Jan Tinbergen

Jan Tinbergen se narodil 12. dubna 1903 v Haagu. Pochází z intelektuálně založené rodiny. Jeho bratr Nico získal Nobelovu cenu za biologii v roce 1973. Jan Tinbergen zasvětil vědě celý svůj život, aktivně pracoval téměř až do své smrti 9. června 1994.

V letech 1922 – 26 studoval J. Tinbergen fyziku na universitě v Leydenu a získal doktorát v roce 1929 za disertaci „Minimum problems in physics and economics“. Poté přešel z funkce asistenta na universitě v Leydenu do holandského Ústředního statistického úřadu, do nově vzniklého oddělení pro výzkum hospodářského cyklu. Zde setrval až do roku 1945. V roce 1933 byl jmenován profesorem statistiky na universitě v Rotterdamu.

Výzkumná činnost J. Tinbergena v době, kdy pracoval na Ústředním statistickém úřadě, byla zaměřena na metodologické a aplikační problémy ekonometrie. Jimi dospěl k pionýrskému pokusu o sestavení modelu hospodářského cyklu v holandské ekonomice. V tomto 24 rovnicovém modelu z roku 1936 jako první usiloval o sjednocení a ověření často nematematicky formulovaných poznatků ekonomie. V modelu jsou anticipovány některé poznatky Keynesovy Obecné teorie a svým způsobem jsou statisticky ověřovány.
V letech 1936 – 38 působil J. Tinbergen v rámci Společnosti národů v Ženevě. I zde se věnoval ekonometrickému vysvětlování hospodářského cyklu. Jeho práci se však dostalo skutečného uznání teprve po válce, v souvislosti s obecným trendem používání matematických metod v ekonomii, s rozmachem ekonometrie a s nástupem věku počítačů.

Po 2. světové válce byl jmenován ředitelem nově vzniklého holandského Ústředního plánovacího úřadu, poradního orgánu vlády pro otázky makroekonomické politiky. V této funkci se zabýval problémy poválečné obnovy holandské ekonomiky, krátkodobou hospodářskou politikou a otázkami světové ekonomiky. V tomto kontextu krystalizovaly jeho myšlenky a úvahy o teorii hospodářské politiky a otázkách blahobytu, které jsou shrnuty v několika knihách. V nich původními přístupy navazoval na práce R. Frische.

J. Tinbergen přispěl rovněž k rozpracování ekonomiky blahobytu. Zejména ho zajímalo hledání optimálního režimu, tj. vytvoření institucionálních podmínek, při nichž je maximalizována funkce společenského blahobytu. Dospěl k závěru, že ekonomický systém musí být konstituován jako smíšený, neboť optimální decentralizovaná rozhodnutí by měla být v důsledku externalit ve výrobě doprovázena centralizovaným rozhodováním.

Zhruba v polovině 50. let J. Tinbergen rezignoval na svou funkci, aby se mohl plně věnovat otázkám teorie a plánování hospodářského rozvoje. Jeho vědecký přínos pro teorii rozvoje, jakož i pro metodologii a praxi národního a nadnárodního plánování je značný.

Počátkem 60. let J. Tinbergen ve svých pracích pro OECD a UNESCO vyvinul kvantitativní modely pro plánování výchovy a vzdělání, které navázaly na problémy hospodářského rozvoje.

Předmětem Tinbergenovy pozornosti byly také otázky sociální spravedlnosti. Jako červená nit se vinuly v podstatě všemi jeho zásadními pracemi a činnostmi.

Tinbergenově rozsáhlé a průkopnické vědecké práci se dostalo všeobecného uznání. Byla mnohokrát oceněna vyznamenáními a čestnými tituly. Nicméně, jak říká jeden z jeho blízkých spolupracovníků, přehled Tinbergenovy práce musí být nutně jen selektivní. Nemůže zprostředkovat dojem o jeho osobě, jeho stimulující vliv na ty, se kterými spolupracoval či se setkal na konferencích nebo v diskusi, jeho konstruktivní a optimistický přístup, jeho důvěru v sílu dobra, jeho skromnost a jednoduchý životní styl, jeho humanitu.


TINBERGEN, J. Bet aut van statistiese analyse voor het bedrijf. Amsterdam: N.V. de Arbeiderspers, 1931.

TINBERGEN, J. An Econometric Approach to Business Cycles Problems. Paris: Hermann and Cie, 1937.

TINBERGEN, J. Business Cycles in the United States of America, 1919-1932. Geneva: League of Nations, 1939.

TINBERGEN, J. A Method and its Application to Investment Activity. Geneva: League of Nations, 1939.

TINBERGEN, J. Economische Bewegingsleer. Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Maatschappij, 1943.

TINBERGEN, J. International Economic Co-operation. Elsevier, 1945.

TINBERGEN, J. The Dynamics of Business Cycles: A Study in Economic Fluctuations. Routledge & K. Paul, 1960.

TINBERGEN, J. Econometrie. J. Noorduijn en zoon n.v., 1941.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Theory of Economic Policy. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, 1952.

TINBERGEN, J. Centralization and Decentralization in Economic Policy. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1954.

TINBERGEN, J. International Economic Integration. Elsevier, 1954.

TINBERGEN, J. Economic Policy: Principles and Design. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1956.

TINBERGEN, J. Business Cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1956.

TINBERGEN, J. Wprowadzenie do ekonometrii. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1957.

TINBERGEN, J. The Design of Development. Economic Development Institute, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Johns Hopkins Press, 1958.

TINBERGEN, J. Selected Papers. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1959.

TINBERGEN, J. Econometrics. London: Allen & Unwin, 1961.

TINBERGEN, J. De optimale organisatie der economische beslissingen. Amsterdam: N.V. Noord-Hollandische Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1961.

TINBERGEN, J. Mathematical Models of Economic Growth. McGraw-Hill, 1962.

TINBERGEN, J. Shaping the World Economy. Suggestions for an International Economic Policy. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1962.

TINBERGEN, J. Lessons from the Past. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1963.

TINBERGEN, J. Central Planning. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964.

TINBERGEN, J. Spardefizit und Handelsdefizit. N.E.I.’s Division of Balanced International Growth, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Essays in Regional and World Planning. National Council of Applied Economic Research, 1966.

TINBERGEN, J. Development Planning. Company, New York-Toronto: Mc Graw Hill Book, 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. Modelle zur Wirtschaftsplanung. München: Kindler, 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. La planification. Texte Francais de Majoie Hajary et Josette Abel. Paris: Hachette, 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. Statistical Testing of Business-cycle Theories. League of nations, Economic intelligence service, 1939.

TINBERGEN, J. Gunnar Myrdal on Planning Models; A Lecture Given at the UN Asian Institute for Economic Development & Planning. Bangkok: UN Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning, 1969.

TINBERGEN, J., MENNES, L. B. M., WAARDENBURG, J. G. The Element of Space in Development Planning. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co., 1969.

TINBERGEN, J. Towards Balanced International Growth: Essays Presented to J. Tinbergen. American Elsevier, 1969.

