Joseph Eugene Stiglitz

Joseph Eugene Stiglitz se narodil 9. února 1943 ve městě Gary, ve státě Indiana. V současné době je profesorem ekonomie a financí na Columbia University. Studoval na Amherst College (1960-1963) a v roce 1974 mu zde byl udělen čestný doktorát. Z Amherst College odešel na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Po dvou letech studií na Institutu získal Fulbrightovo stipendium na studium v Cambridge (1965 – 1966). Po návratu z Cambridge pracoval po dobu jednoho roku jako assistant professor na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. V roce 1967 mu byl na Massachusetts Institute of Technology udělen titul Ph.D. Po ukončení studií na Massachusetts Institute of Technology pracoval řadu let jako editor Samuelsona. Později byl výzkumným asistentem Boba Solowa. Od roku 1993 do roku 1997 byl předsedou Rady ekonomických poradců amerického prezidenta Clintona. V letech 1997 – 1999 zastával funkci hlavního ekonoma a viceprezidenta Světové banky. Stiglitz se ve 29 letech stal členem Econometric Society, je členem National Academy of Science (Národní akademie vědy). Je také držitelem prestižní ceny – John Bates Clark Medal, která je udělována každé dva roky Americkým ekonomům mladším 40ti let za jejich významný přínos pro ekonomii. V roce 2001 mu byla udělena společně s Georgem Akerlofem z University of California v Berkeley a Michalem Spencem ze Stanford University Královskou švédskou Akademií věd Nobelova cena za ekonomii za jejich „analýzu trhů s asymetrickými informacemi“.

V době, kdy Stiglitz pobýval v Cambridge, se začal zabývat vztahy mezi rozdělováním důchodu a makroekonomickým chováním v krátkém období. Nesouhlasil s předpoklady fixních mezd a cen, na nichž byla založena většina makroekonomických modelů. Podle Stiglitze nebyly problémem přetrvávající nezaměstnanosti absolutně fixní mzdy a ceny, ale dynamika jejich přizpůsobení. Po návratu z Cambridge se zabýval stabilitou tržního hospodářství.

Stiglitz se pokusil porovnat ekonomické modely s reálným fungováním ekonomiky. Stále více však bylo jasné, že zde existují výrazné rozdíly mezi chováním popsaném modely a realitou. Stiglitz se zabýval problematikou nejistoty v ekonomii a svoji pozornost zaměřil na problematiku nedokonalých informací. Jednou z nejznámějších analýz je Stiglitzova analýza asymetrické informace na trhu úvěru. Stiglitz spolu s Akerlofem a Spencem analyzovali důsledky asymetrické informace na celé řadě trhů a snažili se dokázat, že ekonomické modely, které nezohledňují problém asymetrické informace, mohou přinést nepřesné závěry. Modely pak mohou vést k formulaci nepřesných doporučení ohledně žádoucí regulace ze strany veřejného sektoru. Existence nedokonalých informací mají za následek, že trh není schopen alokovat zdroje efektivně. Výzkum asymetrických informací a selhání tržního mechanismu vedl u Stiglitze k vysoké důvěře ve schopnosti vlády tato tržní selhání napravovat. Stiglitz tak vytvořil nový obor ekonomie – ekonomiku informací. Dále soustředil svoji pozornost na analýzu role informací a stimulů v politických procesech.

Stiglitz se také věnoval ekonomice veřejného sektoru. Byl přesvědčen, že vláda ve veřejném sektoru hraje důležitou roli. Kladl si otázku, jak by mohla vládá tuto roli vykonávat efektivněji. Jedna z hlavních otázek, na kterou hledal řešení, byla, jakým způsobem přerozdělovat důchod, aby byly zároveň minimalizovány ztráty efektivnosti. Další část jeho výzkumů zahrnuje analýzu přiměřené role státu v ekonomice.

Stiglitz se také pokusil vysvětlit, proč trh práce není v rovnováze, resp. proč zde existuje trvalá nezaměstnanost. Teorie efektivnnostní mzdy vysvětluje, proč mohou firmy platit mzdu vyšší, než je rovnovážná mzda na trhu.

Profesor Stiglitz napsal řadu knih, které byly přeloženy do mnoha jazyků. Ekonomie veřejného sektoru (Economics of the Public Sector, 1986), Principy makroekonomie (Principles of Macroeconomics, 1993), Ekonomie (Economics, 1997), Hranice rozvoje ekonomie: Budoucnost v perspektivě (Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective, 2001).

J. E. Stiglitz se roku 2004 potřetí oženil, jeho ženou se stala Anya Schiffrin, pracující na Columbia University. Stiglitz má čtyři děti.


STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P., HEAL, G., GILBERT, R., NEWBERY, D. An Economic Analysis of the Conservation of Depletable natural Reresources. Federal Energy Administration, May 1978.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GILBERT, R. Effects of Risk on Prices and Quantities of Energy Supplies. Electric Power Research Institute, May 1978, EPRI EA-700, Project 869-1, Final Report.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ATKINSON, A. B. Lectures in Public Economics. New York and London: McGraw-Hill, 1980. Spanish translation 1988, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales; Chinese translation 1991, Shanghai San-Lian Publishing.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization. Clarendon Press, 1981.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Economics of the Public Sector. New York: W. W. Norton, 1986. Translations in Spanish, Turkish, and Japanese.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Peasants versus City-Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Economics. 1st edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 1993. Translations in Spanish, Latvian, and Japanese.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HOFF, K., BRAVEMAN, A. The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Principles of Macroeconomics. New York: W. W. Norton, 1993. Translations in Spanish and Italian.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Principles of Microeconomics. New York: W. W. Norton, 1993. Translations in Spanish and Italian.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Principles of Macroeconomics and the Canadian Economy. New York: W. W. Norton, 1997.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Whither Socialism? Cambridge: MIT Press, MA, 1994.

Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective. Edited by J. E. Stiglitz, G. M. Meier. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

New Ideas about Old Age Security. Edited by J. E. Stiglitz, R. Holzmann.Washington, DC: World Bank, 2001.

Rethinking the East Asian Miracle. Edited by J. E. Stiglitz, S. Yusuf. World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2001.


STIGLITZ, J. E., AKERLOF, G. A. Investment and Wages. Econometrica, 1996, Supplementary Issue, p. 118.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SHELL, K. Allocation of Investment in a Dynamic Economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1967, no. 81, p. 592-609.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Two-Sector, Two-Class Model of Economic Growth. Review of Economic Studies, April 1967, no. 34, p. 227-238.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Note on Technical Choice under Full Employment in a Socialist Economy. Economic Journal, September 1968, no. 78, p. 603-609.

STIGLITZ, J. E, SOLOW, R. Output, Employment and Wages in the Short Run. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1968, no. 82, p. 537-560.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Allocation of Heterogeneous Capital Goods in a Two Sector Economy. International Economic Review, October 1969, no. 10, p. 373-390.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Behavior toward Risk with Many Commodities. Econometrica, October 1969, no. 37(4), p. 660-667.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SHELL, K., SIDRAUSKI, M. Capital Gains, Income and Savings. Review of Economic Studies, January 1969, no. 36, p. 15-26.

