Theodore William Schultz

Theodore William Schultz se narodil 30. dubna 1902 v Arlingtonu v Jižní Dakotě. Vyšel ze zemědělského prostředí a zůstal mu věrný i během studií a profesionální kariéry. Vystudoval zemědělskou specializaci na University of Wisconsin. V letech 1930 – 43 působil T. Schultz na State College v Ames (stát Iowa) a od té doby nepřetržitě na University of Chicago. V 60. letech působil ve funkci prezidenta Americké ekonomické společnosti. Zemřel 26. února roku 1998.

T. Schultz se zabýval zejména problematikou „zemí s nízkým důchodem“. Jelikož ve většině těchto zemí převládá zemědělství, považoval poznání ekonomie zemědělství za klíč k poznání „ekonomie chudoby“. Věřil, že „chudí lidé v zemích s nízkým důchodem nejsou vězni nenarušitelné rovnováhy chudoby, kterou by ekonomika nebyla schopna prolomit.“ V této souvislosti poukazoval na krátkozrakou cenovou diskriminaci zemědělských výrobků v zemích s nízkým důchodem. Tvrdil, že preference poskytované průmyslu v podobě levných zemědělských surovin otupují přirozené adaptační schopnosti a podnikavost zemědělců, neboť ekonomické podněty jsou v nepořádku, pokud ceny a náklady budou zkresleny.

Tuto kritickou analýzu T. Schultz poté doplnil myšlenkami o tzv. lidském kapitálu, které nejvíce charakterizovaly jeho vědecký a lidský profil. Považoval kvalitu populace za vzácný zdroj, který má ekonomickou hodnotu a jeho získání předpokládá náklady. Důležitý je zde vztah mezi výnosy z dodatečné kvality a náklady na její získání. Pokud tyto výnosy překračují náklady, kvalita vzrůstá. Toto dával do souvislosti s tím, že výnosy z různých součástí kvality v průběhu času v mnoha zemích s nízkým důchodem vzrůstají (mj. výnosy z péče o děti, o zdraví, školství apod.). Míra výnosů je dále zesílena tím, že náklady na získání většiny těchto součástí klesají. Posílení kvality lidí dále snižuje poptávku po kvantitě, mezi kvantitou a kvalitou je tedy substituční vztah.

Součástí tzv. lidského kapitálu je podle Schultze i zdravotní stav obyvatelstva. Je to zásoba zčásti zděděná a zčásti získaná, která se postupně znehodnocuje. Za velice významný pokrok v kvalitě populace v zemích s nízkým důchodem považuje prodloužení lidského života. Poukazuje na příznivé důsledky: uspokojení z delšího života, dodatečné podněty k získání kvalifikace, investice rodičů do výchovy dětí, zvýšení počtu ekonomicky aktivních let i vyšší produktivita práce, díky zlepšenému zdraví pracovníků.

Další součástí tzv. lidského kapitálu jsou investice do školní výchovy. Theodore Schultz poukazuje na relativně vysoké podíly této aktivity na národním důchodu u zemí s nižším důchodem, které daleko převyšují obecnou míru těchto investic.

Velký význam pro ekonomický rozvoj přisuzoval Schultz výzkumu, mj. zemědělskému. Charakterizoval výzkum jako riskantní pokus o odhalení neznámého nebo jen částečně známého.

Základní myšlenky Schultzovy vědecké dráhy jsou shrnuty v publikaci „Přestavba tradičního zemědělství“ (New York, 1976).

Životní dráhou T. W. Schultze se vinula v zásadě dvě kréda: „nerovnoměrnosti jsou hlavní hnací pružinou ekonomického růstu“ a „znalosti nejmohutnějším motorem výroby.“


SCHULTZ, T. W. Tariffs on Barley, Oats and Corn. Madison, Wisconsin: Tariff Research Committee, 1933.

SCHULTZ, T. W., WITT, L. Training and Recruiting of Personnel in the Rural Social Sciences. Washington D.C.: American Council of Education, 1941.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Redirecting Farm Policy. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1943.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture in an Unstable Economy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1945.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Production and Welfare of Agriculture. New York: Macmillan & Company, 1949.

SCHULTZ, T. W., GADGIL, D. R., LEWIS, A., HAKIM, G., CORTEZ, A. B. Measures for Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries, New York: United Nations Department of Economic Affairs, 1951.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Organization of Agriculture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953. Translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Italian.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Value of Education. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963. Translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Greek.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Transforming Traditional Agriculture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. Translated into Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish. Reprinted 1976, Arno Press.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Crises in World Agriculture. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1965. Translated into Arabic, Bengali, Italian, Marathi, Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Growth and Agriculture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Translated into Japanese, Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Human Capital: The Role of Education and of Research. New York: Free Press, Macmillan & Co., 1971. Translated into Portuguese.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Human Reresources: Fiftieth Anniversary Colloquium 6. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1972.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investing in People. The Economics of Population Quality. University of California Press, 1982.