TINBERGEN, J. On the International Division of Labour. Stockholm: Federation of Swedish Industries, 1970.

TINBERGEN, J. Towards a Better International Economic Order. New York: United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1971.

TINBERGEN, J. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Measurement of Utility of Welfare. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute, 1972.

TINBERGEN, J. Politique‚ economique et optimum social. Paris: Economica, 1972.

TINBERGEN, J. Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity; a Comparative View. New York: New York University Press, 1972.

TINBERGEN, J. Hospodářská politika: zásady a tvorba. Praha: Svoboda 1972.

Economic Structure and Development. Essays in Honor of Jan Tinbergen. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co., 1973.

Econometrics and Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of Jan Tinbergen. International Arts and Sciences Press, 1974.

Economic Development and Planning: Essays in Honor of Jan Tinbergen. International Arts and Sciences Press, 1974.

International Trade and Finance: Essays in Honor of Jan Tinbergen. International Arts and Sciences Press, 1974.

TINBERGEN, J. Income Differences: Recent Research. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co., 1975.

TINBERGEN, J. Income Distribution: Analysis and Policies. Amsterdam, Oxford: North Holland Publishing, 1975.

TINBERGEN, J. Pour une terre vivable. Paris, Bruxelles: Elsevier Squoia, 1976.

TINBERGEN, J. Reshaping the International Order. New American Library, 1977.

TINBERGEN, J. Hacia una economˇa mundial sugerencias para una polˇtica econ˘mica internacional. Barcelona: Orbis, D.L. 1983.

TINBERGEN, J. Production, Income and Welfare. University of Nebraska Press, 1985.

TINBERGEN, J., FISCHER, D. Warfare and Welfare: Integrating Security Policy into Socio-economic Policy. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1987.

TINBERGEN, J. World Security and Equity. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990.

The Economics of International Security: Essays in Honor of Jan Tinbergen. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

Ostatní publikace

TINBERGEN, J. Over de mathematies-statistiese methoden voor konjunktuuronderzoek. De Economist, 76, 1927, pp. 711-723.

TINBERGEN, J. De roulering in het werklozenleger. De Economist, 77, 1928, p. 772-782.

TINBERGEN, J. Het ekonomiese getij. De Socialistische Gids, XIV, 1929, p. 849-858.

TINBERGEN, J. Minimumproblemen in de natuurkunde en de ekonomie. Amsterdam, 1929.

TINBERGEN, J. Het verband tusschen den aardappeloogst en den prijs en den uitvoer van aardappelmeel. De Nedelandsche Conjunctuur, 1, 1930, p. 18-26.

TINBERGEN, J. Ein Schiffbauzyklus?. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 34, 1931, p. 152-164.

TINBERGEN, J. Prijsvorming op de aandeelenmarkt. De Nederlandsche Conjunctuur, 4, 1932, p. 12-23.

TINBERGEN, J. Statistiek en wiskunde in dienst van het konjunktuuronderzoek. Inaugural Lecture, Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam, October 4 1933.

TINBERGEN, J. De economische zijde van het ordeningsvraagstuk. Ordening, 1934, p. 17-28.

TINBERGEN, J. Annual Survey of Significant Developments in General Economic Theory. Econometrica, II, 1934, p. 13-36.

TINBERGEN, J. An Economic Policy for 1936. In: L. H. Klaassen, L. M. Koyck and H. J. Witteveen, Jan Tinbergen. Selected Papers. Amsterdam, 1936, p. 37-84.

TINBERGEN, J. Statistical Evidence on the Acceleration Principle. Economica, New Series V, 1938, p. 164-176.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Theory of Business Cycle Control, Econometrica. VI, January 1938, p. 22-39.

TINBERGEN, J. The Dynamics of Share-Price Formation. Review of Economics and Statistics, XXI, November 1939, p. 153-160.

TINBERGEN, J. Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories, I. A Method and Its Application to Investment Activity, Geneva: League of Nations, 1939.

TINBERGEN, J. Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories, II. Business Cycles in the United States of America, 1919-1932, Geneva: League of Nations, 1939.

TINBERGEN, J., De WOLF, P. A Simplified model of the Causation of Technological Unemployment. Econometrica, VII, July 1939, p. 193-207.

TINBERGEN, J. Econometric Business Cycle Research. Review of Economic Studies, 1939/40. p. 73-90.

TINBERGEN, J. On a Method of Statistical Business Cycle Research. A Replay. Economic Journal, L., 1940, p. 141-154.

TINBERGEN, J. Unstable and Indifferent Equilibria in Economic Systems. Revue de l’Institut International de Statistique, IX, 1941, p. 36-50.

TINBERGEN, J. Zur Theorie der langfristigen Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 55, 1942, p. 511-549.

TINBERGEN, J. Critical Remarks on Some Business Cycle Theories. Econometrica, X, April 1942, p. 129-146.

TINBERGEN, J. Does Consumption Lag Behind Incomes. Review of Economics and Statistics, XXIV, February 1942, p. 1-8.

TINBERGEN, J. Professor Douglas‘ Production Function. Revue de l’Institut International de Statistique, X, 1942, p. 37-48.

TINBERGEN, J. An Acceleration Principle for Commodity Stockholding and a Short Cycle Resulting from It. Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942, p. 255-267.

TINBERGEN, J. De les van dertig jaar. Amsterdam, 1944.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Remarks on the Problem of Dollar Scarcity. Washington: Congress Econometric Society, 1946.

TINBERGEN, J. Unstable Equilibria in the Balance of Payments. Economic Research and the Development of Economic Science and Public Policy, New York, 1946.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Measurements of Elasticities of Substitution. Review of Economics and Statistics, XXVIII, August 1946, p. 109-116.

TINBERGEN, J. The Use of Correlation Analysis in Economic Research. Ekonomisk Tidskrift, XLIX, March 1947, p. 173-192.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Problems in the Explanation of Interest Rates. Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXI, 1947, p. 397-438.

TINBERGEN, J. The Netherlands‘ Central Economic Plan for 1947. Revue Suisse d’Economie Politique et de Statistique, LXXXIII, January 1947, p. 19-29.

TINBERGEN, J. Problems of Central Economic Planning in the Netherlands. National Okonomisk Tidskrif, LXXXV, 1947.

TINBERGEN, J. Central Planning in the Netherlands. Review of Economic Studies, XV, 1947/48, p. 70-77.

TINBERGEN, J. The Equalisation of Factor Prices between Free-Trade Areas. Metroeconomica, 1, 1949, p. 39-47.

TINBERGEN, J. Long-Term Foreign Trade Elasticities, Metroeconomica. I, December 1949, p. 174-185.

TINBERGEN, J., DERKSEN, J. B. D. Recent Experiments in Social Accounting: Flexible and Dynamic Budgets. Econometric Society Meeting, September 1947, Washington, 1949.

TINBERGEN J. Government Budget and Central Economic Plan. Public Finance: Openbare Financiën, XLII, March 1949, p. 195-205.

TINBERGEN, J. The Reformulation of Current Business Cycle Theories as Refutable Hypotheses. Conference on Business Cycles, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1949.

