Robert Mundell

Robert Alexander Mundell se narodil 24. října 1932 v Kingstonu v kanadském Ontariu a od roku 1974 až dodnes působí jako profesor ekonomie na Columbia University v New Yorku. Studoval na Universitě Britské Kolumbie a na Washingtonské universitě. Postgraduální studium absolvoval na London School of Economics a na Massachusetts Institute of Technology, kde na základě své práce o mezinárodních kapitálových tocích a měnových kurzech získal doktorát. V letech 1956-57 působil jako Post-Doctoral Fellow v oboru politické ekonomie na University of Chicago. Posléze učil na Stanford University a The John Hopkins Bologna Center of Advanced International Studies. V roce 1961 se stal výzkumným pracovníkem Mezinárodního měnového fondu. V letech 1966-1971 působil jako profesor ekonomie na University of Chicago a jako editor časopisu Journal of Political Economy. Švédská královská akademie věd mu udělila v roce 1999 Nobelovu cenu za ekonomii za jeho „analýzu měnové a fiskální politiky v různých režimech určování měnových kurzů a za analýzu optimálních oblastí společné měny“ .

Mundellův teoretický přínos je mnohostranný. Jeho výzkum měnové a fiskální politiky v podmínkách různých kurzových režimů a různého stupně mezinárodní mobility kapitálu, stejně jako jeho práce zabývající se problematikou měnových unií, měly zásadní praktický dopad na uskutečňování hospodářské politiky. Jeho modely jsou dodnes používány jako jeden z hlavních didaktických nástrojů při výuce makroekonomie. Je autorem četných statí v oblasti ekonomické teorie a mezinárodní ekonomie. Jeho analýza stabilizační měnové a rozpočtové politiky v podmínkách mezinárodně pohyblivého kapitálu vyústila v teorii optimálních měnových zón, která se stala jedním z podkladů pro zavedení společné evropské měny – eura. O Mundellovi se často hovoří jako o „otci“ eura.

Byl také průkopníkem teorie mixu fiskální a monetární politiky, teorie inflace, úrokových sazeb a růstu, monetárního přístupu k platební bilanci a podílel se též na vzniku ekonomie strany nabídky (supply side economics).

Mundell se problémem měnových kurzů začal intenzivně zabývat již v letech 1956-57, kdy na London School of Economics psal pod vedením Jamese Meada svou disertační práci. Přestože v té době vládl ve světě Bretton-Woodský měnový systém založený na fixních kurzech, byly teoretické spory o vhodnosti fixních nebo flexibilních kurzů již v té době velmi živé, jak na London School of Economics, tak i na Chicagské universitě. Mundell hledal odpověď na otázku, jakým způsobem závisí účinnost a dopady opatření fiskální politiky na míře v jaké je daná země integrována do mezinárodního trhu kapitálu a jakým způsobem jsou tyto dopady ovlivněny kurzovým režimem.

Výsledkem Mundellovy práce byl ekonomický model, který se později stal známým jako Mundell-Flemingův model. (V roce 1962 dospěl totiž k podobným závěrům jako Mundell také Marcus Fleming. Mundellův přínos však byl hlubší a dalekosáhlejší.) Mundell-Flemingův model předběhl svou dobu a dnes je již nanejvýš aktuální a pro svou přesvědčivou jednoduchost je nepostradatelnou součástí všech pokročilejších učebnic makroekonomie.

Pozornost věnoval Mundell i otázce, jak probíhá přizpůsobení v ekonomice trpící nerovnováhou platební bilance. Mundellův monetární přístup (který měl svého předchůdce v Davidu Humovi) chápe platební bilanci i měnové kurzy jako ryze monetární jevy. Jeho práce na mechanismu přizpůsobení platební bilance tvoří základ tzv. měnového přístupu k platební bilanci a určení měnového kurzu.

V 50. a 60. letech zevrubně analyzoval otázku optimálních „mixů“ měnové a rozpočtové politiky. Mundell v roce 1962 ukázal, jak lze s použitím jednoduchého dynamického modelu přiřadit dva nástroje stabilizační politiky – fiskální a měnovou politiku k vnitřní a vnější rovnováze ekonomiky.