SCHULTZ, T. W. Food for the World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945. Reprinted by Arno Press, 1976, in the „World Food Supply“ series.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Human Beings. Journal of Political Economy Supplement. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Oct. 1962.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Education: The Equity-Efficiency Quandry. Journal of Political Economy Supplement, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972, May/June 1972.

SCHULTZ, T. W. New Economic Approaches to Fertility. Journal of Political Economy Supplement. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, March/April 1973.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Marriage, Family Human Capital, and Fertility. Journal of Political Economy Supplement. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, March/April 1974.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economics of the Family: Marriage, Children, and Human Capital. Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1975, 584 p. (This book combines the two preceding symposia).

SCHULTZ, T. W. Distortions of Agricultural Incentives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978.


SCHULTZ, T. W. Diminishing Returns in View of Progress in Agricultural Production. Journal of Farm Economics, XIV, No. 4, October 1932, p. 640-649.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Agricultural Emergency in Iowa. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular, 141, 1932.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Some Notes on International Trade. Agricultural Economic Facts, Ames, Iowa, Report, 4, April 1932.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Emergency in Iowa: How Tariffs Affect Farm Prices. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular, 146, February 1933.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Emergency in Iowa: Shrink Agriculture or Shift Tariff Protected Industries. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular, 148, March 1933.

SCHULTZ, T. W., SNEDECOR, G. W. Analysis of Variance as an Effective Method of Handling the Time Element in Certain Economic Statistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 28, March 1933, p. 14-30.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BLACK, A. G. Variations in Swine Prices within Iowa. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin, 161, 1933.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Testing Mean Values Drawn from Stratified Samples. Journal of Farm Economics, 15, July 1933, p. 452-475.

SCHULTZ, T. W., SCHICKELE, R. The Competitive Position of Lard in The Market of Animal and Vegetable Fats & Oils. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin, 171, March 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Prospects for Agricultural Recovery: Is Our National Farm Plant Too Large?. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin, 314, March 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W., SCHICKELE, R. Improving the Domestic Market for Lard. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin, 319, June 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Recovery of Iowa´s Agriculture and World Trade. In Iowa Yearbook of Agriculture, 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Trade and Tariff Problems Related to Agriculture. Committee of Inquiry into National policy in International Economic Relations Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Foreign Trade Situation regarding Iowa Fruit and Truck Crop-Prospects. Iowa State Horticultural Society, Report, 69, 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W., SCHICKELE, R. The Lard Market at Home and Abroad. Iowa Agricultural. Experiment Station, Research Bulletin, 320, 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BENTLEY, R. C. Economic Facts Related to the Status of Iowa Agriculture. Chicago, Interstate Commerce Hearings, Exhibit 1967, November 1934.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Vanishing Farm Markets and Our World Trade. World Affairs Pamphlet II. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1935.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Vanishing Farm Exports. Successful Farming, 1935.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture Awaits Adjustment. Successful Farming, Oct. 1935.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Current Lard Prices Misleading. Iowa Farm Economist, 1, 1, 1935, p. 3-5.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Discussion: AAA as a Force in Recovery. Journal of Farm Economics, 17, 17-19 Feb. 1935.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Conditions in Iowa. Iowa State Department of Agriculture, Bulletin, 79, 1936.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Problem of Selecting the Sample: Experience of Iowa State College in Selecting Farms, Sampling Used, and Results Obtained. Proceedings, Conference on Statistical Methods of Sampling Agricultural Data, July 14-17 1936. Washington D.C., Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1936.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Opening Foreign Markets through Trade Agreements. Iowa Farm Economist, 2, 1, 1936, p. 6-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Research in Ag Economics from the Standpoint of the States. Journal of Farm Economics, 18, May 1936, p. 296-308.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Sell Abroad, Shift or Shrink. Successful Farming, Aug. 1936.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Will Reciprocal Trade Treaties Restore Fruit, Vegetable, and Honey Exports?. Iowa State Horticultural Society, Report, 71, 1936, p. 88-94.