STIGLITZ, J. E., AKERLOF, G. A. Capital, Wages and Structural unemployment. Economic Journal, June 1969, vol. 79, p. 269-281.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals. Econometrica, July 1969, no. 37(3), p. 382-397.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Effects of Income, Wealth and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk-Taking. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1969, no. 83, p. 263-283.

STIGLITZ, J. E., CASS, D. The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of Growth. Journal of Political Economy, July-August 1969, no. 77, p. 586-627.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ATKINSON, A. A New View of Technological Change. Economic Journal, September 1969, no. 79, p. 573-578.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Re-Examination of the Modigliani-Miller Theorem. American Economic Review, December 1969, no. 59(5), p. 784-793.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Rural-Urban Migration, Surplus Labor and the Relationship between Urban and Rural Wages. East African Economic Review, December 1969, no. 1-2, p. 1-27.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DOMAR, E. Theory of Innovation: Discussion. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 1969, no. 59, 2, p. 44-49.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Consumption Oriented Theory of the Demand for Financial Assets and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Review of Economic Studies, July 1970, no. 37, p. 321-351.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Factor Price Equalization in a Dynamic Economy. Journal of Political Economy, May-June 1970, no. 78, p. 456-489.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Increasing Risk: I. A Definition. Journal of Economic Theory, September 1970, no. 2, 3, p. 225-243.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Non-Substitution Theorems with Durable Capital Goods. Review of Economic Studies, October 1970, no. 37, p. 543-553.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reply to Mrs. Robinson on the Choice of Technique. Economic Journal, June 1970, no. 80, p. 420-422.

STIGLITZ, J. E., CASS, D. The Structure of Investor Preferences and Asset Returns, and Separability in Portfolio Allocation: A Contribution to the Pure Theory of Mutual Funds. Journal of Economic Theory, June 1970, no. 1, p. 122-160.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic Efficiency. Review of Economic Studies, April 1971, no. 38, p. 151-147.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Increasing Risk: II. Its Economic Consequences. Journal of Economic Theory, March 1971, no. 5(1), p. 66-84.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Addendum to Increasing Risk: I. A Definition. Journal of Economic Theory, October 1972, no. 5(2), p. 306.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Four Lectures on Portfolio Allocation with Many Risky Assets. In Szege and Shell (eds.), Mathematical Methods in Investment and Finance, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1972, p. 76-108.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. On Optimal Taxation and Public Production. Review of Economic Studies, January 1972, no. 39, p. 87-103.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Optimality of the Stock Market Allocation of Investment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1972, no. 86 (1), p. 25-60.

STIGLITZ, J. E., CASS, D. Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many Assets. Review of Economic Studies, July 1972, no. 39, p. 331-354.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-Overs. Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1972, no. 3(2), p. 458-482.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ATKINSON, A. The Structure of Indirect Taxation and Economic Efficiency. Journal of Public Economics, March 1972, no. 1, p. 97-119.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Taxation. Risk Taking, and the Allocation of Investment in a Competitive Economy. In M. Jensen (ed.), Studies in the Theory of Capital Markets, New York: Praeger, 1972, p. 294-361.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Approaches to the Economics of Discrimination. American Economic Review, May 1973, no. 62(2), p. 287-295.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Badly Behaved Economy with the Well Behaved Production Function. In J. Mirrlees (ed.), Models of Economic Growth, London: Macmillan, 1973, p. 118-137.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Education and Ineqality. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, September 1973, no. 409, p. 135-145.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Recurrence of Techniques in a Dynamic Economy. In J. Mirrlees (ed.), Models of Economic Growth, London: Macmillan, 1973, p. 138-161.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Some Further Results on the Measurement of Inequality. Journal of Economic Theory, April 1973, no. 6(2), p. 188-204.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Taxation, Corporate Financial Policy and the Cost of Capital. Journal of Public Economics, February 1973, no. 2, p. 1-34.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in LDC´s: The Labor Turnover Model. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1974, no.88(2), p. 194-227.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies. Journal of Political Economy, January-February 1974, no. 82, p. 1-33.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Cambridge-Cambridge Controversy in the Theory of Capital: A View From New Haven. Journal of Political Economy, July- August 1974, no. 82, p. 893-904.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Demand for Education in Public and Private School Systems. Journal of Public Economics, November 1974, no. 2, p. 349-386.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Growth with Exhaustible Natural Reresources: Efficient and Optimal Growth Paths. Review of Economic Studies, March 1974, p. 132-137.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Growth with Exhaustible Reresources: The Competitive Economy. Review of Economic Studies, March 1974, p. 139-152.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping. Review of Economic Studies, April 1974, no. 41, p. 219-255.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DIAMOND, P. Increases in Risk and in Risk Aversion. Journal of Economic Theory, July 1974, no.8(3), p. 337-360.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy. American Economic Review, December 1974, no.64(6), p. 851-866.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Theories of Discrimination and Economic Policy. In G. von Furstenberg et al. (eds.), Patterns of Racial Discrimination, D. C. Heath and Company (Lexington Books), 1974, p. 5-26.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Efficiency of Market Prices in Long Run Allocations in the Oil Industry. In G. Brannon (ed.), Studies in Energy Tax Policy, Cambridge: Ballinger, MA, 1975, p. 55-99.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Incentives, Risk and Information: Notes Toward a Theory of Hierarchy. Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1975, no. 6(2), p. 552-579.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Information and Economic Analysis. In J. M. Parkin and A. R. Nobay (eds.), Current Economic Problems, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975, p. 27-52.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reply to Mr. Stapleton on „Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-Overs“. Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1975, no. 6(2), p. 711-714.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Theory of Screening, Education and the Distribution of Income. American Economic Review, June 1975, no. 65(3), p. 283-300.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Corporation Tax. Journal of Public Economics, April-May 1976, no. 5, p. 303-311.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ATKINSON, A. The Design of Tax Structure: Direct versus Indirect Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, July-August 1976, no. 6, p. 55-75.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis, Surplus Labor and the Distribution of Income in LDC´s. Oxford Economic Papers, July 1976, no. 28(2), p. 185-207.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets: An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1976, no. 90(4), p. 629-649.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Estate Taxes, Growth and Redistribution. In R. Grieson (ed.), Essays in Honor of W. Vickrey, Lexington: Lexington Publishing Co., 1976, p. 225-232.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GROSSMAN, S. Information and Competitive Price Systems. American Economic Review, May 1976, no. 66(2), p. 246-253.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Monopoly and the Rate of Extraction of Exhaustible Reresources. American Economic Review, September 1976, no. 66(4), p. 655-661.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Notes on Estate Taxes, Redistribution and the Concept of Balanced Growth Path Incidence. Journal of Political Economy, 1976, no. 86(2), part 2, p. 137-150.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Sharecropping: Risk Sharing and the Importance of Imperfect Information. In J. A. Roumasset et al. (eds.), Risk Uncertainty and Development, SEARCE, A/D/C, 1976, p. 311-341.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SALOP, S. Bargains and Ripoffs: A Model of Monopolistically Competitive Price Dispersions. Review of Economic Studies, October 1977, no. 44, p. 493-510.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DIXIT, A.  Monopolistic Competition and Optimal Product Diversity, American Economic Review, June 1977, no.67(3), p. 297-308.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Monopoly, Non-Linear Pricing and Imperfect Information: The Insurance Market. Review of Economic Studies, October 1977, no. 44, p. 407-430.