V pracích o optimálních oblastech měnových uniích znovu přispěl Mundell do diskuze o výhodách a nevýhodách fixních a plovoucích kurzů. Pokusil se odpovědět na otázku, za jakých okolností může být pro země výhodné vzdát se kontroly nad svou měnou a přijmout měnu společnou. V dalších pracích pak analyzoval kritéria týkající se pohybu kapitálu, daňových režimů, rozpočtových transferů a regionální specializace.

Profesor Mundell působil jako poradce mnoha mezinárodních institucí včetně OSN, Mezinárodního měnového fondu, Světové banky, Evropské komise a několika vlád v Latinské Americe a Evropě, Federálního rezervního sytému, amerického ministerstva financí a kanadské vlády. V roce 1970 byl poradcem měnového výboru Evropské hospodářské komise a v letech 1972-1973 byl členem její studijní komise pro otázky Evropské hospodářské a měnové unie. Byl také předsedou konferencí v Santa Colomba o mezinárodní měnové reformě v letech 1971 až 1987.

V roce 1971 získal Guggenheimovu cenu, v roce 1983 cenu a medaili Jacquese Rueffa, v roce 1992 získal titul Doctor Honoris Causa na Pařížské univerzitě, v roce 1995 se stal čestným profesorem na Renminské univerzitě v Číně, v roce 1997 získal ocenění Americké ekonomické asociace a v roce 1998 se stal členem Americké akademie umění a věd. Je mj. také držitelem čestného tirulu Doctor Honoris Causa VŠE (2001).

K nejznámějším Mundellovým publikacím patří jeho knihy Mezinárodní měnový systém : konflikt a reforma (The International Monetary System: Conflict and Reform, 1965), Člověk a ekonomie (Man and Economics, 1968), Mezinárodní ekonomie (International Economics, 1968), Měnová teorie : úrok, inflace a růst ve světové ekonomice (Monetary theory: Interest, Inflation and Growth in the World Economy, 1971) a Výstavba nové Evropy (Building the New Europe, 1992).


MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary System: Conflict and Reform. Montreal: Private Planning Association of Canada, 1965.

MUNDELL, R. Man and Economics. New York: McGraw Hill, 1968. Indian, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, German and French editions.

MUNDELL, R. International Economics. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1968. Italian, German, French, Japanese, Chinese editions.

MUNDELL, R. Monetary Theory: Interest, Inflation and Growth in the World Economy. Pacific Palisades, Ca.: Goodyear, 1971. French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish editions.

Monetary Problems of the International Economy. Edited by R. Mundell, A. Swoboda, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth: Essays in Honor of C. P. Kindleberger. Edited by R. Mundell, J. Bhagwati, J. F. Jones, J. Vanek, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1971.

Policy Formation in an Open Economy. Vol. 1. Edited by R. Mundell, B. E. van Snellenberg, Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo, 1974.

The New International Monetary System. Edited by R. Mundell, J. J. Polak, New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.

A Monetary Agenda for the World Economy. Edited by R. Mundell, The Hon. Jack Kemp, Boston: Quantum, 1984.

Global Disequilibrium. Edited by R. Mundell, J. McCallum, M. Baldassarri, St. Martins Press, 1992.

Debt, Deficits and Economic Performance. Edited by R. Mundell, M. Baldassarri, J. McCallum, London: MacMillan, 1993.

Building the New Europe. Edited by R. Mundell, M. Baldassarre, London: MacMillan, 1993, vol. 1 and 2.

Inflation and Growth in China. Edited by R. Mundell, M. Guitian, Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1996.

Inflation and Gold in the History of the International Monetary System. World Gold Council. Edited by R. Mundell, 1999.

The Euro and the World Economy. Ohlin Lectures, September 16-17 1998. Edited by R. Mundell, 1999.


MUNDELL, R. Transport Costs in International Trade Theory. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, August 1957, vol. XXIII, no. 3, p. 331-348.