SCHULTZ, T. W. What has Happened to Agricultural Ladder?. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin, 357, 1937.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Comment on the Report of the President´s Committee on Farm Tenancy. Land Economics, 13, May 1937, p. 207-208.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture´s Share of National Income and the Role of Cooperatives. American Cooperative, 1937, p. 143-148.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Aspects of New Industrial Outlets for Agricultural Products. Journal of Farm Economics, 20, Feb. 1938, p. 134-139.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Future Production Programs and Price Policies for Agriculture. In Proceedings of conference: What is a Desirable National Agricultural Program? University of Illinois Extension Service, 1938.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Steps to Improve Farm Tenure Conditions in the U.S.. Le Travail Agricole, December 1938.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Railrods Want to Increase Freight Rates. Iowa Farm Economist, 4, Jan. 1938, p. 11-13.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Worth Trading For. Iowa Farm Economist, 4, Jan. 1938, p. 8-10.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Scope and Method in Agricultural Economic Research. Journal of Political Economy, 47, October 1939, p. 705-717.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Theory of Firm and Farm Management Research. Journal of Farm Economics, 21, August 1939, p. 570-586.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture and the National Economy. In Proceedings, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, 1939.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Capital Rationing, Uncertainty, and Farm Tenancy Reform. Journal of Political Economy, 48, June 1940, p. 309-324.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Needed Additions to the Theoretical Equipment of an Agricultural Economist. Journal of Farm Economics, 22, Feb. 1940, p. 60-62.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture-National Problem or National Opportunity?. Pamphlet printed by Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington, 1940.

SCHULTZ, T. W., SHOHAN, C. J., ERIKSON, A. Sizing up Trade Agreements. Iowa Farm Economist, 6, January 1940, p. 3-6.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Effects of Developments in World Affairs upon American Agriculture. In Proceedings of the Association of Land Grant Colleges, 54, 1940, p. 51-58.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Post-War Public Welfare Problems in Agriculture. National Defense Migration Hearings before House Committee, 76 Congress, 1st session, Part 22, November 25 1941.

SCHULTZ, T. W. How Farmers Can Aid the Good Neighbor Policy. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 8, August 1941, p. 7-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BROWNLEE, O. H. No Production Control. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 5, May 1941, p. 12-13.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BROWNLEE, O. H. Our U.S. Iowa Corn Granary and How it has Affected Hogs in the Corn Belt. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 1, January 1941, p. 8-10.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Effects of Agricultural Programs. American Economic Review, 30, Feb. 1941, p. 127-154.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Time to Remodel Farm Programs. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 4, April 1941, p. 8-10.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A New AAA. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 10, October 1941, p. 14-16.

SCHULTZ, T. W., JOHNSON, G. D., PARSONS, H. New Food Program. Iowa Farm Economist, 7, 11, November 1941, p. 8-10.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BROWNLEE, O. H. Two Trials to Determine Expectation Models. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 56, May 1942, p. 487-496.

SCHULTZ, T. W., BROWNLEE, O. H. Effects of Crop Acreage Control Features of AAA on Feed Production in 11 Midwest States. Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin, 298, April 1942.

SCHULTZ, T. W. How to Get More Fats and Oils. Iowa Farm Economist, 8, May 1942, p. 12-14.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Hearings before Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations on Agricultural Appropriation Bill for 1943, p. 401-431.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Mordecai Ezekieľs Schisms in Agricultural Policy. Journal of Farm Economics, 24, May 1942, p. 511-514.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Testimony before Interstate Commerce commission, on „Increased Railway Rates, Fares and Charges“, St. Louis, Missouri, Docket no: Ex Parte no. 148, vol. 5, Jan. 7 1942.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Statement on Extension of Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, House Committee on Ways and Means, April 22 1943, p. 715-720.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Farm Prices for Food Production, Wartime Farm and Food Policy. Pamphlet 2, Iowa State College Press, 1943.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Two Conditions Necessary for Economic Progress in Agriculture. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 10, August 1944, p. 298-311.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Transition Readjustments in Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 26, February 1944, p. 77-88.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food Supply and Nutrition in a Developing Economy. Journal of Home Economics, 36, September 1944, p. 405-408.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Farm Income, Migration, and Leisure. Proceedings of Institute on Library Extension, University of Chicago Graduate Library School, 1944.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Prospects for a Post-War Agricultural Collapse. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, December 21 1944.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food and Agriculture in a Developing Economy. In Food for the World, edited by T.W. Schultz, Chicago, p. 306-320.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Income Accounting to Guide Production and Welfare Policies. In Proceedings of the Western Farm Economics Association, 1945, p. 58-66.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Will Agriculture Collapse?. University of Chicago Magazine, 37, April 1945, p. 6-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Postwar Agricultural Policy: A Review of the Land-Grant Colleges Report. The Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics, 21, May 1945, p. 95-107.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Changes in Economic Structure Affecting American Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 28, February 1946, p. 15-27.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Production and Welfare Objectives for American Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 28, May 1946, p. 444-457.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Note on the Davis Review of Agriculture in an Unstable Economy. Review of Economic Statistics, 29, May 1947, p. 92-94.