TINBERGEN, J. Planning for Viability. The Way Ahead, II, 1949, p. 38-61.

TINBERGEN, J. Wesen und Bedeutung der Oekonometrie. Zeitschrift für Oekonometrie, 1, 1950, p. 5-13.

TINBERGEN, J. De Grenzen der Ordening. In the series: Vraagstukken van heden en morgen (16), Comite ter Bestudering van Ordeningsvraagstukken, Voorburg, The Netherlands, 1950.

TINBERGEN, J. The Possibility of Price and Exchange Adaptation. Tracing a New International Balance, Leiden: Stenfert Kroese, 1950.

TINBERGEN, J. Economic Policy in the Netherlands. Statsokonomisk tidsskrift, LXIV, 1950, p. 70-80.

TINBERGEN, J. Schumpeter and Quantitative Research in Economics. Review of Economics and Statistics, XXXIII, May 1951, p. 111-119.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Neglected Points in Demand Research. Metroeconomica, III, February 1951, p. 49-54.

TINBERGEN, J. Comments on: Orcutt, Guy H. Toward Partial Redirection of Econometrics. Review of Economics and Statistics, XXXIV, March 1952.

TINBERGEN, J. The Influence of Productivity on Economic Welfare. The Economic Journal, LXII, 1952, p. 68-86.

TINBERGEN, J. Financing Social Insurance out of Premiums or out of Income Tax. Archive of Economic and Social Sciences, XXXII, 1952, p. 71-77.

TINBERGEN, J. Efficiency and Future of Economic Research. Kyklos, V, April 1952, p. 309-319.

TINBERGEN, J. The Relation between Internal Inflation and the Balance of Payments. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, V, 1952, p. 187-194

TINBERGEN, J. Dirigisme et liberé dans le cadre de l’intégration écomoique de l’Europe. Lisbon: Anais do Instituto Superior de Ciéncias Económicas e Financeiras, 1952.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Theory of Economic Integration. Les Cahiers de Bruges, 1952, p. 292-303.

TINBERGEN, J., Van der WERFF, H. M. A. Four Alternative Policies to Restore the Balance of Payment Equilibrium: A Comment and an Extension. Econometrice, XXI, February 1953, p. 332-335.

TINBERGEN, J. Capital Formation and the Five-Year Plan. Indian Economic Journal, I, January 1953, p. 1-5.

TINBERGEN, J. Import and Export Elasticities: Some Remarks, International Statistical Institute. Bulletin, XXXIII, 1953, p. 215-226.

TINBERGEN, J. The Functions of Mathematical Treatment: Mathematics in Economics. Discussion of Mr. Novicks‘ Article, Review of Economics and Statistics, XXXVI, November 1954, p. 365-369.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimum Rate of Savings. Economic Journal, LXVI, 1956, p. 603-609.

TINBERGEN, J. Problems Concerning India’s Second Five-Year Plan. Public Finance: Openbare Financiën, XI, February 1956, p. 103-110.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Theory of Income Distribution. Wetwirtschaftliches Archiv, 77, 1956, p. 155-175.

TINBERGEN, J. The Appraisal of Road Construction: Two Calculation Schemes. Review of Economics and Statistics, 39, 1957, p. 241-249.

TINBERGEN, J. An International Economic Policy. Indian Journal of Economics, XXXVIII, 1957, p. 11-16.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimum Choice of Technology. Pakistan Economic Journal, VII, February 1957, p. 1-7.

TINBERGEN, J. The Use of a Short-Term Econometric Model for Indian Economic Policy. Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics, XVII, April 1957, p. 337-344.

TINBERGEN, J. Customs Unions: Influence of their Size on their Effect. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 113, 1957, p. 404-414.

TINBERGEN, J. An Internationl Economic Policy. Indian Journal of Economics, XXXVIII, 1957, p. 11-16.

TINBERGEN, J. Comments on the Economics of Governor Stevenson’s Program Paper: Where is the Money Coming From?. Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1957, p. 490-503.

TINBERGEN, J. The Economic Principles for an Optimum Use of Space. Les Cahiers de Bruges, XI, 1958, p. 15-18.

TINBERGEN, J. Should the Income Tax be Among the Means of Economic Policy?. Festskrift til Frederick Zeuthen, Kobenhavn, 1958, p. 351-362.

TINBERGEN, J. Quantitative Economics in the Netherlands Model Building for Economic Policy. Higher Education and Research in the Netherlands, II, March 1958, p. 3-7.

TINBERGEN, J. Choice of Technology in Industrial Planning, Industrialization and Productivity. Bulletin of the United Nations, I, January 1958, p. 24-33.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Theory of Trend Movements. In L. H. Klaassen, L. M. Koyek and H. J. Witteveen (eds.), Jan Tinbergen: Selected Papers, Amsterdam, 1959, p. 182-221.

TINBERGEN, J. The Theory of the Optimum Regime. In L. H. Klaassen, L. M. Koyek and H. J. Witteveen (eds.), Jan Tinbergen: Selected Papers, Amsterdam, 1959, p. 264-304.

TINBERGEN, J. International Co-ordination of Stabilization and Development Policies. Kyklos, XII, March 1959, p. 283-289.

TINBERGEN, J. Planification regional: algunos principios. Revista del Banco Central de Venezuela, no. 176-178, 1959.

TINBERGEN, J. Niektóre uwagi o dwustopniowym rozwoju gospodarczego. Przeglad Statystyczny, vol. 6, no. 3, 1959, p. 229-239.

TINBERGEN, J. Problems of Planning Economic Policy. UNESCO International Social Science Journal, XI, March 1959, p. 351-360.

TINBERGEN, J. Moet onze landbouwproduktie worden ingekrompen?. Socialisme en Democratie, vol. 16, no. 1, 1959, p. 16-20.

TINBERGEN, J. Waartoe een plan?. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 44, no. 2178, 8 April 1959, p. 264-265.

TINBERGEN, J. Inflatie, integratie en maatschappelijke orde, antwoord aan Professor Witteveen. Economisch-Statistiche Berichten, vol. 44, no. 2188, 17 June 1959, p. 476-497.

TINBERGEN, J. Europa´s economische taak in de wereld. Europese toenadering, Volksuniversiteits-Bibliotheek, no. 63, 1959, p. 263-278.

TINBERGEN, J. Economisch evenwicht tussen gebieden met ongelijk welvaartspeil. Preadviezen, Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, M. Nijhoff, The Hague, 1959, p. 1-21.

TINBERGEN, J. Sur une théorie de la distribution des revenus. Accords Culturels Belgo-Neerlandais, Brussels: Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 1959.

TINBERGEN, J. Economische factoren in de internationale verhoudingen. Orbis Terrarum, vol. 12, no. 75, 1959, p. 4-6.

TINBERGEN, J. Het vraagstuk van de minder ontwikkelde gebieden. De Onderneming, vol. 9, no. 25, 1959, p. 947-951.

TINBERGEN, J. Fines y medios de una politica económica internacional. Revista de Economica, vol. 60, 1959, p. 635-643.