STIGLITZ, J. E, GROSSMAN, S. On Value Maximization and Alternative Objectives of the Firm. Journal of Finance, May 1977, no. 32(2), p. 389-402.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Further Remarks on Cost-Benefit Analysis. In Schwartz and Berney (eds.), Social and Economic Dimensions of Project Evaluation, Washington, DC: IDB, 1977.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BOSKIN, M. Some Lessons from the New Public Finance. American Economic Review, February 1977, no. 67(1), p. 295-301.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Symposium on the Economics of Information: Introduction. Review of Economic Studies, October 1977, no. 44(138), p. 389-391.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Tariffs Versus Quotas as Revenue Raising Devices Under Uncertainty. American Economic Review, December 1977, no. 67(5), p. 975-981.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Theory of Local Public Goods. In M. S. Feldstein and R. P. Inman (eds.), The Economics of Public Services, London: Macmillan, 1977, p. 274-333.

STIGLITZ, J. E., LAU, L. J., SHESHINSKI, E. Efficiency in the Optimum Supply of Public Goods. Econometrica, March 1978, no. 46(2), p. 269-284.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Equity, Taxation and Inheritance. In W. Krelle and A. F. Shorrocks (eds.), personal Income Distribution, Amsterdam: North-Holland, p. 271-303.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Aggregate Land Rents, Expenditure on Public Goods and Optimal City Size. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1979, no. 93(4), p. 471-500.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P., GILBERT, R. Energy Reresources and Research and Development. Erschopfbare Resresourcen, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, p. 85-108.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Equilibrium in Product Markets with Imperfect Information. American Economic Review, May 1979, no. 69(2), p. 339-345.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BEVAN, D. Intergenerational Transfers and Inequality. Greek Economic Review, August 1979, no. 1(1), p. 8-26.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DIXIT, A. Monopolistic Competition and Optimal Product Diversity: Reply. American Economic Review, December 1979, no. 69(5), p. 961-963.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Neoclassical Analysis of the Economics of Natural Reresources. In F. K. Smith (ed.), Scarcity and Growth Reconsidered. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979, p. 366-66.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On Search and Equilibrium Price Distributions. In M. Boskin (ed.), Economics and Human Welfare: Essays in Honor of Tibor Scitovsky, New York: Academic Press, 1979, p. 203-236.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization Rules: Welfare Impacts and Supply Responses. The Economic Journal, December 1979, no. 89(356), p. 799-817.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Industrial Structure and the Nature of Innovative Activity. Economic Journal, June 1980, no. 90, p. 266-293.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GROSSMAN, S. On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets. American Economic Review, June 1980, no. 70(3), p. 393-408.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Risk, Future Markets and the Stabilization of Commodity Prices. Proceedings of the First Annual Sponsor´s Conference Frontiers in Futures, Columbia University Center for the Study of Futures Markets, September 1980.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GROSSMAN, S. Stockholder Unanimity in the Making of Production and Financial Decisions. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1980, no. 94(3), p. 543-566.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P., HEAL, G. The Taxation of Exhaustible Reresources. In G. A. Hughes and G. M. Heal (eds.), Public Policy and the Tax System, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1980, p. 150-172.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Uncertainty, Market Structure and the Speed of R&D. Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1980, no. 11(1), p. 1-28.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Aggregate Land Rents and Aggregate Transport Costs. Economic Journal, June 1981, no. 91, p. 331-347.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information. American Economic Review, June 1981, no. 71(3), p. 393-410.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Entry, Innovation, Exit: Toward a Dynamic Theory of Oligopolistic Industrial Structure. European Economic Review, February 1981, no. 15(2), p. 137-158.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Market Structure and Reresource Extraction Under Uncertainty. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1981, no. 83, p. 318-333.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Almost Neutrality of Inflation: Notes on Taxation and The Welfare Costs of Inflation. In M. J. Flanders and A. Razin (eds.), Development in an Inflationary World, New York: Academic Press, 1981, p. 419-457.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Pareto Optimality and Competition. Journal of Finance, May 1981, no. 36(2), p. 235-251.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Potential Competition may Reduce Welfare. American Economic Review, Papers and proceedings, Hay 1981, no. 71(2), p. 184-189.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P., BLITZER, C. Project Appraisal and the Foreign Exchange Constraint. Economic Journal, March 1981, no. 91, p. 58-74.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Reresource Depletion under Technological Uncertainty. Econometrica, January 1981, no. 49(1), p. 85-104.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment: The Efficiency Wage Model. In M. Gersovitz et al. (eds.), The Theory and Experience of Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Sir Arthur W. Lewis, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982, p. 78-106.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. The Choice of Techniques and the Optimality of Market Equilibrium with Rational Expectations. Journal of Political Economy, April 1982, no. 90(2), p. 223-246.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Inefficiency of the Stock Market Equilibrium. Review of Economic Studies, April 1982, XLIX, p. 241-261.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Information and Capital Markets. In W. F. Sharpe and C. Cootner (eds.), Financial Economics: Essays in honor of Paul Cootner, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1982, p. 118-158.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GILBERT, R., DASGUPTA, P. Invention and Innovation Under Alternative Market Structures: The Case of Natural Reresources. Review of Economic Studies, 1982, no. 49, p. 567-582.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Market Structure and Reresource Depletion: A Contribution of the Theory of Intertemporal Monopolistic Competition. Journal of Economic Theory, October 1982, no. 28 (1), p. 128-164.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. A Model of Employment Outcomes Illustrating the Effect of the Structure of Information on the Level and Distribution of Income. Economics Letters, 1982, no. 10, p. 231-236.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GROSSMAN, S. On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets: Reply. American Economic Review, September 1982, no. 72(4), p. 875.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Optimal Commodity Stock-Piling Rules. Oxford Economic Papers, November 1982, p. 403-427.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Ownership, Control and Efficient Markets: Some Paradoxes in the Theory of Capital Markets. In K. D. Boyer and W. G. Shepherd (eds.), Economic Regulation: Essays in Honor of James R. Nelson, Michigan State University Press, 1982, p. 311-341.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Rate of Discount for Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Theory of the Second Best. In R. Lind (ed.), Discounting for Time and Risk in Energy Policy, Washington, DC: Reresources for the Future, 1982, p. 151-204.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Risk Aversion, Supply Response, and the Optimality of Random Prices: A Diagrammatic Analysis. Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1982, no. 97(1), p. 1-26.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Self – Selection and Pareto Efficient Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 1982, no. 17, p. 213-240.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRAVERMAN, A. Sharecropping and the Interlinking of Agrarian Markets. American Economic Review, September 1982, no. 72(4), p. 695-715.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Structure of Labor Markets and Shadow Prices in LDC´s. In R. Sabot (ed.), Migration and the Labor Market in Developing Countries, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1982, p. 13-64.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SALOP, S. The Theory of Sales: A Simple Model of Equilibrium Price Dispersion With Identical Agents. American Economic Review, December 1982, no. 72(5), p. 1121-1130.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Utilitarianism and Horizontal Equity: The Case for Random Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 1982, no. 18, p. 1-33.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Alternate Approaches to the Analysis of Markets with Asymmetric Information. American Economic Review, March 1983, no. 73(1), p. 246-249.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Futures Markets and Risk: A General Equilibrium Approach. In M. Streit (ed.), Futures Markets, Modeling, Managing and Monitoring Futures Trading, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983, p. 75-106.