SCHULTZ, T. W. How Efficient is American Agriculture?. Journal of Farm Economics, 29, August 1947, p. 644-658.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Effects of Employment upon Factor Costs in Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 29, November 1947, p. 1122-1132.

SCHULTZ, T. W. What of our Foreign Trade Policy?. The Delphian Quarterly, 30, Autumn 1948, p. 5-8.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Stability of American Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 29, November 1947, p. 809-826.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food, Agriculture, and Trade. Journal of Farm Economics, 29, February 1947, p. 1-19.

SCHULTZ, T. W. House Hearings before the Committee on Agriculture. 80th Congress, 1st session, October 9-10 1947, p. 661-682.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Public Lands and National Economy. Symposium on the Public Lands, University of New Mexico, October 1947.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Economic Report. 80th Congress, 1st session, Part 1. Topic: Current Price Developments and the Problem of Economic Stabilization. Testimony, 1947, p. 322-335.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Challenge that comes with Full Production. In Proceedings, 3rd National Forum of Agriculture, Labor and Industry, University of Wyoming, July 28 1947.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Price and Trade Policies for Agriculture. In Northwest Farm Forum, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, March 6-7 1947.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Supporting Agricultural Prices by Concealed Dumping. Journal of Political Economy, 56, April 1948, p. 157-160.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Comment on Carl Kaysen and James H. Lorie, ´A Note on Professor Schultz´s Analysis of the Long Run Agricultural Problem´. Review of Economics and Statistics, 30, Nov. 1948, p. 295-296.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Great Plains Quest for Stability. In Towards Stability in the Great Plains Economy, Nebraska Bulletin, 399, p. 91-96.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Spot and Future Prices as Production Guides. American Economic Review, 39, May 1949, p. 135-149.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Price Policy. In Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 23, January 1949, p. 12-21.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Price Policy, Committee for Economic Development. Statement for hearings by President´s Council of Economic Advisors, February 17 1949.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Kline-Brannan Debate, in What Price Plenty?. Proceedings of the 12th Annual National Farm Institute, 1950, p. 94-99.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Effects of Trade and Industrial Output of Western Germany upon Agriculture. American Economic Review, 40, May 1950, p. 522-530.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reflections on Poverty within Agriculture. Journal of Political Economy, 43, February 1-15 1950.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Frame of Reference for Analyzing Income and Price Policies. In Educational and Methods Conference in Public Support, Chicago: The Farm Foundation, January 1950.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Theory of Policy Making Based on Regrets (and some observations on price policy research). In Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the New England Research Council on Marketing and Food Supply, April 7-8 1950.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Declining Economic Importance of Agricultural Land. Economic Journal, 61, December 1951, p. 725-740.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Farm Price Gyrations by Cochrane. Journal of Farm Economics, 33, November 1951, p. 540-544.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Efficiency: Its Meaning, Measurement and Application to Agricultural Problems. Journal of Farm Economics, 33, February 1951, p. 115-119.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Policy Lessons from the Economic Mobilization of the United States. Journal of Farm Economics, 31, November 1951, p. 613-620.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Framework for Land Economics-the Long View. Journal of Farm Economics, 33, May 1951, p. 204-215.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Redirecting Farm Policy. The Nation, Jan. 20 1951, p. 55-57.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Functioning of Feed Grains in the Economic Development of Agriculture in and about the Tennessee Valley, Materials used in preparing testimony for the Barge Grain Case for the Tennessee Walley Authority. Interstate Commerce Commission Report: American Barge Line Company et al. v. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company et al., Docket no. 30744, June 24 1952.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Supply of Food in Relation to Economic Development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1, December 1952, p. 244-249.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Comment on D. Gale Johnson´s Essay, Economics in Agriculture. In B.F. Haley, ed., A Survey of Contemporary Economics, vol. II. Homewood, Illinois: R.D. Irwin, 1952, p. 258-60.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Discussion of the Jesness and Waugh Papers. Journal of Farm Economics, 34, December 1952, p. 624-627.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Efficiency and Rural Welfare and Comment on Professor Karl Brandťs paper. Proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Economists, East Lansing, Michigan, August 1952.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Development of our Western Interior. Journal of Farm Economics, 35, December 1953, p. 707-713.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Report on TALA Project (Technical Assistance in Latin America) at the Washington Seminar on International Affairs, Washington, 1954.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Instatbility of Farm Prices Reconsidered. Journal of Farm Economics, 36, December 1954, p. 777-789.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Guide to Better Policy for Agriculture. Consumer Reports, 19, 4, March 1954.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Some Guiding Principles in Organizing Agricultural Economics Research. Journal of Farm Economics, 36, February 1954, p. 18-21.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Statement on Foreign Economic Policy of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report. 84th Congress, 1st Session, Nov. 17 1955, p. 577-584.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Statement on Agricultural Policy. Presented before the Joint Committee on Economic Report, U.S. Congress, Feb. 2 1955.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Contribution of the Economist to Programs of Technical Development. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 1955.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Policy Statement. New York, The Twentieth Century Fund, 1955.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Test in Latin America. Cornell University, Bulletin, 35, August 1956. Spanish translation 1960.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Role of the Government in Promoting Economic Growth. In Leonard D.White, ed., The State of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago Press, 1956, p. 372-383.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Latin American Economic Policy Lessons. American Economic Review, 46, May 1956, p. 425-432.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reflections on Agricultural Production, Output and Supply. Journal of Farm Economics, 38, August 1956, p. 746-762.