MUNDELL, R. International Trade and Factor Mobility. The American Economic Review, June 1957, vol. XLVII, no. 3, p. 321-335. Reprinted in Readings in International Economics. Edited by R. E. Caves, H. G. Johnson. Published for the American Economic Association by Richard Irwin, Inc., 1967.

MUNDELL, R. The Pure Theory of International Trade. The American Economic Review, March 1960, vol. L, no. 1, p. 68-110.

MUNDELL, R. The Monetary Dynamics of International Adjustment Under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1960, vol. LXXXIV, no. 2 , p. 227-257.

MUNDELL, R. The Public Debt, Corporate Income Taxes and the Rate of Interest. The Journal of Political Economy, December 1960, vol. LXVIII, no. 6, p. 622-626.

MUNDELL, R. A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas. The American Economic Review, November 1961, vol. LI, no. 4, p. 509-517. Reprinted in Mundell (1968), in MUNDELL, R. The Economics of Integration. Edited by M. Krauss, London: George Allen & Unwin LTD, 1973.

MUNDELL, R. Flexible Exchange Rates and Employment Policy. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, November 1961, vol. XXVII, no. 4, p. 509-517.

MUNDELL, R. The International Disequilibrium System. Kyklos, 1961, vol. XIV, fisc. 2, p. 154-172.

MUNDELL, R. The Appropriate Use of Monetary and Fiscal Policy for Internal and External Stability. IMF Staff Papers, March 1962, p. 70-79.

MUNDELL, R. Inflation and Real Interest. The Journal of Political Economy, June 1963, vol. LXXI, no. 3, p. 280-283.

MUNDELL, R. Capital Mobility and Stabilization Policy Under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, November 1963, vol. XXIX, no. 4, p. 475-485. Reprinted in Readings in International Economics. Edited by R.Caves, H. Johnson. Published by the American Economic Association by Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1967.

MUNDELL, R. Tariff Preferences and the Terms of Trade. The Manchester School, January 1964, vol. XXXII, no. 1, p. 1-13.

MUNDELL, R., FLEMING, J. M. Official Intervention on the Forward Exchange Market: A Simplified Analysis. IMF Staff Papers, March 1964, p. 1-19. Reprinted in FLEMING, J. M. Essays in International Economics.

MUNDELL, R. A Reply: Capital Mobility and Size. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, August 1964, vol. XXX, no. 3, p. 421-431.

MUNDELL, R. Problems of Monetary and Exchange Rate Management in Canada. National Banking Review, September 1964, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 77-86.

MUNDELL, R. Exchange Margins and Economic Policy. In Money in the International Order. Edited by J. C. Murphy, Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1964, p. 66-83.

MUNDELL, R. An Exposition of Some Subtleties in the Keynesian System. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, November 1964, vol. 93, no. 2, p. 301-313.

MUNDELL, R. A Fallacy in the Interpretation of Macroeconomic Equilibrium. The Journal of Political Economy, February 1965, vol. LXXIII, no. 1, p. 61-66.

MUNDELL, R. The Homogeneity Postulate and the Laws of Comparative Statics in the Walrasian and Metzleric System. Econometrica, April 1965, vol. 33, no. 2, p. 349-356.

MUNDELL, R. Growth, Stability and Inflationary Finance. The Journal of Political Economy, April 1965, vol. LXXIII, no. 2, p. 97-109.

MUNDELL, R. The Proper Division of the Burden of the International Adjustment. The National Banking Review, September 1965, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 81-87.

MUNDELL, R. Multilateral Commercial Diplomacy. Review Article of Gerard Curzon, Multilateral Commercial Diplomacy (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Its Impact on Commercial Policy and Techniques) in The National Banking Review, December 1965, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 193-199.

MUNDELL, R. International Disequilibrium and the Adjustment Process. In Capital Movements. Edited by J. H. Alder, Washington, 1965. (New York: Macmillan, 1967). Reprinted in The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments. Edited by J. Frenkel, H. Johnson, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.