STIGLITZ, J. E., AZARIADIS, C. Implicit Contacts and Fixed Price Equilibria. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1983, Supplement, no. 98, p. 1-22.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Incentive Effects of Termination: Applications to the Credit and Labor Markets. American Economic Review, December 1983, no. 73(5), p. 912-927.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NALEBUFF, B. Information, Competition and Markets, American Economic Review, May 1983, no. 73(2), p. 278-284.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BLINDER, A. Money, Credit Constraints and Economic Activity. American Economic Review, May 1983, no. 73(2), p. 297-302.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Relevance or Irrelevance of Public Financial Policy: Indexation, Price Rigidities and Optimal Monetary Policy. In R. Dorbusch and M. Simonsen (eds.), Inflation, Debt and Indexation, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1983, p. 183-222.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Theory of Social Insurance: Comments on the State and The Demand for Security in Contemporary Societies, by Raymond Barre. The Geneva Papers, April 1983, no. 8(27), p. 105-110.

STIGLITZ, J. E., FUDENBERG, D., GILBERT, R., TIROLE, J. Preemption. Leapfrogging and Competition in Patent Races. European Economic Review, June 1983, no. 22, p. 3-32.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NALEBUFF, B. Prizes and Incentives: Toward a General Theory of Compensation and Competition. Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1983, no. 14(1), p. 21-43.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Public Goods in Open Economies with Heterogeneous Individuals. In J. F. Thisse and H. G. Zoller (eds.), Locational Analysis of Public Facilities, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983, p. 55-78.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Risk, Incentives and Insurance: The Pure Theory of Moral Hazard. The Geneva Papers, January 1983, no. 8(26), p. 4-32.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Samuelson and Neoclassical Economics (Book Review). Journal of Economic Literature, September 1983, no. 21(3), p. 997-999.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Aspects of the Taxation of Capital Gains. Journal of Public Economics, July 1983, no. 21, p. 257-294.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P., GILBERT, R. Strategic Considerations in Invention and Innovation: The Case of Natural Reresources. Econometrica, September 1983, no. 51(5), p. 1430-1448.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Theory of Local Public Goods Twenty – Five Years After Tiebout: A Perspective. In G. R. Zodrow (ed.), Local Provision of Public Services: The Tiebout Model After Twenty – Five Years, New York: Academic Press, 1983, p. 17-53.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEARY, P. Toward a Reconstruction of Keynesian Economics: Expectations and Constrained Equilibria. Quarterly Journal of Economics Supplement, 1983, no. 98, p. 199-228.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BOSKIN, M., NISKANEN, W., PENNER, R. Budget policy and Processes: Where Do We Go From Here?. Contemporary Policy Issues, Fall 1984, p. 53-78.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Economics of Price Scissors. American Economic Review, March 1984, no. 74(1), p. 125-138.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SHAPIRO, C. Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device. American Economic Review, June 1984, no. 74(3), p. 433-444.

STIGLITZ, J. E., LEITZINGER, J. Information Externalities in Oil and Gas Leasing. Contemporary Policy Issues, March 1984, no. 5, p. 44-57.

STIGLITZ, J. E., RADNER, R. A nonconcavity in the Value of Information. In M. Boyer and R. Khilstrom (eds.), Bayesian Models in Economic Theory, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1984, p. 33-52.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Information, Screening and Welfare. In M. Boyer and R. Khilstrom (eds.), Bayesian Models in Economic Theory, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1984, p. 209-239.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A., GREENWALD, B. Informational Imperfections in the Capital Markets and Macroeconomic Fluctuations. American Economic Review, May 1984, no. 74(2), p. 194-199.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The New Public Finance: A Perspective (in Spanish). Hacienda Publica Espanola, 1984, no. 91, p. 341-348.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Pareto Inferior Trade. Review of Economic Studies, January 1984, no. 51(1), p. 1-12.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Price Rigidities and Market Structure. American Economic Review, My 1984, no. 74(2), p. 350-356.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SHAPIRO, C. Can Unemployment Be Involuntary? Reply. American Economic Review, December 1985, no. 75(5), p. 1215-1217.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Consumption Expenditure Tax. In J. Pechman (ed.), The Promise of Tax Reform, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985, p. 107-127.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Credit Markets and the Control of Capital. Journal of Money, Banking, and Credit, May 1985, no. 17(2), p. 133-152.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Economics of Information and the Theory of Economic Development. Revista de Econometria, April 1985, no.5(1), p. 5-32.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SHAPIRO, C. Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device: Reply. American Economic Review, September 1985, no. 75(4), p. 892-893.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Equilibrium Wage Distribution. Economic Journal, September 1985, no. 95, p. 595-618.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The General Theory of Tax Avoidance. National Tax Journal, September 1985, no. 38(3), p. 325-338.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Human Fallibility and Economic Organization. American Economic Review, May 1985, no. 75(2), p. 292-296.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Information and Economic Analysis: A perspective. Economic Journal, 1985, no. 95 (Supplement), p. 21-41.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Labor Turnover, Wage Structure & Moral Hazard: The Inefficiency of Competitive Markets. Journal of Labor Economics, October 1985, no 3(4), p. 434-462.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Social Cost of Labor, and Project Evaluation: A General Approach. Journal of Public Economics, 1985, no. 28, p. 135-163.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Architecture of Economic Systems: Hierarchies and Polyarchies. American Economic Review, September 1986, no. 76(4), p. 716-727.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Comments on „Tax Asymmetries and Corporate Tax Reform“ by Saman Majd and Stewart C. Myers. In M. Feldstein (ed.), The Effects of Taxation on Capital Formation, Cambridge, MA: NBER, 1986, p. 374-376.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRAVERMAN, A. Cost Sharing Arrangement Under Sharecropping: Moral Hazard, Incentive Flexibility and Risk. Journal of Agricultural Economics, no. 68(3), August 1986, p. 642-652.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Credit Rationing and Collateral. In J. Edwards et al. (eds.), Recent Developments in Corporate Finance, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 101-135.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Economics of Price Scissors: Reply. American Economic Review, no. 76(5), December 1986, p. 1195-1199.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Externalities in Economies with Imperfect information and Incomplete Markets. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1986, p. 229-264.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Hemmis Hohe Lohne. Wirtschafts Woche, no. 43(17), Oktober 1986, p. 98-105.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRAVERMAN, A. Landlords, Tenants and Technological Innovations. Journal of Development Economics, no. 23(2), October 1986, p. 313-332.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Moral Hazard and Optimal Commodity Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 1986, no. 29, p. 1-24.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The New Development Economics. World Development, 1986, no.14(2), p. 257-265.