SCHULTZ, T. W. An Alternate Diagnosis of the Farm Problem. Journal of Farm Economics, 38, Dec. 1956, p. 1137-1152.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Lessons for Agricultural Economics from U.S.A. Experiences. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11, 1, 1956, p. 9-13.

SCHULTZ, T. W. University Contracts: Critical Appraisal of the Main Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program in University Projects Abroad, Washington D.C: American Council on Education, 1956.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture and the Application of Knowledge. In A Look to the Future. W.K. Kellogg Foundation, 1956.

SCHULTZ, T. W. U.S. Farm Problem in Relation to Growth and Development of U.S. Economy. In Policy for Commercial Agriculture, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Policy of the Joint Econ. Committee, Congress of the U.S., 85th Congress, 1st session, Nov. 22 1957, 3-14; December 16-20, p. 8-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Are We Solving our Farm Problem?. In Increasing Understanding of Public Problems and Policies, Chicago: Farm Foundation, 1957.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Output-Input Relationships Revisited. Journal of Farm Economics, 40, November 1958, p. 924-932.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Emerging Economic Scene and Its Relation to High-School Education. Francis S. Chase and Harold A. Anderson, eds. In The High School in a New Era, University of Chicago Press, 1958, p. 97-109.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Coping with Agricultural Abundance. Social Order, 8, October 1958, p. 368-375.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Human Wealth and Economic Growth. Address before the American Humanist Association meeting, Cleveland Ohio, 1958. In The Humanist, 19, 2, 1959, p. 71-81.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Foreign Economic Policy for What?. Saturday Review, January 17 1959, p. 33-37.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Policy for What?. Journal of Farm Economics, 41, 1959, p. 189-193.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Man: An Economisťs View. Social Service Review, 33, June 1959, p. 109-117.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A New Era for Agriculture in Economic Growth. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 14, 4, 1959, p. 37-43. Translated into Hebrew.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Land in Economic Growth. In H. Halcrew, ed., Modern Land Policy, University of Illinois, p. 17-39. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Omission of Variables, Weak Aggregates, and Fragmentation in Policy and Adjustment Studies. In Problem and Policies of American Agriculture. Iowa State University Press, 1959.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Capital Formation by Education. Journal of Political Economy, 68, December 1960, p. 571-583. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Value of U.S. Farm Surpluses to Underdeveloped Countries. Journal of Farm Economics, 42, December 1960, p. 1018-1030.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Human Capital. American Economic Review, 51, March 1961, p. 1-17. (Presidential address: Reprinted at least 20 times, and translated into Slovak, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian, French, Japanese).

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Human Capital: A Reply. American Economic Review, 51, December 1961, p. 1035-1039. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Policy to Redistribute Losses from Economic Progress. Journal of Farm Economics, 43, August 1961, p. 554-565. Translated into Portuguese.