MUNDELL, R. Roosa’s Fund Unit Scheme and the International Monetary Fund. Swiss Economic Review, March 1966, no. 1, p. 22-41.

MUNDELL, R. The Rules of the Gold Exchange Standard. Hearings before Subcommittee on International Exchange and Payments of the Joint Economic Committee, September 9 1966.

The Crisis Problem. In International Monetary Problems. Edited by R. Mundell, A. Swoboda, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967.

MUNDELL, R. International Monetary Economics: The Balance of Payments. International Encyclopedia for the Social Sciences, The MacMilliam Company & The Free Press, 1968.

MUNDELL, R. A Plan for a World Currency. Joint Economic Committee Hearings, Washington, D.C., September 1968.

The International Distribution of Money in a Growing World Economy. In Trade, Balance of Payments and Growth. Edited by R. A. Mundell, J. Bhagwati, J. F. Jones, J. Vanek, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1971.

MUNDELL, R. The Collapse of the Gold Standard. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, December 1968, vol. 50, no. 5.

MUNDELL, R. Hicksian Stability, Currency Markets and the Theory of Economic Policy. Value, Capital and Growth, Edited by J. N. Wolfe, Chicago: Edinburgh University Press. 1968, p. 445-466.

Problems of the International Monetary System. In Monetary Problems of the International Economy. Edited by R. Mundell and A. Swoboda, 1969, p. 21-38.

The Crisis Problem. In Monetary Problems of the International Economy. Edited by R. A. Mundell and A. Swoboda, 1969, p. 343-350.

The Redundancy Problem and the World Price Level. In Monetary Problems of the International Economy. Edited by R. Mundell and A. Swoboda, 1969, p. 379-382.

MUNDELL, R. Real Gold, Dollars and Paper Gold. The American Economic Review, May 1969.

MUNDELL, R. The Cost of Exchange Crises and the Problem of Sterling. In The International Market for Foreign Exchange. Edited by R. Z. Aliber, New York: Praeger, 1969, p. 209-221.

MUNDELL, R. Toward a Better International Monetary System. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, August 1969.

MUNDELL, R. Should the United States Devalue the Dollar?. Western Economic Journal, September 1968.

MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary Fund. Journal of World Trade Law, September 1969.

MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary System and the European Region. Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, 1973, no. 11.

MUNDELL, R. European and American Monetary Policy. Economic Appliquee, March 1970.

MUNDELL, R. The Dollar and the Policy Mix: 1971. Essays in International Finance, May 1971, no. 85.

MUNDELL, R. The Dollar Glut and the Tariff War. Economic Notes 1, September 1971, no. 3.

MUNDELL, R. The Optimum Balance of Payments Deficit and the Theory of Empires. In Stabilization Policies in Interdependent Economies. Edited by P. Salin, E. Claassen, Amsterdam: North Holland Press, 1971, p. 69- 86.

MUNDELL, R. Canadian Exchange Rate and the New Monetary Classicism. In Canadian-U.S. Financial Relationships, Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 1972. Proceedings of a Conference on Canadian-U.S. Financial Relationships at New Hampshire, August 1971.

MUNDELL, R. African Trade, Politics and Money. In Africa and Monetary Integration. Edited by R. Tremblay, Montreal: Les Editions HRW, 1972, p. 11-67. Paper originally prepared for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, August 1970.

MUNDELL, R. The Choice of Monetary Systems: African Currency Problems. In Africa and Monetary Integration. Edited by R. Tremblay, Montreal: Les Editions HRW, 1972, p. 363-368.

MUNDELL, R. The Future of the International Financial System. In Bretton Woods Revisited. Edited by A. Acheson, J. Chant, M. Prachowny, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972, p. 91-104.

MUNDELL, R. The Monetary Consequences of Jacques Rueff. Journal of Business, June 1973.

MUNDELL, R. Uncommon Arguments for Common Currencies. In The Economics of Common Currencies. Edited by H. Johnson, A. Swoboda, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1973, p. 114-132.