STIGLITZ, J. E., EATON, J., GERSOVITZ, M. Pure Theory of Country risk. European Economic Review,  no. 30(3), June 1986, p. 481-513.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Theories of Wage Rigidities. In J. L. Butkiewicz et al. (eds.), Keynes´ Economic Legacy: Contemporary Economic Theories, New York : Prager Publishers, 1986, p. 153-206.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Theory of Competition, Incentives and Risk. In J. E. Stiglitz and F. Mathewson (eds.), New Developments in the Theory of Market Structure, London and Cambridge, MA: Macmillan/MIT Press, 1986, p. 399-449.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Toward a More General Theory of Monopolistic Competition. In M. Peston and R. Quandt (eds.), Prices, Competition, & Equilibrium, Oxford: Philip Allan/Barnes & Noble Books, 1986, p. 22-69.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Causes and Consequences of the Dependence of Quality on Prices. Journal of Economic Literature, March 1987, no. 25, p. 1-48.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Competition and the Number of Firms in a Market: Are Duopolies More Competitive Than Atomistic Markets? Journal of Political Economy, 1987, no. 95(5), p. 1041-1061.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Credit Rationing: Reply. American Economic Review, March 1987, p. 228-231.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Design of Labor Contracts: Economics of Incentives and Risk-Sharing. In H. Nalbantian (ed.), Incentives, Cooperation and Risk Sharing, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1987, p. 47-68.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Imperfect Information, Credit Markets and Unemployment. European Economic Review, 1987, no. 31, p. 444-456.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAPPINGTON, D. Information and Regulation. In E. Bailey (ed.), Public Regulation, London: MIT Press, 1987, p. 3-43.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SALOP, S. Information, Welfare and Product Diversity. In G. Feiwel (ed.), Arrow and the Foundations of the Theory of Economic Policy, London: Macmillan, 1987, p. 328-340.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Invariance of market Innovation to the Number of Firms. Rand Journal of Economics, Spring 1987, no. 18(1), p. 98-108.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Keynesian, New Keynesian and New Classical Economics. Oxford Economic Papers, no. 39, p. 119-133.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Learning to Learn, Localized learning and Technological Progress. In P. Dasgupta and P. Stoneman (eds.), Economic Policy and Technological Performance, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 125-153.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Microeconomics of Technical Progress. In J. M. Katz (ed.), Technology Generation in Latin American Manufacturing Industries. London: Macmillan, 1987, p. 56-77.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Pareto Efficient and Optimal Taxation and the New Welfare Economics. In A. Auerbach and M. Feldstein (eds.), Handbook on Public Economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland/Elsevier, p. 991-1042.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Price Scissors and the Structure of the Economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1987, no. 102, p. 109-134.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAPPINGTON, D. Privatization, Information and Incentives. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1987, no. 6(4), p. 567-582.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Safety, User Fees, and Public Infrastructure. Transportation Deregulation and Safety. Conference Proceedings, The Transportation Center, Northwestern University, June 1987, p. 411-445.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Sharecropping. The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, London: Macmillan, 1987. Reprinted in The New Palgrave: Economic Development. Edited by J. Eatwell et al., London: Macmillan, 1989, p. 308-315.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Theoretical Aspects of Agriculture Policies. The World Bank Research Observer, January 1987, no. 2(1), p. 43-60.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Tax Reform: Theory and Practice. The Economics of Tax Reform, Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute, 1987.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Taxation and Pricing of Agricultural and Industrial Goods in Developing Economies. In D. Newbery and N. Stern (eds.), The Tax Theory for Developing Countries, Oxford University Press, 1987, p. 430-458.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Technological Change, Sunk Costs, and Competition. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987, no. 3.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Wage-Productivity Hypothesis: Its Economic Consequences and Policy Implications, In M. J. Boskin (ed.), Modern Developments in Public Finance, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987, p. 130-165.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Wage Rigidity, Implicit Contracts, Unemployment and Economic Efficiency. Economic Journal, June 1987, no. 97(386), p. 416-430.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. The Basic Analytics of Moral Hazard. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1988, no. 90, p. 383-413.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Committees, Hierarchies and Polyarchies. The Economic Journal, June 1988, no. 98, p. 451-470.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Computerized Tax Collecting. In Herbert Stein (ed.), Tax Policy in the Twenty – First Century, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988, p. 278-288.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Economic Organization, Information, and Development. In H. Chenery and T. N. Srinivasan (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1988, p. 185-201.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Examining Alternative Macroeconomic Theories. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1988, no. 1, p. 207-270.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Imperfect Information, Finance Constraints and Business Fluctuations. In M. Kohn and S. C. Tsiang (eds.), Finance Constraints, Expectations, and Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press, 1988, p. 103-140.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R., HOSIOS, A. Implicit Contracts, Labor Mobility and Unemployment. American Economic Review, December 1988, no. 78(5), p. 1046-1066.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Learning by Doing, Market Structure, and Industrial and Trade Policies. Oxford Economic Papers, 1988, no. 40(2), p. 246-268.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Money, Credit, and Business Fluctuations. Economic Record, December 1988, no.64(187), p. 62-72.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Money, Imperfect Information and Economic Fluctuations. In M. Kohn and S. C. Tsiang (eds.), Finance Constraints, Expectations and Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press, 1988, p. 141-165.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Market for Principles of Economics Textbooks: Innovation and Product Differentiation. Journal of Economic Education, Spring 1988, no. 19(2), p. 171-177.

STIGLITZ, J. E. On the Relevance or Irrelevance of Public Financial Policy. The Economics of Public Debt (Proceedings of 1986 International Economics Association Meeting), London: Macmillan, 1988, p. 4-76.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Pareto Inefficiency of Market Economies: Search and Efficiency Wage Models. American Economic Review, May 1988, no. 78(2), p. 351-355.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DASGUPTA, P. Potential Competition, Actual Competition and Economic Welfare. European Economic Review, May 1988, no. 32, p. 569-577.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Qualitative Properties of Profit-Maximizing K-out-of-N Systems Subject to Two Kinds of Failure. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, December 1988, no. 37(5), p. 515-520.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Randomization with Asymmetric Information. Rand Journal of Economics, Autumn 1988, no. 19(3), p. 344-362.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WOLFSON, M. Taxation, Information, and Economic Organization. Journal of the American Taxation Association, Spring 1988, no. 9(2), p. 7-18.