SCHULTZ, T. W. U.S. Endeavors to Assist Low-Income Countries Improve Economic Capabilities of their People. Journal of Farm Economics, 43, December 1961, p. 1068-1078.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education and Economic Growth.  In N.B. Henry, ed., Social Forces Influencing American Education, Chicago: National Society for Study of Educ., Yearbook, 60, 2, 1961, p. 46-88.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Policy Research for Agriculture. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 9, 2, 1961, p. 94-106.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Prospects of Primary Products. In H.S. Ellis, ed., in Economic Development for Latin America. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.; New York: St. Martin´s Press, 1961, p. 308-341.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Connections between Natural Reresources and Economic Growth. In J.J. Spengler, ed., Natural Reresources and Economic Growth. Washington: Reresources for the Future, 1961, p. 1-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Tobin´s National Goals and Economic Policy. In Farm Policy Review Conference, North Carolina State College, November 1961.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Human Capital: Growing Asset, Saturday Review, January 21 1961, p. 37-39.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reflections on Investment in Man. Journal of Political Economy, LXX, no. 5, Part 2, October 1962, p. 1-8.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Science and Agriculture. Report of Presidenťs Science Advisory Committee (joint author).

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Human Capital in Poor Countries. In Paul D. Zook, ed., Foreign Trade and Human Capital, Southern Methodist University Press, 1962, p. 3-15.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education as a Source of Economic Growth. For the Conference on Education and Economic And Social Development in Latin America, under UNESCO sponsorship, Santiago, Chile, 1962. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education and Values Conducive to Economic Goals. Agricultural Policy Review, 2, 4, 1962, p. 4-6.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Rise in the Capital Stock Represented by Education in the United States between 1900 to 1957. In Selma G. Mushkin, ed., The Economics of Higher Education and Welfare, Washington: Office of Education, 1962, p. 93-101.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education, Economic Goals and the South. In North Carolina State College and the Southern Regional Education Board, Educational Needs for Economic Development of the South, October 1962.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Impact of Science and Technology. A statement for the Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations titled Highlights of Science in the United States, House of Representatives, Eighty-seventh Congress, 2nd session, February 27 1962, p. 144-154.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Summary of address at the National Conference for Support of the Public Schools, Washington D.C., April 8 1963. In Conference report, 1963, p. 11-17 and 19-20.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Discussion: Student Loan Programs. Harvard Educational Review, 33, 1963, p. 369-370.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investing in Farm People. Given before the 25th National Farm Institute, Des Moines, Iowa, 1963. Condensed and printed as „Leťs Invest in People-Not Land“, Successful Farming, 61, 6, July 1963, p. 33.

SCHULTZ, T. W. National Security, Economic Growth, Individual Freedom and Agricultural Policy. In Our Rural Problems in their Natural Setting. Iowa State University: CAEA Report, 16, 1963.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Underinvestment in the Quality of Schooling: The Rural Farm Areas. In Increasing Understanding of Public Problems and Policites, 1964. Chicago: Farm Foundation, 1964, p. 12-34.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Some Economic Issues in Improving the Quality in Education, In A Financial Program for Today´s Schools, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on School Finance, Washington: National Education Association, 1964, p. 32-27.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Our Welfare State and the Welfare of Farm People. The Social Service Review, 38, June 1964, p. 123-129.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Growth from Traditional Agriculture. In Agricultural Sciences for the Developing Nations, Publication no. 76 of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Washington D.C., 1964, p. 185-205.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Changing Relevance of Agricultural Economics. Journal of Farm Economics, 46, December 1964, p. 1004-1014.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Family Planning. Proceedings of the White House Conference on Health, Washington D.C., 1965, p. 546-548.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Comment on Jack Wiseman´s Cost-Benefit Analysis in Education. In James W. McKie, ed., Education and the Southern Economy, supplement of the Southern Economic Journal, 32, 1, Part 2, July 1965, p. 13-14.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investing in Poor People: An Economisťs view. American Economic Review, 40, May 1965, p. 510-520.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Colleges of Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 47, February 1965, p. 17-22.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Basis for a New Agricultural Policy Consensus. In Our Stake in Commercial Agriculture, Rural Poverty and World Trade, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Farm Policy Review Conference, Washington D.C., 1965.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Public Approaches to Minimize Poverty. In Leo Fishman, ed., Poverty amid Affluence, Yale University Press, 1966, p. 165-181.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Urban Development and Policy Implications for Agriculture. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 15, 1966, p. 1-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Increasing World Food Supplies: The Economic Requirements. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 56, 1966, p. 322-327.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food for the World: Policy Choices. Presented at hearings before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, and published in the hearings report, World War on Hunger, 89th Cong., 2nd Session, Feb. 14-18 1966, Serial W, Part I, p. 156-172.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Opportunities in the World of Agriculture. In Record of Proceedings of the Global Meeting of the Resident Representatives of the United Nations Development Program, 1966.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Transforming Traditional Agriculture: Reply. Journal of Farm Economics, 48, 4, Part I, 1966, p. 1015-1018.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Development: The Necessary Conditions. Agricultural Policy Review, 6, 4, 1966, p. 6-7.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Poor People. Seminar on Manpower Policy and Program, U.S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, February 1967.