TINBERGEN, J. Het wegnemen van de economische tegenstellingen. Oorlog en Vrede, Urecht-Nijmegen, 1960, p. 128-142.

TINBERGEN, J. Oost-West gesprekken. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 46, no. 2279, 29 March 1960, p. 323.

TINBERGEN, J. Coexistentie en democratisch socialisme. Politeia, vol. 15, no. 4, 1960, p. 6.

TINBERGEN, J. Research on the Geographical Decentralization of Industry in the Netherlands. Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 50, no. 11, 1960, p. 1959-1972.

TINBERGEN, J. Heavy Industry in the Latin American Common Market. Economic Bulletin for Latin America, V, January 1960, p. 1-5.

TINBERGEN, J. Economic Models of the Explanation of Inflation. Stabile Preise in Wachsender Wirtschaft, Erich Schneider zum 60 Geburtstag, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1960, p. 115-124.

TINBERGEN, J. Programming Techniques for Economic Development. Bangkok: U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1960.

TINBERGEN, J. Wirtschaftsprognose und Wirtschaftsplanung im Dienste der Industrialisierung von Entwicklungslandern. Wirtschaftsprognose und Wirtschaftsgestaltung, Berlin: Duncker und Humbolt, 1960, p. 175-308.

TINBERGEN, J. Fundamental and Derived Aims of Economic Development. The Punjab University Economist, I, February 1960, p. 1-6.

TINBERGEN, J. The Impact of the European Economic Community on Third Countries. Sciences Humaines et Intégration Européenne, Leiden: A. W. Sythoff, 1960, p. 386-398.

TINBERGEN, J. Optimum Savings and Utility Maximization over Time. Econometrica, XXVIII, February 1960, p. 481-490.

TINBERGEN, J. De waarde van het onderwijs in de economie. V.O.S. mededelingen, no. 57, 1960, p. 9-13.

TINBERGEN, J. La especificidad de los bienes de capital y el periodo de ajuste en la planeación del desrrollo. El Trimestre Economico, vol. 27, no. 107, 1960, p. 391-396.

TINBERGEN, J. A Common European Policy vis-a-vis Underdeveloped Countries. Paper presented at the Bari Conference, 1960.

TINBERGEN, J. Internationale planning van investeringen? Opstellenbundel ter huldiging van Professor Dr. J. Wisselink. Haarlem, 1960, p. 249-256.

TINBERGEN, J. Rapport van de Commissie ter bestudering van de mogelijkheden van toepassing van substantialistische winstopvattingen op het fiscale terrein. Geschriften van de Vereniging voor Belastingwetenschap, no. 103, 1960.

TINBERGEN, J. Nederlands relatieve welvaartspositie, vroeger en nu. De Accountant, vol. 67, no. 4, 1960, p. 12-36.

TINBERGEN, J. De ontwikkeling van nationale naar internationale planning. Socialisme en Democratie, vol. 18, no. 1, 1961, p. 35-42.

TINBERGEN, J. Nederlands groeipotentieel, onze achterstand geanalyseerd. De Zakenwereld, vol. 39, no. 8, 1961, p. 175-177.

TINBERGEN, J., TJEBBES, T. Die Bedeutung des Stickstoffs für die Welternahrungswirtschaft. Der Stickstoff – Seine Bedeutung für die Landwirtschaft un die Ernahrung der Welt, Oldenburg: Verlag Gerhard Stalling AG, 1961, p. 453-464.

TINBERGEN, J. Internationale positie van België in 1970. De Belgische economie in 1970, vol. I, Ghent, 1961, p. 29-39.

TINBERGEN, J. Vor- und Nachteile einer staatlichen Lohnpolitik. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschaft- und Gesellschaftspolitik, vol. 6, Tubingen, 1961, p. 68-73.

TINBERGEN, J. Do Communist and Free Societies Show a Converging Pattern?. Soviet Studies, XII, April 1961, p. 333-341.

TINBERGEN, J. The Spatial Dispersion of Production: A Hypothesis. Schweizerische Zaitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 97, 1961, p. 1-8.

TINBERGEN, J. Do Communist and Free Economies Show a Converging Pattern?. Soviet Studies, XII, 1961, p. 333-341.

TINBERGEN, J. The Appraisal of Investment Projects: the Semi-Input-Output Method. Indutrial India, 1961, p. 25-26.

TINBERGEN, J., BOSS, H. C. The Global Demand for Higher and Secondary Education in the Underdeveloped Countries in the Next Decade. Policy Conference on Economic Growth and Investment Education. Washington, D.C.: OECD, vol. III, 1961.

TINBERGEN, J. The „Best“ Economic Order. Hong Kong Economic Papers, no. 1, 1961.

TINBERGEN, J. Development Theory, and Econometrist’s View, Money, Growth and Methodology, and Other Essays in Economics in Honor of Johan Akerman. Lund: Gleerup, 1961, p. 49-58.

TINBERGEN, J. Regionaal-economische planning, Problemen van economische ontwikkeling. Seminare voor toegepaste economie van de Rijksuniversiteit van Gent, Ghent, 1961, p. 153-173.

TINBERGEN, J. De economische balans van het Deltaplan. Rapport Deltacommissie, Den Haag, 1961.

TINBERGEN, J. Comparatieve internationale studies als hulpmiddel bij de ontwikkelingsplanning. Statistica Neerlandica, vol. 15, no. 4, 1961, p. 461-465.

TINBERGEN, J. La théorie économique du bien-étre. Arguments, vol. V, no. 22, 1961, p. 25-28.

TINBERGEN, J. Structures générales du probléme de l´optimum du bien-étre d´un groupe de nations. Les critéres économique de la division internationale du travail, Journée d´Etude (17-21 October 1960) organisée par le Centre d´Etude des Pays de l´Est, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1961, p. 21-23.

TINBERGEN, J. De optimale organisatie der economische beslissingen. Medelinged der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, New Series, vol. 24, no. 7, Amsterdam, 1961, p. 223-238.

TINBERGEN, J. Gewenste omvang van investeringen in Afrika en Azië. Vakbeweging, vol. 13, no. 9, 1961, p. 10-13.

TINBERGEN, J. Der Sozialismus in einer gespaltenen Welt. Die Neue Gesellschaft, vol. 8, no. 6, 1961, p. 445-448.

TINBERGEN, J. Die Prognose als Basisi der Wirtschaftspolitik. Diagnose und Prognose als wirschaftswissenschaftliche Methodenprobleme, New Series. vol. 25, Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1962, p. 436-442.

TINBERGEN, J. Led données fondamentales d´un plan régional. Tiers-Monde, vol. III, no. 11, 1962, p. 329-336.

TINBERGEN, J. Evenwichtige groei. Theorie van de economische politiek, Leiden, 1962, p. 145-180.

TINBERGEN, J. Planning in Stages. Statsokonomisk Tidsskrift, 1, 1962, p. 1-20.