STIGLITZ, J. E., REY, P. Vertical Restraints and Producers´ Competition. European Economic Review, March 1988, no. 32, p. 561-568.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Why Financial Structure Matters. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1988, no. 2(4), p. 121-126.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Congestion Pricing to Improve Air Travel Safety. In L. N. Moses and I. Savage (eds.), Transportation Safety in an Age of Deregulation, Oxford University Press, 1989, p. 167-185.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Financial Markets and Development. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1989, no. 5(4), p. 55-68.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Impact of the Changing Tax Environment on Investments and Productivity. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Summer 1989, 4(3), p. 281-301.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Imperfect Information in the Product Market. Handbook of Industrial Organization, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1989, vol. 1, p. 769-847.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Incentives, Information and Organizational Design. Empirica, January 1989, no. 16(1), p. 3-29.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GALE, I. The Informational Content of Initial Public Offerings. Journal of Finance, June 1989, no. 44(2), p. 469-478.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Markets, Market Failures and Development. American Economic Review, May 1989, p. 197-203.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Monopolistic Competition and the Capital Market. In G. Feiwel (ed.), The Economics of Imperfect Competition and Employment – Joan Robinson and Beyond, New York: University Press, 1989, p. 485-507.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Mutual Funds, Capital Structure, and Economic Efficiency. In S. Bhattacharya and G. Constantinides (eds.), Theory of Valuation – Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory, Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1989, vol. 1, p. 342-356.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BROCK, W., ROTSCHILD, M. Notes on Stochastic Capital Theory. In G. Feiwel (ed.), Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, London: Macmillan, 1989, p. 591-622.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Principal and Agent. In J. Eatwell et al. (eds.), The New Palgrave: Allocation, Information and Markets, London: Macmillan, 1989, p. 241-253.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Rational Peasants, Efficient Institutions and the Theory of Rural Organization. In P. Bardhan (ed.), The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989, p. 18-29.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRAVERMAN, A. Credit Rationing, Tenancy, Productivity and the Dynamics of Inequality. In P. Bardhan (ed.), The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989, p. 185-201.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reflections on the State of Economics: 1988. Economic Record, March 1989, p. 66-72.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Sources of Technological Divergence between Developed and Less Developed Countries. In G. Calvo et al. (eds.), Stabilizations and Development“ Essays in Memory of Carlos Diaz-Alejandro, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989, p. 423-446.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. Technological Learning, Social Learning and Technological Change. In S. Chakravarty (ed.), The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development, London: Macmillan, 1989, p. 285-298.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Toward a Theory of Rigidities. American Economic Review, May 1989, no, 79(2), p. 364-69.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Using Tax Policy to Curb Speculative Short – Term Trading. Journal of Financial Services Research, December 1989, no. 3(2/3), p. 101-115.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Asymmetric Information and the New Theory of the Firm: Financial Constraints and Risk Behavior. American Economic Review, May 1990, no. 80(2), p. 160-165.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Banks as Social Accountants and Screening Devices for the Allocation of Credit. Breek Economic Review, Autumn 1990, no. 12 (Supplement), p. 85-118.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Retrospective Views on Growth Theory presented on the occasion of the Celebration of Robert Solow´s 65th Birthday. In P. Diamond (ed.), Growth/Productivity/Unemployment, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990, p. 50-68.

STIGLITZ, J. E., JAFFEE, D. Credit Rationing. In B. Friedman and F. Hahn (eds.), Handbook of Monetary Economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1990, p. 837-888.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B., KOHN, M. Financial Market Imperfections and Productivity Growth. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, June 1990, no. 13(3), p. 321-345.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HOFF, K. Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets: Puzzles and Policy Perspectives. World Bank Economic Review, September 1990, no. 4(3), p. 235-250.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Macroeconomic Models with Equity and Credit Rationing. In R. B. Hubbard (ed.), Asymmetric Information, Corporate Finance, and Investment, University of Chicago Press, 1990, p. 15-42.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRITO, D. L., HAMILTON, J. H., SLUTSKY, S. M. Pareto Efficient Tax Structures. Oxford Economic Papers, 1990, no. 42, p. 61-77.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Peer Monitoring and Credit Markets. World Bank Economic Review, September 1990, no. 4(3), p. 351-366.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Symposium on Bubbles. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1990, no. 4(2), p. 13-18.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. The Welfare Economics of Moral Hazard. In H. Louberge (ed.), Risk Information and Insurance: Essays in the Memory of Karl H. Borch, Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic, 1990, p. 91-122.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Another Century of Economic Science. Economic Journal. Anniversary Issue, January 1991, no. 101(404), p. 134-141.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Comments on David Bradford „Market Value vs. Accounting Measures of National Saving.“ In B. D. Bernheim and J. B. Shoven (eds.), National Saving and Economic Performance, University of Chicago Press, 1991, p. 15-48.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Development Strategies: The Roles of the State and The Private Sector. Proceedings of the World Bank´s Annual Conference on Development Economics, 1990, 1991, p. 430-435.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRITO, D. L., HAMILTON, J. H., SLUTSKY, S. M. Dynamic Optimal Income Taxation with Government Commitment. Journal of Public Economics, 1991, no. 44, p. 15-35.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Foreword, to S. Claro and P. Yotopoulos (eds.), Informal Credit Markets and the Institution of Economics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Introduction to Symposium on Organizations and Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1991, no. 5(2), p. 15-24.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Invisible Hand and Modern Welfare Economics. In D. Vines and A. Stevenson (eds.), Information Strategy and Public Policy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991, p. 12-50.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R. Moral Hazard and Non-Market Institutions: Dysfunctional Crowding Out or Peer Monitoring?. American Economic Review, March 1991, no. 81(1), p. 179-190.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SAH, R. The Quality of Managers in Centralized versus Decentralized Organizations. Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1991, no. 106(1), p. 289-295.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Theoretical Aspects of the Privatization: Applications to Eastern Europe. Revista di Politica Economica, December 1991, p. 179-204.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Symposium on Organizations and Economics. Journal of Economic Perspective, Spring 1991, no. 5(2), p. 15-24.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Toward a Reformulation of Monetary Theory: Competitive Banking. Economic and Social Review, October 1991, no. 23(1), p. 1-34.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Economic Role of the State: Efficiency and Effectiveness. In T. P. Hardiman and M. Mulreany (eds.), Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Public Domain, The Economic Role of the State, Institute of Public Administration, 1991. p. 37-59.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Alternative Tactics and Strategies form Economic Development. In K. Jameson, and A. Dutt (eds.), New Directions in Development Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1992, p. 57-80.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Asymmetric Information in Credit Markets and Its Implications for Macroeconomics. Oxford Economic Papers, October 1992, no. 44(4), p. 649-724.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Banks versus Markets as Mechanisms form Allocating and Coordinating Investment. In J. A. Roumasset and S. Barr (eds.), The Economics of Cooperation: East Asian Development and the Case for Pro-Market Intervention, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992, p. 15-38.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Capital Markets and Economic Fluctuations in Capitalist Economies. European Economic Review, 1992, no. 36, p. 269-306.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Contract Theory and Macroeconomic Fluctuations. In L. Werin and H. Wijkander (eds.), Contract Economics, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992, p. 292-322.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Design of Financial System for the Newly Emerging Democracies of Eastern Europe. In C. Clague and G. C. Rausser (eds.), The Emergence of Market Economies in Eastern Europe, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992, p. 161-184.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Explaining Growth: Competition and Finance. Rivista di Politica Economica, November 1992, no. 82(169), p. 225.