MUNDELL, R. A Plan for a European Currency. In The Economics of Common Currencies. Edited by H. Johnson, A. Swoboda, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1973, p. 143-173.

MUNDELL, R. Colloquium on World Inflation. Economic Notes, June 1973.

MUNDELL, R. A European Reserve Fund. Study Group on Economic and Monetary Union: European Economic Integration and Monetary Unification. Brussels: Economic Communities, October 1973.

MUNDELL, R. Monetary Policy and Balance-of-Payments Trends. Economic Review, New York: William D. Witter, Inc., April 1975.

MUNDELL, R. World Money and the Optimal Policy Mix. First Chicago Report, May 1975.

MUNDELL, R. The New Inflation and Flexible Exchange Rates. In The `New Inflation‘ and Monetary Policy. Edited by M. Monti, London: The MacMillan Press, 1976, p. 142-160.

MUNDELL, R. Inflation from an International Viewpoint. In The Phenomenon of World Inflation. Edited by D. I. Meiselman, A. B. Laffer, Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1975, p. 141-52.

MUNDELL, R. The Geography of Inflation and the Reform of the Gold Standard. In Geographical Aspects of Inflation Processes. American Geographical Society, 1976.

MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary Dilemma. The Interamerican Institute of Capital Markets, Caracas, Venezuela: Instituto Americano de Mercados de Capital, 1979.

MUNDELL, R. Monetary Nationalism and Floating Exchange Rates. The New Economic Nationalism. Edited by O. Hieronymi, London: The Macmillan Press, 1980, p. 34-50.

MUNDELL, R. The Origins and Evolution of Monetarism. In Monetarism, Economic Crisis and the Third World. Edited by K. Jansen, London: Frank Cass, 1982.

MUNDELL, R. International Monetary Options. The Cato Journal, Spring 1983, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 189-210.

MUNDELL, R. The Case for a Managed International Gold Standard. In The International Monetary

MUNDELL, R. System: Choices for the Future. Edited by M. Connolly, New York: Praeger, 1983, p. 1-19.

MUNDELL, R. International Monetary Reform: The Optimal Mix in Big Countries. Macroeconomics, Prices and Policy: Essays in Memory of Arthur M. Okun, Edited by J.Tobin, J. Pechman, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1983, p. 285-293.

MUNDELL, R. The Good Fix and the Bad Fix. European Economic Review, 28, 1985.

MUNDELL, R. Macroeconomic Policies in the World Economy and the New Capitalist Revolution. Chung-hua Series of Lectures by Invited Eminent Economists, The Institute Of Economics, Academia Sinica Taipei, June 1985, no. 9.

MUNDELL, R. New Deal on Exchange Rates. Research Institute of International Trade and Industry, Tokyo: MITI. Reprinted in Essays in Honor of Antonio Barbosa. Lisbon, 1988.

MUNDELL, R. Perspective on Debt and Adjustment. Economic Impact 68, Washington, D.C.: USIA, 1989.

MUNDELL, R. The Spot Dollar and the Forward Yen. Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economic Journal), January 9 1988. In Japanese.

MUNDELL, R. Latin American Debt and the Transfer Problem. In Latin American Debt and Adjustment: External Shocks and Macroeconomic Policies. Edited by P. Brock, M. Connolly, C. Gonzalez-Vega, Praeger, 1989.

MUNDELL, R. Trade Balance Patterns as Global General Equilibrium: The Seventeenth Approach to the Balance of Payments. 1Rivista di Politica Economica, 79, June 1989, no. 6, p. 9-60. Reprinted in International Economic Interdependence, Patterns of Trade Balances and Economic Policy Coordination. Edited by M. Baldassarri, L. Paganetto, E. S. Phelps, Rome: St. Martin’s Press/SIPI, 1992.

MUNDELL, R. The Dollar and the Policy Mix: 1989. Rivista di Politica Economica, 79, December 1989, no. 12, p. 57-78. Reprinted in Global Disequilibrium in the World Economy: Central Issues in Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy. Edited by R. A. Mundell, M. Baldassarri, J. McCallum, London: St. Martin’s Press/SIPI, 1992, p. 57-78.