TINBERGEN, J. Die Wohlstandsentwicklung 1930-1955, Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbrittanien und den Niederlanden. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, vol. 7, Tubingen, 1962, p. 144-150.

TINBERGEN, J. Verso la´coincidenza degli opposti. Mercurio, vol. V, no. 3, 1962, p. 7-9.

TINBERGEN, J. Voorspellingen in politiek, economie en sociologie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden, New Series, vol. XVII, no. 3, 1962, p. 193-197.

TINBERGEN, J. La planification aux Pays-Bas, La planification en cinq pays de l´Europe Occidentale et Orientale. Bibliothéque Européenne, vol. V, Turin-Paris, 1962, p. 51-64.

TINBERGEN, J., CORREA, H. Quantitative Adaptation of Education to Accelerated Growth. Kyklos, XV, April 1962, p. 768-786.

TINBERGEN, J. Los aportes de la planificación, inversión e integración del producto nacional. Revista de Economia y Estadística, vol. VI, no. 3, 1962, p. 3-14.

TINBERGEN, J. Again – The Development Issue. The Ecumenical Review, XIX, February 1962, p. 226-228.

TINBERGEN, J. Voorspellingen in politiek, economie en sociologie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden, XVII, 1962, p. 193-197.

TINBERGEN, J. Redistribución Globel del Ingreso. Revista de Economia Latinoamericano, no. 8, 1962.

TINBERGEN, J. Uprooting Injustice. Way Forum, no. 46, 1962, p. 42-48.

TINBERGEN, J. Algemene problematiek van de hulpverlening in de ontwikkelingsgebieden. Landbouwkundig Tijdschrift, vol. 75, no. 5, 1963, p. 200-210.

TINBERGEN, J. Een nieuwe bijdrage van Nederland voor een wereldplan. Economisch-Statistiche Berichten, vol. 52, no. 2594, 24 May 1963, p. 541.

TINBERGEN, J. Rechtvaardiger inkomensverdeling. Socialistische Standpunten, vol. 10, no. 3, 1963, p. 255-260.

TINBERGEN, J. La théorie de la distribution du revenu. Cahiers de l´Institut de Science Economiquée, Suppl. 134, Series BA, no. 2, 1963, p. 49-58.

TINBERGEN, J., BOSS, H. C. The Financing of Higher Education in Africa. The Development of Higher Education in Africa, Report of the Conference on the Development of Higher Education in Africa, Tananarive, 3-12 September 1962, Paris: UNESCO, 1963, p. 155-212.

TINBERGEN, J. Project Criteria. Economic Planning, The Hague: Mouten, 1963, p. 7-19.

TINBERGEN, J. Projections of Economic Data in Development Planning. Planning for Economic Development in the Caribbean, Caribbean Organization, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, 1963, p. 26-51.

TINBERGEN, J. Die Unterrichtsplanung im Rahmen der allgemeinen Wirtschaftsplanung, Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik. Gedenkschrift für Gerhard Mackenroth, Tübingen, 1963, p. 367-384.

TINBERGEN, J. Les prévisions et le planning de l´emploi. Prévisions de l´emploi, Paris: O.E.C.D., 1963, p. 9-23.

TINBERGEN, J. Aspectos sociales de la planificación económica. Documentación Social, Madrid: Centro de Estudios de Sociologia Aplicada, vol. IV, no. 17-18, 1963, p. 10-20.

TINBERGEN, J. A World Development Policy, World. Nations and Groups in Development, The Hague: Mouten, 1963, p. 39-55.

TINBERGEN, J. Projections of Economic Data in Development Planning. Planning for Economic Development in the Caribbean, Hato Rey-Puerto Rico: Caribbean Organization, 1963, p. 26-51.

TINBERGEN, J. Possibilities for Application of Operational research to Problems of Development. Management Science, X, February 1963, p. 193-196.

TINBERGEN, J. De sociale verantwoordelijkheid van de economist. Universiteit en Hogeschool, 10, 1963, p. 21-28.

TINBERGEN, J. Introductory Remarks on the Ization Problem. Zeitschrift für die Gesammte Staatswissenschaft, vol. 119, no. 2, 1963, p. 328-333.

TINBERGEN, J. The European Economic Community: Conservative or Progressive?. Wicksell Lectures 1963, Stockholm/Goteborg/Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1963.

TINBERGEN, J. Planification de la croissance économique. Revue Economique et Sociale, vol. 21, no. 4, 1963, p. 26-51.

TINBERGEN, J. L´influence exercée par les besoins sur la production des biens de consommation. L´Evaluation et le role des besoins de biens de consommation dans les divers régimes économiques, Paris, 1963, p. 215-225.

TINBERGEN, J. De organisatie van de Economie in dienst van de mens. Co-op, vol. 18, no. 4, 1963, p. 68-70.

TINBERGEN, J. Omvang van de door Nederland te verlenen ontwikkelingshulp. Commentaar, no. 548, 15 June 1963, p. 137-139.

TINBERGEN, J. El modelo socialista democrático de la sociedad. Politica, Caracas, vol. III, no. 26, 1963, p. 95-103.

TINBERGEN, J. Latijns-Amerika, ontwikkelingsgebied. Paraat, 1963, p. 276.

TINBERGEN, J. Suriname, vergeleken met andere ontwikkelingslanden. Schakels, no. 49, 1963, p. 38-40.

TINBERGEN, J. De sociale verantwoordelijkheid van de economist. Universiteit en Hogeschool, vol. 10, no. 1, 1963-4, p. 21-28.

TINBERGEN, J. Nieuwe methoden en technieken in de economische wetenschap. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Wetenschappen, vol. 9, no. 1, 1964, p. 3-9.

TINBERGEN, J. De veranderde plaats van de arbeid in onze samenleving. Arbeid en Samenleving, Rotterdam: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1964, p. 7-22.

TINBERGEN, J. Probleme der modernen Türkei. Bustan, vol. 5, no. 4, 1964, p. 24-31.
165. Nieuwere opvattingen over de hulp aan ontwikkelingslanden, Internationale Spectator, vol. XVII, no. 1, 1964, p. 20-24.

TINBERGEN, J. De konferentie van de Verenigde Naties over handel en ontwikkeling. Wereld-in-formatie, vol. 6, no. 3, 1964, p. 5-8.

TINBERGEN, J. Moet van ontwikkelingshup verstoring van het economisch evenwicht worden gevreesd?. Eltheto Brochure Reeks, vol. 5, no. 15, 1964, p. 14-19.

TINBERGEN, J. De toekomst van de internationale socialistische samenwrking. Socialisme en Democratie, vol. 21, no. 9, 1964, p. 590-594.

TINBERGEN, J. Europa´s rol in de wereld. Europa, eenheid en verscheidenheid, Leiden, 1964, p. 99-104.

TINBERGEN, J. Théorie du bien-étre et gestion des entreprises publiques. Les Annales de l´Economie Collective, vol. 52, no. 2, 1964, p. 187-195.

TINBERGEN, J. Sur un modéle de la dispersion géographique de l´activite‚ économique. Revue d´Economie Politique, no. 1, 1964, p. 30-44.

