1962, 19 pages).

SIMON, H. A. New Developments in the Theory of the Firm. American Economic Review, 52, May 1962, p. 1-15.

SIMON, H. A., FEIGENBAUM, E. A. Research Summary: Simulation of Human Verbal Learning Behavior. Communications of the ACM, 5, April 1962, p. 223.

SIMON, H. A., FEIGENBAUM, E. A. Generalization of an Elementary Perceiving and Memorizing Machine (abstract). Communications of the ACM, 5, June 1962, p. 319. Also in Preprint of the Proceedings of the IFIP Congress, 62, (English abstracts). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1962, p. 51.

SIMON, H. A. An Information Processing Theory of Intellectual Development. In William Kessen and Clementina Kuhlman, eds., Thought in the Young Child. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 27, no. 2, Yellow Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press, 1962, p. 150-161.

SIMON, H. A. Experiments with a Heuristic Compiler. 1962 ACM National Conference, Digest of Technical Papers, p. 10.

SIMON, H. A., FEIGENBAUM, E. A. A Theory of the Serial Position Effect. British Journal of Psychology, 53, August 1962, p. 307-320.

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Herbert Alexander Simon