The International Distribution of Saving: Past, Present and Future. Rivista di Politica Economica, 80, September 1990, no. 10, p. 5-56. Reprinted in In Building the New Europe. Edited by R. A. Mundell, M. Baldassarri, World Saving, Prosperity and Growth. Edited by M. Baldassarri, L. Paganeto, E. Phelps, London: St. Martin’s Press/SIPI, 1993, p. 5-56.

The Global Adjustment System. Rivista di Politica Economica, 79, December 1989, no. 12, p. 351-465. Reprinted in Global Disequilibrium in the World Economy: Central Issues in Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy. Edited by R. A. Mundell, M. Baldassarri, J. McCallum, London: St. Martin’s Press/SIPI, 1992, p. 351-465.

MUNDELL, R. Debts and Deficits in Alternative Models. Rivista di Politica Economica, 80, July-August 1990, no. 7-8, p. 5-129.

MUNDELL, R. Fiscal Policy in the Theory of International Trade. Paper presented at the Egon Sohmen Memorial Conference in Tegernsee, Bavaria, September 1990. Published in Money, Trade and Competition. Edited by H. Giersch, Heidelberg: Springer, 1992.

MUNDELL, R. The Great Exchange Rate Controversy: Trade Balances and the International Monetary System. In International Adjustment and Finance: The Lessons of 1985-90. Edited by F. Bergsten, P. Krugman, Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1991, p. 187-238. Proceedings of a Conference on Exchange Rates at the Institute for International Economics, October 1990.

MUNDELL, R. World Financial Institutions and the Exchange Rate System. Rivista di Politica Economica 1991 (Italian). Proceedings (and inaugural lecture) of the Inaugural Conference for the University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy, on Inflation, Public Debts and Monetary Policy.

MUNDELL, R. Monetary Policies for the New Europe. Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 21, no. 5, 1991, p. 71-88. Italian and English. Reprinted in Building the New Europe. Edited by R. A. Mundell and M. Baldassarri, St. Martin’s Press/SIPS, 1992.

MUNDELL, R. De la Surevaluation du Dollar Canadien. In L“Actualite Economique, Revue d’Analyse Economique, Mars 1991, vol. 67, no. 1. Published in English as The Overvalued Canadian Dollar. In The Economic Impact and Implications of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. Edited by F. Siddiqui, Lewiston, Que.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

MUNDELL, R. Currency Boards, Fixed Exchange Rates and Monetary Discipline. In Nissan Liviatan. (ed.), Proceedings of a Conference on Currency Substitution and Currency Boards. World Bank Discussion Papers # 207. Washington DC: The World Bank.

MUNDELL, R. Stabilization Policies in Less Developed and Socialist Countries. In Stabilization Policies in Less Developed and Socialist Countries, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1992. Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the Free University of Berlin and the International Center for Economic Growth, May 1990.

MUNDELL, R. The Quantity Theory of Money in an Open Economy: Variations on the Hume-Polak Model. In International Financial Policy: Essays in Honor of Jacques J. Polak, Washington, D.C.: The International Monetary Fund, 1992.

MUNDELL, R. Stabilization and Liberalization Policies in Semi-Open Economies. Paper presented to the International Conference on Monetary Policies in Open Economies, November 6-7 1992, Seoul, Korea. In Capital Controls, Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy in the World Economy. Edited by S. Edwards, Cambridge University Press, 1995, p. 19-34.

MUNDELL, R. The Theory of Tariffs and Monetary Policies. In Protection and World Welfare. Edited by D. Salvatore, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

MUNDELL, R. Economic Convergence and the Theory of Factor Price Equalization Areas. Rivista di Politica Economica, November 1992. Income Convergence, Rome: St. Martin’s Press/SIPI.

MUNDELL, R. EMU and the International Monetary System. Paper presented at the CEPR conference on The Monetary Future of Europe, December 11-12 1992, La Coruna, Spain. In The Monetary Future of Europe Edited by G. de la Dehesa, A. Giovannini, M. Guitian, R. Portes, London: CEPR, 1993.