STIGLITZ, J. E., NEWBERY, D. Futures Market and Risk Reduction. In P. Weller (ed.), The Theory of Futures Markets, Oxford: Blackwell, 1992, p. 36-55.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Information, Finance and Markets: The Architecture of Allocative Mechanisms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 1992, no. 1(1), p. 37-63.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Introduction: S&L Bailout. In J. Barth and R. Brumbaugh, Jr. (eds.), The Reform of Federal Deposit Insurance: Disciplining the Government and Protecting Taxpayers, London: HarperCollins, 1992, p. 1-12.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Methodological Issues and the New Keynesian Economics. In A. Vercelli and N. Dimitri (eds.), Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press, 1992, p. 38-86.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Prices and Queues as Sreening Devices in Competitive Markets. In D. Gale and O. Hart (eds.), Economic Analysis of Markets and Games: Essays in Honor of Frank Hahn, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992, p. 128-166.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GALLEGATI, M. Stochastic and Deterministic Fluctuations in a Non-Linear Model with Equity Rationing. Giornale Degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, January – April 1992, no. 60, p. 97-108.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Comments on Toward a Counter-Counter-Revolution in Development Theory. Proceedings of the World Banks´s Annual Conference on Development Economics 1992. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1993, p. 39-49.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Consequences of Limited Risk Markets and Imperfect Information for the Design of Taxes and Transfers: An Overview. In K. Hoff, A. Braverman and J. Stiglitz (eds.), The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy, New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1993.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Financial Market Imperfections and Business Cycles. Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1993, no. 108(1), p. 77-114.

STIGLITZ, J. E. International Perspectives in Undergraduate Education. American Economic Review, May 1993, no. 83(2), p. 27-33.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Market Socialism and Neoclassical Economics. In P. Bardhan and J. Roemer (eds.), Market Socialism: The Current Debate. Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 21-41.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Measures for Enhancing the Flow of Private Capital to the Less Developed Countries. Development Issues. New York: Development Committee, The World Bank, 1993, p. 201-211.

STIGLITZ, J. E., DIXIT, A. Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply. American Economic Review, March 1993, no. 83(1), p. 301-304.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. New and Old Keynesians. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1993, no. 7(1), p. 23-44.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Peer Monitoring and Credit Markets. In K. Hoff, A. Braverman, and J. Stiglitz (eds.), The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy, New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1993.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Perspectives on the Role of Government Risk-Bearing within the Financial Sector. In M. Sniderman (ed.), Government Risk-Bearing, Norwell MA: Klluwer Academic, 1993, p. 109-130.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Post Walrasian and Post Marxian Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1993, no. 7(1), p. 109-114.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Role of the State in Financial Markets. Proceeding of the World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1993, Washington, DC: World Bank, p. 41-46.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Theoretical Aspects of the Privatization: Applications to Eastern Europe. In M. Baldassarri, L. Paganetto and E. S. Phelps (eds.), Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe, Rome: Martin´s Press, 1993, p. 179-204.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Economic Growth Revisited. Industrial and Corporate Change, 1994, no. 3(1), p. 65-110.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Endogenous Growth and Cycles. In Y. Shionoya and M. Perlman (eds.), Innovation in Technology, Industries, and Institutions, University of Michigan Press, 1994, p. 121-156.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ARNOTT, R., GREENWALD, B. Information and Economic Efficiency. Information Economics and Policy, March 1994, no. 6(1), p. 77-88.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reflections on Economics and on Being and Becoming an Economist. In A. Heertje (ed.), The Makers of Modern Economics, Harvester Wheatsheaf, May 1994, vol. II, p. 140-183.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WEISS, A. Sorting Out the Differences Between Screening and Signaling Models. In M. O. L. Bacharach, M. A. H. Dempster and J. L. Enos (eds.), Mathematical Models in Economics, Oxford University Press, 1994.

STIGLITZ, J. E., EDLIN, A. Discouraging Rivals: Managerial Rent-Seeking and Economic Inefficiencies. American Economic Review, December 1995, no. 85(5), p. 1301-3112.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Interest Rate Puzzles, Competitive Theory and Capital Constraints. In J. – P. Fitoussi (ed.), Economics in a Changing World, New York: St. Martin´s Press, 1995, p. 145-175.

STIGLITZ, J. E., GREENWALD, B. Labor Market Adjustments and the Persistence of Unemployment. American Economic Review, May 1995, no. 85(2), p. 219-225.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BRITO, D., HAMILTON, J., SLUTSKY, S. Randomization in Optimal Income Tax Schedules. Journal of Public Economics, February 1995, no. 56(189), p. 189-223.

STIGLITZ, J. E., REY, P. The Role of Exclusive Territories in Producers´ Competition.Rand Journal of Economics, Autumn 1995, no. 26(3), p. 431-451.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Social Absorption Capability and Innovation. In B. H. Koo and D. H. Perkins (eds.), Social Capability and Long – Term Economic Growth, New York: -St. Martin´s Press, 1995, p. 48-81.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HELLMAN, T., MURDOCK, K. Deposit Mobilisation through Financial Restraint. In N. Hermes and R. Lensink (eds.), Financial Development and Economic Growth, London: Routledge, 1996, p. 219-246.

STIGLITZ, J. E., UY, M. Financial Markets, Public Policy, and the East Asian Miracle. World Bank Research Observer, August 1996, no. 11(2), p. 249-276.

STIGLITZ, J. E., QIAN, Y. Institutional Innovations and the Role of Local Government in Transition Economies: The Case of Guangdong Province of China. In J. McMillan and B. Naughton (eds.), Reforming Asian Socialism: The Growth of Market Institutions, University of Michigan Press, 1996, p. 175-193.

STIGLITZ, J. E. International Economic Justice and National Responsibility: Strategies for Economie Development in the Post Cold War World. Oxford Development Studies, June 1996, no. 24(2), p. 101-109.

STIGLITZ, J. E, ARROW, K., CLINE, W., MÄLER, K.-G., MUNASINGHE, M., SQUITIERI, R. Intertemporal Equity, Discounting, and Economic Efficiency. In J. Bruce, H. Lee and. E. Haites (eds.), Climate Change 1995 – Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change, 1996, p. 125-144.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Role of the Government in the Economy of Less Developed Counties. Development Strategy and Management of the Market Economy, New York: United Nations, 1996.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Some Lessons from the East Asian Miracle. World Bank Research Observer, August 1996, no. 11(2), p. 151-177.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ROTSCHILD, M. Competition and Insurance Twenty Years Later. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, December 1997, no. 22(2), p. 73-79.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Dumping on Free Trade: The U.S. Import Trade Laws. Southern Economic Journal, 1997, no. 64.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Role of Government in the Economies of Developing Countries. In E. Malinvaud and A. K. Sen (eds.), Development Strategy and the Management of the Market Economy, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, p. 61-109.

STIGLITZ, J. E., STERN, N. A. Framework for a Development Strategy in a Market Economy. In E. Malinvaud and A. K. Sen (eds.), Development Strategy and the Management of the Market Economy, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, p. 253-295.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Looking Out for the National Interest: The Principles of the Council of Economic Advisers. American Economic Review, May 1997, no. 87.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HOFF, K. Moneylenders and Bankers: Price-Increasing Subsidies in a Monopolistically Competitive Market. Journal of Development Economics, 1997, no. 52, p. 429-462.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reflections on the Natural Rate Hypothesis. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1997, no. 11, p. 3-10.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Role of Government in Economic Development. in M. Bruno and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1996, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1997, p. 11-23.

STIGLITZ, J. E. An Agenda for Development in the Twenty – First Century. In J. E. Stiglitz and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1997, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1998.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Building Robust Financial Systems. Central Bank of Barbados Economic Review, June 1998, XXV(1).