SCHULTZ, T. W. U.S. Mal-investments in Food for the World. In Alternatives for Balancing Future World Food Production and Needs. Ames; Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Development, 1967, p. 224-242.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Significance of India´s 1918-1919 Losses of Agricultural Labour-A Reply. Economic Journal, 77, March 1967, p. 161-163.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education and Research in Rural Development in Latin America. In K.L. Turk and L.V. Crowder, eds., Rural Development in Tropical Latin America, Ithaca: Cornell University, 1967, p. 391-402.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Latifundia Puzzle of Professor Schultz: Reply. Journal of Farm Economics, 49, May 1967, p. 511-514.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Comment on John W. Mellor, Toward a Theory of Agricultural Development. In Agricultural Development and Economic Growth. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1967, p. 61-65.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Efficient Allocation of Brains in Modernizing World Agriculture. Journal of Farm Economics, 49, December 1967, p. 1071-1082.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Growth Theory and Profit in Latin American Farming. In Agricultural Development in Latin America: The Next Decade. Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, 1967, p. 169-188. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Missing Link in Growth Theory. Paper presented in Tokyo, at the symposium on Japan´s Experience with Respect to Agricultural and Economic Development, July 3-7 1967. Printed in Schultz Economic Growth and Agriculture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968, p. 293-298.

SCHULTZ, T. W. National Employment, Skills, and Earnings of Farm Labor. In C.E. Bishop, ed., Farm Labor in the United states, Columbia University Press, 1967, p. 53-69.

SCHULTZ, T. W. An Endeavor to Clarify the Economic Components Underlying Chilean Agriculture. In Agricultural Development in Latin America: The Next Decade. Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Aprill 1967. Translated into Spanish.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Rate of Return in Allocating Investment Reresources to Education. Journal of Human Reresources, 2, Summer 1967, p. 293-309.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food for the World: Economic Implications and Opportunities. In Proceedings of the Ninth Agricultural Industries Forum, University of Illinois, 1967, p. 1-14.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reresource Allocation in Traditional Agriculture: Reply. Journal of Farm Economics, 49, November 1967, p. 933-935.

SCHULTZ, T. W. On the Economic Importance of Land: Reply. Journal of Farm Economics, 49, August 1967, p. 735-736. Translated into Japanese.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Institutions and the Rising Economic Value of Man. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 50, December 1968, p. 1113-1122.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Human Capital. International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 1968.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reresources for Higher Education: An Economisťs View. Journal of Political Economy, 76, May/June 1968, p. 327-347.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Production Opportunities in Asian Agriculture: An Economisťs Agenda. In Development and Change in Traditional Agriculture: Focus on South Asia, Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1968, p. 1-8.

SCHULTZ, T. W. World Agriculture in Relation to Population, Science. Economic Disequilibrium and Income Inequality: Reflections and Unsettled Questions“, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 1969, p. 130-140.

SCHULTZ, T. W. New Evidence on Farmer Responses to Economic Opportunities from the Early Agrarian History of Western Europe. In Clifton R. Wharton, ed., Subsistence Agriculture and Economic Development, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1969, p. 105-110.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agricultural Modernization Altering World Food and Feed Grain Competition. In International Conference on Mechanized Dryland Farming John Deere & Company, 1970, p. 297-306.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Reflections on the Economy of the ´Middle North published as Some Economic Aspects of the Northland. In E. Laurence and D. Smith, eds., Canadian Economic Problems and Policy, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970, p. 352-358.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Human Capital Approach to Education. Chapter 2 of R.L. Johns et al., eds., Economic Factors Affecting the Financing of Education in the Decade Ahead, National Educational Finance Project, 1970.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Reckoning of Education as Human Capital. In W. Lee Hansen, ed., Education, Income, and Human Capital. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970, p. 297-306.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Discussion of Extent of Gaps between Plans and Realization. In Earl O. Heady, ed., Economic Models and Quantitative Methods for Decisions and Planning in Agriculture. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1971, p. 479-481.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Possibilities for Improving Rural Living: An Economisťs View. In The Quality of Rural Living: Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1971, p. 64-70.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Food Supply-Population Growth Quandry. In Rapid Population Growth: Consequences and Policy Implications, National Academy of Science, Johns Hopkins Press, 1971, p. 245-272.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Education and Productivity. Prepared for the National Commission on Productivity, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1971, p. 1-10.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Production Opportunities in Asian Agriculture. In W. Johnson, ed., Readings in Economic Development. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1971.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Education (Brademas-Hansen) Committee. Testimony, June 14 1971.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Optimal Investment in College Instruction: Equitey and Efficiency. Journal of Political Economy, 80, 3, Part II, May/June 1972, p. S2-S30.