MUNDELL, R. EMU and the Definition for a New International Monetary Order. ECU Institute, Lyon, France, June 1993.

MUNDELL, R. EMU and the International Monetary System: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective. Austrian National Bank Lecture Series, Vienna, June 1993.

MUNDELL, R. Economic Convergence and the North American Free Trade Area. In The North American Free Trade Area. Paper presented at a conference at Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, April 1993. Proceedings of the conference.

MUNDELL, R. The Future of the International Monetary System. Paper presented at a Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, September 1993. In The Future of the International Monetary System Edited by H. Genberg, A. Swoboda, Geneva: International Center of Moneyand Banking Studies, 1995.

MUNDELL, R. Prospects for the International Monetary System. Booklet published by the World Gold Council, Geneva, 1994.

MUNDELL, R. Rejection of the Common Funnel Theorem. Paper presented at the 5th Mondragone Conference of Tor Vergata University of Rome, Rivista di Politica Economica, 83, no. 12, p. 251-266. Reprinted in The 199s Slump: Causes and Cures II, Rome: St. Martin’s Press/SIPA.

MUNDELL, R. The Unemployment Problem. Chairman’s Remarks in the Roundtable Session, Policy Recommendations on the Unemployment Problem, Rivista di Politica Economica, 83, no. 12, p. 367-369.

MUNDELL, R. Unemployment in Europe and Italy: The World Setting. Paper presented at the Q-8/Tor Vergata Conference on Employment, Porto Cervo, Sardinia, September 30-October 1 1993. Published in conference volume, Rome, June 1994.

MUNDELL, R. Stabilization Policies and Reform in Brazil. Paper presented at the World Bank/Getulio Vargas Foundation Conference on obstaculos ao Desenvolvimento do Setor Privado no Brasil in Sao Paolo, Brazil, November 18 1993. Published in Portuguese and English in proceedings of the conference.

MUNDELL, R. Unemployment, Competitiveness and the Welfare State. Rivista di Politica Economica, 1995.

MUNDELL, R. The Future of the Exchange Rate System. Economic Notes 26, no. 3, 1995, p. 35-66.

MUNDELL, R. Exchange Rate Systems and Economic Growth. Rivista di Politica Economica, 85, June 1995, no. 6.

MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary System: The Missing Factor. The Journal of Policy Modeling, 17 (5), 1995, p. 479-492.

MUNDELL, R. Stabilization and Liberalization Policies in Semi-Open Economies. In Capital Controls, Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy in the World Economy. Edited by S. Edwards, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, p. 19-34.

Inflation and Growth in the Transition Countries. In China’s Inflation and Growth. Edited by R. Mundell, M. Guitian, Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1996.

Introduction. In China’s Inflation and Growth Edited by R. Mundell, M. Guitian, Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1996, p. 1-22.

MUNDELL, R. Growth at 3.25%? The International Economy, May-June 1996.

MUNDELL, R. The Great Contractions. In Stabilization Policies in the Transition Economies. Edited by M. Kreb, M. Blejer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Proceedings of the First Dubrovnik Conference on the Transition Economies.

MUNDELL, R. Money and Financial Market Reform in Transition Economies: The Special Case of China. In Capital Market and Banking Sector Reform in Transition Economies Edited by M. Kreb, M. Blejer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Proceedings of the Second Dubrovnik Conference on the Transition Economies.

MUNDELL, R. The European Monetary System 50 Years after Bretton Woods: A Comparison Between Two Systems. Siena: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, 1997.

MUNDELL, R. Il Piano di parit? lira-marco: entrare in Europa passando per Francoforte. Rivista di Politica Economica Anno LXXXVI, Luglio-Agosto 1996, Serie III, Fasciocolo VII-VIII, p. 121-41. The Lira-Mark Parity Plan. Rivista di Politica Economica, September-October 1996.

MUNDELL, R. Mexico: Requiem for a Crisis. In NAFTA: The Next Steps. Edited by T. Reid. Montreal, Canada.