TINBERGEN, J. Programmierungstechniken für die Aufstellung von Entwicklungsplänen. Grundlagen der Entwicklungsplanung, Berlin: Duncker un Humblot, 1964, p. 136-149.

TINBERGEN, J., HART, A. G., KALDOR, N. The Case for an International Commodity Reserve Currency. A memorandum submitted to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1964.

TINBERGEN, J. The Appraisal of Investment Projects. Nederlands Economisch Instituut, Rotterdam, Publication 28/64, 1964, p. 13.

TINBERGEN, J. Project Appraisal: A Traditional Approach, Essays on Econometrics and Planning. Presented to Professor P. C. Mahalanobis on the Occasion of hos 70th Birthday. Calcutta: Pergamon, 1964, p. 295-300.

TINBERGEN, J. Reply, to T. Balogh, Education and Economic Growth. Kyklos, XVII, February 1964, p. 261-275.

TINBERGEN, J. Educational Assessments, Economic and Social Aspect of Educational Planning. Paris:  UNESCO, 1964, p. 165-222.

TINBERGEN, J. The Evolution in Communist Views on International Trade. World Justice, VI, January 1964, p. 5-8.

TINBERGEN, J., BOS, H. C. A Planning Model for the Educational Requirements of Economic Development. The Residual Factor and Economic Growth, Paris: O.E.C.D., 1964, p. 147-69.

TINBERGEN, J. Die statistischen Bedürfnisse einer Raumwirtschaftslehre. Die Statistik in der Wirtschaftsforschung, Festgabe für Rolf Wagenführ zum 60. Geburtstag, Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1964, p. 445-450.

TINBERGEN, J. Concrete Concepts of Coexistence. Co-existence, vol. 1, 1964, p. 15.

TINBERGEN, J. Development Planning: The Sector Phase, with Different Gestation Periods. Rotterdam: Nederlands Economisch Instituut, Publication 26-64, 1964.

TINBERGEN, J. Possibilites for Application of Operational Research to Problems of Development. Management Science, vol. 10, no. 2, 1964, p. 193-196.

TINBERGEN, J. A Planning Model for the Educational Requirements of Economic Development. Economic Models of Education, Paris:  O.E.C.D., 1965, p. 9-31.

TINBERGEN, J. Planeación optima. Programmacia del desarollo economico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1965, p. 154-187.

TINBERGEN, J. Spardefizit und Handelsdefizit. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 95, no. 1, 1965, p. 89-101.

TINBERGEN, J. Discussion on the Organization of Coexistence. Review of International Affairs, XVI, October 1965, p. 13-14.

TINBERGEN, J. Economic Development and Investment Indivisibilities. Problems of Economic Dynemics and Planning, Essays in Honor of Michal Kalecki, Warsaw: P.W.N. Polish Scientific, 1965, p. 455-467.

TINBERGEN, J. Facing the Future, Review of International Affairs. Belgrade, vol. XVI, no. 364, 1965, p. 9-10.

TINBERGEN, J. Ideologies and Scientific Development: The Optimal Order. Review of International Affairs, XVI, October 1965, p. 6-7.

TINBERGEN, J. Iets over Uimt-economie, Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Akademie voor Wetenschappen. Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, vol. XXVII, no. 9, 1965, p. 15.

TINBERGEN, J. Improving International Development Policies. Review of International Affairs, XVI, September 1965, p. 10-12.

TINBERGEN, J. International, National, Regional and Local Industries. In R. E. Caves, H. G. Johnson and P. B. Kenen (eds) Trade, Growth, and the Balance of Payments, Essays in Honour of Gottfried Haberler, Amsterdam, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Simple Devices for Devolopment Planning. Problems in Economic Development, London-New York: Mac-Millan-St. Martins Press, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Principles of Regional Planning. Rotterdam: Nederlands Economisch Instituut, Publication 29/65, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Trade between Western and Communist Countries. Cronache Economiche della CCIA di Torino, 1965, p. 266-267.

TINBERGEN, J. De les van vijftig jaar. Amsterdam, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. The Significance of Welfare Economics for Socialism. On Political Economy and Econometrics, Essays in Honour of Oskar Lange, Warsaw: P.W.N. Polish Scietific Publishers, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. The Economic Framework of Regional Planning. Semaine d’Etude sur le Rôle de l’Analyse Econométrique dans la Formulation de Plans de Développement, Pontificiae Academiae Scientarium, Scripta Varia, no. 28, Rome, 1965, p. 1233-1264.

TINBERGEN, J. The Division of Labour between International Executive Bodies. Cronacle Economische della C.C.I.A. di Torino, Fasc. 371, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Eine neue Raumwirtschaftslehre. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, vol. 121, no. 4, 1965, p. 625-632.

TINBERGEN, J. Een blauwdruk. Internationale Samenwerking, Cahier no. 1, 1965, p. 55-59.

TINBERGEN, J. Is betalingsbalansevenwicht eigenlijk wel gewenst?. Rostra Economica Amstelodamensia, vol. 14, 1965, p. 13-15.

TINBERGEN, J. Uitstippelen van economische wereldperspectieven. Economisch-statistische Berichten, vol. 50, no. 2509, 22 September 1965, p. 867.

TINBERGEN, J. De wereldeconomie en onze verantwoordelijkheid tegenover de medements. De intermenselijke verhoudingen, Utrecht-Antwerp: Het Spectrum, 1965, p. 107-112.

TINBERGEN, J. Over het dynamische welvaartsmaximum. Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nedrlandse Adademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, New Series, vol. 28, No. 4, Amsterdam, 1965, p. 264-282.

TINBERGEN, J. De toekomstige sociale orde en onze beweging. Socialisme en Democratie, vol. 22, no. 11, 1965, p. 861-862.

TINBERGEN, J. Vergelijking van de ontwikkeling der economische stelsels van Oost en West. Oost-West, vol. 4, no. 5, 1965.

TINBERGEN, J. Lenkungsmöglichkeiten der Entwicklungshilfe, Weltwirtschaftliche Probleme der Gegenwart. Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, New Series, vol. 35, Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1965, p. 562-570.

TINBERGEN, J. De toenaderingstheorie. Maandschrift Economie, vol. 30, no. 2, 1965/6, p. 71-77.

TINBERGEN, J. Die Rolle der Planungstechniken bei einer Annaherung der Strukturen in Ost und West. Wirtschaftsplanung im Ostblock, Beginn einer Liberalisierung?, Stuttgart-Berlin: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1966.

TINBERGEN, J. Rechtvaardigheid in de economische politiek. Wijsgerig perspectief, vol. 7, no. 2, 1966, p. 107-114.

TINBERGEN, J. Sociale wetenschappen en ethiek. Wending, vol. 21, no. 8, 1966, p. 451-455.

TINBERGEN, J. Structureel ontwikkelingsbeleid. Economisch-Statistiche Berichten, vol. 51, no. 2556, 24 August 1966, p. 851-852.

TINBERGEN, J. Begroting en ontwikkelingshulp. Economisch Statistische Berichten, vol. 51, no. 2556, 5 October 1966, p. 1036.