SCHULTZ, T. W.Knowledge, Agriculture and Welfare. Proceedings: Twenty-First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. London: Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1972, p. 343-353.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Role of Pugwash in Development: An Economisťs View. Proceedings: Twenty-First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. London: Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1972, p. 353-355.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Woman´s New Economic Commandment. In Families of the Future, Iowa State University Press, 1972, p. 79-88.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Ecosystem Doom. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, 28, 1972, p. 12-17.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Increasing Economic Value of Human Time. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54, December 1972, p. 843-850.

SCHULTZ, T. W. A Guide to Investors in Education With Special Reference to Developing Countries. Bellagio Papers, vol. I, Rockefeller Foundation/Ford Foundation, 1972, p. 82-93.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Value of Children: An Economic Perspective, Journal of Political Economy, 81, 2, Part II, March/April 1973, p. S2-S13.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Education of Farm People: An Economic Perspective. In 1973/74 World Year Book of Education. London: Evans Brothers, Ltd., 1973, p. 50-68.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Frank Knight as a Colleague. Journal of Political Economy, vol. 81, no. 3, May/June 1973, p. 516-517.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The High Value of Human Time: Population Equilibrium. Journal of Political Economy, 82, 2, Part II, March/April 1974, p. S2-S10.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Is Modern Agriculture Consistent with a Stable Environment?. In The Future of Agriculture: Technology, Policies and Adjustment, Fifteenth International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 1974, p. 235-242.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Alternatives Before Us in Agricultural Development: An Economisťs View. In Proceedings, edited by R.G. Anderson, For the Wheat, Triticale and Barley Seminar, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, El Batan, Mexico, August 1974, p. 64-68.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Conflicts Over Changes in Scarcity: An Economic Approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, December 1974, p. 998-1004.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investments in Ourselves: Opportunities and Implications. In Myron H. Ross, ed., The Economics of Education, University of Michigan, 1974, p. 63-70.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Agriculture in an Unstable Economy-Revisited. Journal of the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council, 3, October 1974, p. 1-9.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Value of the Ability to Deal with Disequilibria. Journal of Economic Literature, 13, 3, 1975, p. 827-846.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Food Alternatives Before Us: An Economic Perspective. In Faculty Institute Teachers´ Workbook, Earth 2020: San Francisco, 1975.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Knowledge, Agriculture and Welfare. In Eugene and Vivian Ravinowitch, ed., Views of Science, Technology and Development. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Ltd., 1975, p. 253-260.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Politics and Economics of Beef. For the Bank of Mexico Conference on Livestock Production in the Tropics, 1976, published in the Proceedings of the seminar, p. 63-72.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economic Conditions for Agricultural Modernization. For the Bank of Mexico Conference on Livestock Prooduction in the Tropics, 1976, published in the Proceedings of the seminar, p. 83-95.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Uneven Prospects for Gains from Agricultural Research Related to Economic Policy. In Thomas M. Arndt, Dana G. Dalrymple and Vernon Ruttan, eds., Reresource Allocation and Productivity in National and International Agricultural Research, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, p. 578-89.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economics, Farm People and the Political Economy. Contemporary Issues in Agricultural and Economic Development of Developing Nations, Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau, 1977, p. 254-268.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Hungary, Crowded, Competitive World. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, 33, October 1977, p. 254-268.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Economic Value of Human Time Over Time. Lectures in Agricultural Economics, Bicentennial Year Lectures, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1977, p. 1-24.

SCHULTZ, T. W. On Economic History in Extending Economics. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 25, 1977, p. 245-253.

SCHULTZ, T. W. On the Economics of the Increases in the Value of Time over Time. Fifth World Congres of the International Economic Association, Tokyo, 1977.

SCHULTZ, T. W. Investment in Population Quality throughout Low-Income Countries. In Philip M. Hauser, ed., World Population and Development: Challenges and Prospects, Syracuse University Press, 1979, p. 339-360.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economics of Research and Agricultural Productivity. Economics and Agricultural Research, 1980, in honor of Geoffrey Shepherd.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Value of Higher Education in Low-Income Countries: an Economisťs View. For International Institute of Educational planning, Paris.

SCHULTZ, T. W. The Economics of Research and Agricultural Productivity. International Agricultural Development Service, Occasional Paper, 1979. Translated into Spanish.

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Theodore William Schultz