STIGLITZ, J. E. Central Banking in a Democratic Society. De Economist, 1998, no. 146(2), p. 199-226.

STIGLITZ, J. E., FURMAN, J. Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1998, no. 2, p. 1-114.

STIGLITZ, J. E. IFIs and the Provision of International Public Goods. Cahiers Papers, 1998, no. 3(2), p. 116-134.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Inequality and Growth: Implications for Public Finance and Lessons from Experience in the US. In N. Birdsall, C. Graham and R. H. Sabot (eds.), Beyond Tradeoffs: Market Reform and Equitable Growth in Latin America, Inter-American Development Bank, 1998.

STIGLITZ, J. E., SQUIRE, L. International Development: Is it Possible?. Foreign Policy, Spring 1998, no. 110, p. 138-151.

STIGLITZ, J. E., MURDOCK, K., HELLMAN, T. Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough?. Industrial Organization and Regulation, August 1998, no. 3(17).

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Private Uses of Public Interests: Incentives and Institutions. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1998, no. 12(2), p. 3-22.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Road to Recovery: Restoring Growth in the Region Could Be a Long and Difficult Process. Asiaweek, July 17, 1998, no. 24(8).

STIGLITZ, J. E. Aid Effectiveness and Development Partnership. Donor Coordination and the Effectiveness of Development Assistance, UNU Public Lectures, November 1999, p. 17-30.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Beggar-Thyself vs. Beggar-Thy-Neighbor policies: The Dangers of Intellectual incoherence in Addressing the Global Financial Crisis. Southern Economic Journal, July 1999, no. 66(1), p. 1-38.

STIGLITZ, J. E., FURMAN, J. Economic Consequences of Income Inequality. Symposium Proceedings – Income Inequality: Issues and Policy Options, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1998.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Future of the International Financial Architecture. World Economic Affairs, 1999, no. 2(3), p. 35-38.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Interest Rates, Risk, and Imperfect Markets: Puzzles and Policies. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1999, no. 15(2), p. 59-76.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Knowledge as a Global Public Good. In I. Kaul. I. Grunberg and M. A. Stern (eds.), Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century, Oxford University Press, 1999, Chapter 14.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Knowledge for Development: Economic Science, Economic Policy, and Economic Advice. Proceedings from the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics 1998, Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Must Financial Crises Be This Frequent and This Painful?. Policy Options, June 1999, 20(5).

STIGLITZ, J. E., FERRI, G., LIU, G. The Procyclical Role of Rating Agencies: Evidence from the East Asian Crisis. Economic Notes, 1999, no. 28(3), p. 335-355.

STIGLITZ, J. E., WALLSTEN, S. J. Public – Private Technology Partnerships: Promises and Pitfalls. American Behavioral Scientist, 1999, no. 43(1), p. 35-51.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custode? (Who is to Guard the Guard Themselves?): Corporate Governance Failures in the Transition. Challenge, November/December 1999, no. 42(6), p. 26-67.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Responding to Economic Crises: Policy Alternatives for Equitable Recovery and Development. The Manchester School, 1999, no. 67(5), p. 409-427.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The Role of Participation in Development. Development Outreach, Summer 1999, no. 1(1), p. 10-13.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Toward a General Theory of Wage and Price Rigidities and Economic Fluctuations. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 199, no. 89(2), p. 75-80.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Trade and the Developing World: A New Agenda. Current History, November 1999, no. 98(631), p. 387-393.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Whither Reform? Ten Years of the Transition. Transition Economics, June 1999, no. 3(12).

STIGLITZ, J. E. The World Bank and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund in the New Millennium. Journal of Development Assistance, 1999, no. 5(1), p. 11-17.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The World Bank at the Millennium. Economic Journal, November 1999.

STIGLITZ, J. E. The WTO Millennium Found. Social Development Review, December 1999, no. 3(4), p. 6-9.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Capital Market Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Instability. World Development, 2000, no. 28(6), p. 1075-1086.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HUSSAIN, A., STERN, N. Chinese Reforms from a comparative Perspective. In P. J. Hammond and G. D. Myles (eds.), Incentives, Organization, and Public Economics: Papers in Honour of Sir James Mirrlees, Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 243-277.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HELLMAN, T. Credit and Equity Rationing in Markets with Adverse Selection. European Economic Review, February 2000, no. 44(2), p. 281-304.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Democratic Development as the Fruits of Labor. Perspectives on Work, 2000,no. 4(1), p. 31-38.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Development Issues: Settled and Open. In G. Meiter and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in perspective, Oxford University Press, 2000. p. 227-268.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Formal and Informal Institutions. In P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds.), Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000, p. 59-68.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Introduction in C. L. Gilbert and D. Vines (eds.), The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 1-9.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis. In J. R. Bisignano, W. C. Hunter and G. G. Kaufman (eds.), Global Financial Crises: Lessons from Recent Events, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic, 2000, p. 89-109.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HELLMANN, T., MURDOCK, K. Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough?. Industrial Organization and Regulation, August 2000, no. 3(17).

STIGLITZ, J. E., HOFF, K. Modern Economic Theory and Development. In G. Meiter and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 389-485.

STIGLITZ, J. E., ELLERMAN, D. New Bridges Across the Chasm: Macro- and Micro-Strategies for Russia and Other Transitional Economies. Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 2000, no. 3(1), p. 41-72.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reflections on Mobility and Social Justice, Economic Efficiency, and Individual Responsibility. In N. Birdsall and C. Graham (eds.), New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2000, p. 36-65.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Reform. In A. Krueger (ed.), Economic Policy Reform: The Second Stage, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 551-584.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Two Principles for the Next Round or, How to Bring Developing Countries in from the Cold. World Economy, 2000, no. 23(4), p. 437-454.

STIGLITZ, J. E., BHATTACHARYA, A. The Underpinnings of a Stable and Equitable Global Financial System: From Old Debates to New Paradigms. In B. Pleskovic and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2000, p. 91-130.

STIGLITZ, J. E. A Comparison of Economic Transition among China and Other Countries. Economics Information, May 2001, no. 5, p. 43-46 (in Chinese).

STIGLITZ, J. E. Challenges in the Analysis of the Role of Institutions in Economic Development. In G. Kochendorfer-Lucius and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Villa Borsig Workshop Series 2000: The Institutional Foundations of a Market Economy, German Foundation for International Development, 2001, p. 15-28.

STIGLITZ, J. E. From Miracle to Crisis to Recovery: Lessons from Four Decades of Eat Asian Experience. In J. E. Stiglitz and S. Yusuf (eds.), Rethinking the East Asian Miracle, World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2001, p. 509-526.

STIGLITZ, J. E., HOFF, K. Modern Economic Theory and Development. In G. Meier and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2001, p. 389-459.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Preface. In L. R. Lein and M. Pomer (eds.), The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry, Stanford University Press, 2001, xvii-xxiii.

STIGLITZ, J. E. Principles of Financial Regulation: A Dynamic Approach. The World Bank Observer, Spring 2001, no. 16(1), p. 1-18.

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Joseph Eugene Stiglitz