TINBERGEN, J. Welke bedrijfstakken te vestigen in ontwikkelingslanden. Rede Algemene Ledenvergadering Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam, 5 Okt. 1966.

TINBERGEN, J. Economische ontwikkelingen. De komende twintig jaar, Amsterdam, 1966, p. 39-45.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Optimal Social Order and a World Economic Policy. Oost-West, V, October 1966, p. 242-244.

TINBERGEN, J. Terms of Trade and the Concept of Import Purchasing Power of the Export of Developing Countries. Unctad, Trade and Development Board, Permanent Subcommittee on Commodities, First Session (TB/BIC 1/PSC/5), Geneva, 1966.

TINBERGEN, J. The Concept of Unbalanced Growth. Economic Development: Issues and Policies, Bombay 1966, p. 14-17.

TINBERGEN, J. Sturen met statistiek. Statistica Neerlandica, vol. 20, no. 3/4, 1966, p. 20-26.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimum Degree of Centralization – a Note. Co- existence, no. 5, 1966, p. 163-167.

TINBERGEN, J. Economic Growth Plans and Their Impact on Business Management. United Malayn Banking Corporation Economic Review, XI, February 1966, p. 20-26.

TINBERGEN, J. International Economic Planning. Daedalus Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1966, p. 530-557.

TINBERGEN, J. Het economisch rendement van het wetenschappelijk onderwijs. Nationaal Congres Onderzoek van Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs, vol. II, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven, 1966, p. 72-80.

TINBERGEN, J. A Model for a Flow of Funds Analysis of an Open Country. Essays in Honour of Marco Fano, Padova, 1966, p. 688-692.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Refinements of the Semi-Input-Output Method. Pakistan Development Review, VI, February 1966, p. 243-247.

TINBERGEN, J. Balance of Payments and Project Appraisal. Development Planning Problems and Techniques Series, no. 1, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, 1967, p. 5-10.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Optimal Social Order and a World Economic Policy. Oost-West, vol. 5, no. 10, 1966, p. 242-244.

TINBERGEN, J. Concluding Remarks, Towards a Strategy for Development Co-operation. Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press, 1967, p. 93-101.

TINBERGEN, J. The Hierarchy Model of the Size Distribution of Centers. Regional Science Association Papers, XX, 1967, p. 65-68.

TINBERGEN, J. Methodik der Entwicklungsplanung, Entwicklungspolitik. Handbuch und Lexicon, Stuttgart-Berlin-Mainz: Kreuz Verlag and Matthias Grunewald Verlag, 1967, p. 668-700.

TINBERGEN, J. Links between National Planning and Town and Country Planning. Paper presented at the Symposium on Urbanization of the International Union of Local Authorities, The Hague, 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. Eine Randbemerkung zum Problem der Internationaaler Liquiditätsschopfung. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, vol. 123, no. 4, 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. De begrotingsvoorstellen voor ontwikkelingshulp in 1968. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 52, no. 2614, 11 October 1967, p. 1012-1013.

TINBERGEN, J. Voorbereidingen voor DD 2. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 52, no. 2616, 25 October 1967, p. 1067-1068.

TINBERGEN, J. Planning in the Common Market. Sosialokonomen, XXI, June 1967, p. 14-16.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Suggestions on a Modern Theory of the Optimum Regime. Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth, Essays Presented to Maurice Dobb, London: Cambridge University Press, 1967, p. 125-132.

TINBERGEN, J. Geldchepping voor de oveheid in ontwikkelingslanden. Orbis Economicus, vol. 11, no. 2, 1967, p. 64-68.

TINBERGEN, J. Stijging van de levensstandaard zonder stijging van de prijzen. Socialistische Standpunten, vol. 14, no. 5, 1967, p. 303-306.

TINBERGEN, J. De rol van een economische paragraaf in een vredesverdrag voor het Midden-Oosten. Wending, vol. 22, no. 7, 1967, p. 340-343.

TINBERGEN, J. Latijns-Amerika, minst onderontwikkeld gebied. America Latina, 1967, p. 9-12.

TINBERGEN, J. Toespraak bij de uitreiking van de Erasmusprijs 1967. Praemium Erasmianum MCMLXVII, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 38-49.

TINBERGEN, J. Ist eine Annäherung zwischen Kommunismus und Liberalismus Möglich?. Radius, no. 4, 1967, p. 6-11.

TINBERGEN, J. De kapitaalcoëfficient en het bouwbedrijf. Gebouw en getal, aangeboden aan Jan van Ettinger op zijn 65ste verjaardag, Rotterdam, 1967, p. 84-86.

TINBERGEN, J., LINNEMANN, H., PRONK, J. P. Convergence of Economic Systems in East and West. Disarmament and World Economic Interdependence, Oslo: Universitestsforlaget, 1967, p. 246-260.

TINBERGEN, J. A Few Comments on Professor Lev Leontiev’s Answer. Oost-West, Vi, May 1967.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimal International Division of Labour. Acta Oeconomonica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 3, 1968, p. 257-282.

TINBERGEN, J. Enkele opmerkingen over de financiering van het onderwijs. Grondslagen van de onderwijsfinanciering, Algemene Studenten Vereniging Amsterdam, 1968, p. 25-42.

TINBERGEN, J. Onderwijs, technologische verandering en produktiefunctie. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 53, no. 2675, 18. December 1968, p. 1168-1170.

TINBERGEN, J. Chenery: Efficient Development Research. Economisch Statistische Berichten, LIII, November 1968, p. 1013-1014.

TINBERGEN, J. Myrdal’s Asian Drama. Pakistan Development Review, VII, April 1968, p. 618-625.

TINBERGEN, J. Optimalization – of What?. Co-Existence, V, 1968, p. 1-5.

TINBERGEN, J., BOUWMEESTER, J. The Role of Social Security as Seen by the Development Planner. The Role of Social Security in Economic Development, Washington, 1968, p. 39-50.

TINBERGEN, J. The Significance of Science for the Developing Countries. Higher Education and Research in the Netherlands, XII, March 1968, p. 24-29.

TINBERGEN, J. Wanted: A World Develoment Plan. International Organization, XXII, January 1968, p. 417-431.

TINBERGEN, J. Over de optimale internationale arbeidsverdeling. Speech for the Royal Academy of Sciences in The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 1968.

TINBERGEN, J. Soziale Faktoren in der Wirtschafsentwicklung. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, vol. 124, no. 1, 1968, p. 197-207.

TINBERGEN, J. Shaping the World Economy, World Peace Through World Economy, Youth and Student Division of the World Association of World Federalists, 6th International Study Conference, Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1968.

TINBERGEN, J. Similarities and Differences between the Social Problem and the Development Problem. Mens en Maatschappij, 1968, p. 120-127.

TINBERGEN, J. Les relations des Communautés Européennes a vec les pays en voie de développement. Euroforum 68: L´Europe dans le monde de demain, Report of the International Conference of the „Conseil Economique de la CDU“, 25-26 January 1968, Saarbrücken, p. 79-83.