MUNDELL, R. The Revolution in Macroeconomic Policy. Exchange Rate Systems Edited by R. Luders, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth.

MUNDELL, R. Updating the Agenda for Monetary Reform. In Optimum Currency Areas. Edited by M. I. Blejer, J. A. Frenkel, L. Leiderman, A. Razin, in cooperation with D. M. Cheneyt, Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1997, p. 29-48. Proceedings of a Festschrift Conference Sponsored by the IMF, the Central Bank of Israel, Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University in honor of R. A. Mundell.

MUNDELL, R. Exchange Rate Arrangements in the Transition Economies. Proceedings of the Third Dubrovnik Conference on The Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates and Competitiveness in Transition Economies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25-27 1997. Edited by M. Škreb, M. Blejer, Cambridge University Press.

MUNDELL, R. The International Monetary System in the 21st Century: Could Gold Make a Comeback? Center for Economic Policy Studies, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, 1997.

MUNDELL, R. Jacques Rueff and the International Monetary System. In Actualité de la pensée de Jacques Rueff. Paris, 1997. Proceedings of a colloquium held on the centenary of the birth of Jacques Rueff, Thursday 7 November 1996, Paris.

MUNDELL, R. The International Adjustment Mechanism of the Balance of Payments. Zagreb Journal of Economics, vol. 1, no. 1, 1997.

MUNDELL, R. EMU, Economic Performance, and the Monetary Future of Europe. Paper presented at the 8th Villa Mondragone Conference, June 24-25, 1997. Rivista di Politica Economica and St. Martin’s/SIPA.

MUNDELL, R. Money and the Sovereignty of the State. Paper prepared for the International Economic Association Conference in Trento, September 4-7 1997, Cambridge University Press. Edited by A. Leijonhufvud.

MUNDELL, R. Growth Paradigms and the Tax Structure. In Manufacturing Institute of the National
Association of Manufacturers.

MUNDELL, R. The Impact of the Euro on the International Monetary System. The International Spectator, April-June 1998, vol. XXXIII, no. 2.

MUNDELL, R. What the Euro Means for the Dollar and the International Monetary System. Atlantic

MUNDELL, R. Economic Journal, September 1998, vol. 26, no. 3, p. 227-237.

MUNDELL, R. The International Implications of the Euro. Revised version of Luncheon Speech presented at the National Bank of Austria Conference on the occasion of Austrian leadership, Vienna, May 8 1998.

MUNDELL, R. The Euro, the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System. Paper presented at the North Atlantic Assembly of NATO Parliamentarians in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, May 23 1998. Proceedings of the Conference.

MUNDELL, R. Buenas perspectivas para el euro. Politica Exterior, May/June 1998, vol. XII, no. 63, p. 11-26.

MUNDELL, R. EMU and International Monetary Reform. Paper prepared in honor for the Festschrift of Reimut Jochimsen, June 15 1998. In the Festschrift Volume, Central Bank of Westphalia.

MUNDELL, R. The International Impact of the Euro and its Implications for the Transition Countries. Paper prepared for the 4th Dubrovnik Conference on the Transition Economies. In Proceedings.

MUNDELL, R. Uses and Abuses of Gresham’s Law in the History of Money. Zagreb Journal of Economics, 1998, vol. 2, no. 2.

MUNDELL, R. The Impact of the Euro on the International Monetary Oligopoly. Paper presented at the Roundtable Conference, The Euro and its Consequences for Europe, the International System and Italy, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, March 20-21 1998.

MUNDELL, R. A Pro-Growth Fiscal System. In The Rising Tide: The Leading Minds of Business and Economics Chart a Course Toward Higher Growth and Prosperity. Edited by J. J. Jasinowski, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999, p. 195-205.

MUNDELL, R. What the Euro Means for Europe, the United States and the World Economy. Paper for the WEFA Conference, Philadelphia, October 19-23 1998.

MUNDELL, R.. Euro and the Stability of the International Monetary System. Paper for the Conference in Luxembourg, December 3 1998.

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Robert Mundell