TINBERGEN, J. Moet de groei van rijke en arme landen op elkaar afgestemd zijn?. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 53, no. 2636, 20 March 1968, p. 260.

TINBERGEN, J. Ordelijk sociaal denken. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 53, no. 2656, 7 August 1968, p. 729-730.

TINBERGEN, J. Die künftige Arbeitsteilung zwischen armen und reichen Ländern. Zeitschrift für Allgemeine und Textile Marktwirtschaft, vol. 1968, no. 4, p. 5-27.

TINBERGEN, J. Over de optimale internationale arbeidsverdeling. Jaarboek 1967-1968, Amsterdam, 1968, p. 106-115.

TINBERGEN, J.. Der Beitrag der Wirtschafswissenschaften zum Aufstieg der Entwicklungsländer. Entwicklungsländer, Cologne-Berlin: Verlag Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1968, p. 413-421.

TINBERGEN, J. Chemie en ontwikkelingshulp: internationale sociaal-economische prioriteiten voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Chemisch Weekblad, vol. 65, no. 30, 1969, p. 22-24.

TINBERGEN, J. Technischer Fortschritt und internationaler Wettbewerb in ihrer Bedeutung für die Textilindustrie. Zeitschrift für Allgemeine und Textile Marktwirtschaft, vol. 1969, p. 45-71.

TINBERGEN, J. Over ontwikkelingshulp door aanpassing van onze eigen produktie. Werken voor de vrede, welvaart voor de wereld, I.K.V. Cahier voor Vredesvraagstukken, no. 4, 1969.

TINBERGEN, J. De voorbereiding van DD 2 dedert de algemene vergadering van 1968. Internationale Spectator, vol. XXIII, no. 15, 1969, p. 1389-1397.

TINBERGEN, J. De persoon De Wolff. Orbis Economicus, vol. 13, no. 3/4, 1969, p. 9-11.

TINBERGEN, J. L´Association des états africains et Malgache et l´économie mondiale. La Communauté et le probléme du développement, Brussels: Universit‚ Libre de Bruxelles, 1969, p. 71-79.

TINBERGEN, J. Naar een nieuwe wereldhandelsstructuur en wereldarbeidsverdeling. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, vol. 54, no. 2726, 17 Decemember 1969, p. 1269-1270.

TINBERGEN, J. Ideology and Coexistence. Review of International Affairs, XX, 1969, p. 1-2.

TINBERGEN, J. Internationale economische ontwikkeling en samenwerking. Oost-West, vol. 8, no. 2, 1969, p. 54-58.

TINBERGEN, J. Internationale Koordination der Entwicklungshilfe. Ebenen der Willensbildung, Vierteljahresberichte, Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, no. 36, June 1969.

TINBERGEN, J. The Use of Models: Experience and Prospects. Lexture in Memory of Alfred Nobel, December 12th, Les Prix Nobel en 1969, Stockholm, 1969, p. 244-252.

TINBERGEN, J. Development Strategy and Welfare Economics. Co-Existence, VI, July 1969, p. 119-126.

TINBERGEN, J. Future Relations Between the Countries of Eastern and Western Europe. Oost-West, VIII, May 1969, p. 165-166.

TINBERGEN, J. Het te verwachten tekort aan werkgelegenheid in de periode 1970-1980 en enkele mogelijkheden om er in te voorzien. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Wetenschappen, vol. 147, no. 4, 1969, p. 12-15.

TINBERGEN, J. Gunnar Myrdal on Planning Models. UN Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning, Institute Monograph no. 11, Bangkok, 1969, 13 p.

TINBERGEN, J. Onderwijsplan en numerus fixus. Universiteit en Hogeschool, vol. 16, no. 3, 1969/70, p. 189-193.

TINBERGEN, J. A Positive and a Normative Theory of Income Distribution. Review of Income and Wealth, 16, 1970.

TINBERGEN, J. Was spricht für die Konvergenztheorie?. Wirtschaftswoche der Volkswirtschaft, 23. December 1970.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Work Experiences. In T. Dalenius, G. Karlsson and S. Malmquist, Scientists at Work, Festschrift in honour of Herman Wold, Uppsala, 1970.

TINBERGEN, J. Over meten in de menswetenschappen. Jaarboek Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde, 1970-1971, Leiden, 1971, p. 11-26.

TINBERGEN, J. Society Needs to Organize the Structures and Uses of Science. Impact of Science on Society, XXII, 1972, p. 289-297.

TINBERGEN, J. The Impact of Education on Income Distribution. Review of Income and Wealth, 18, 3, 1972.

TINBERGEN, J. De convergentietheorie: antikritiek. Mens en Keuze, Amsterdam, 1972, p. 1-11.

TINBERGEN, J. Some Features of the Optimum Regime, Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity. The Charles C. Moskowitz Lectures, New York: New York University, 1972.

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TINBERGEN, J. The Necessity of Quantitative Social Research. Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 35, 1973.

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TINBERGEN, J. Development Cooperation as a Learning Process. In Gerald M. Meier and Dudley Seers (eds.), Pioneers in Development, New York, 1984, p. 315-331.

TINBERGEN, J. Production, Income and Welfare. The Search for an Optimal Social Order, Brighton, UK, 1985.

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TINBERGEN, J. Measuring Welfare of Productive Consumers. De Economist, 135, 1987, p. 231-236.

TINBERGEN, J. Revitalizing the United Nations System. Santa Barbara, CA: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 1987.

TINBERGEN, J. The Role of Errors in Scientific Development. Review of Social Economy, XLVI, 1988, p. 225-230.

TINBERGEN, J. The Birth of New Disciplines and its Role in Teaching Science. Univeriteit en Hogeschool, 36, 1989, p. 44-53.

TINBERGEN, J. How to Reduce Unemployment. Review of Political Economy, 1, 1989, p. 1-6.

TINBERGEN, J. The Velocity of Integration. De Economist, 139, 1991, p. 1-11.

TINBERGEN, J. The Functioning of Economic Research. Journal of Economic Issues, XXV, 1991, p. 33-38.

TINBERGEN, J. Solving the Most Urgent Problems First. In Michael Szenberg (ed.), Eminent Economists; Their Life Philosophies, Cambridge, 1991, p. 275-281.

TINBERGEN, J. On the Measurement of Welfare. Journal of Econometrics, 50, 1991, p. 7-13.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimum Economic and Security Order. In T. K. Kaul and J. K. Sengupta (eds.), Essays in Honor of Karl A. Fox, Amsterdam, 1991.

TINBERGEN, J. The Optimal Economic Order: The Simplest Model. De Economist, 140, 1992, p. 253-257.

TINBERGEN, J. G. von Haberler, Prosperity and Depression. A Theoretical Analysis of Cyclical Flusctuations, Geneva: League of Nations, 1936.

TINBERGEN, J. R., FRISCH, R. A Memorandum on Price-Wage-Tax-Subsidy Policies as Instruments in Maintaining Optimal Employment, UN Document, E/CN 1/Sub 2/13, 1949.

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Jan Tinbergen